28 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. I don’t think she does see the problem. She has “earned” it you see. She “deserves” to treat herself this way because she has built up her personal carbon credit by being such a Good Person(tm) and piling up so much “virtue” that she can literally do no wrong in her own mind. Studies have shown radical environmentalists litter the most.

  2. What do you get when you cross hypocrisy with entitlement?

    A professional climate activist.

  3. (run…run…run…run….dive…reach out with both hands in flight and grasp on)

    The above is the correct and approved procedure to latch onto another trend. What will it be? What could it possibly be? It must be world ending, man’s fault, and provide the opportunity to pontificate/scold without consideration for facts, ignorance and authority.

    In today’s world, that could be most anything. The focus isn’t important…only the ability to shape lives in its name.

    1. “…It must be world ending, man’s fault, and provide…” an opportunity for the government to create new taxes.

    1. The climate activists I saw in Inuvik last summer only had Escalades. They couldn’t tell me what the proper temperature should be.

  4. Here…I fixed it for you:
    “CNBC has dismantled its climate desk because all of its staff is dedicated to covering climate change.”

    1. I KNOW……..I just LAUGHED at this goof…………poor thing….you would think at her age she would know better BUT………..just can’t FIX STUPID……….

    2. As soon as you see the wacko glasses, you know there is a load of crazy behind them. “Finding my truth” indeed!

  5. Good luck “wandering” the streets of Istanbul. Chance are that with your special look, it’s not “your truth” that you will find.

    1. A girl friend of ours went to a fashion conference in Istanbul. A few blocks from her hotel the cab driver dropped her off claiming he couldn’t get any closer due to the demonstrations. I believe it was LGBTQ month and the locals weren’t happy at that type of celebration. This put her in a quandary as most of her contacts were gay men and she was headed to a fashion show. Not to mention having to carry all her luggage from cab to hotel. She is not the type of person who deserves bad luck but it follows her around. I’ve been to Istanbul and Ankara a few times each and I’ve always found Turks to be very friendly toward Christians. But don’t mention gay. Even the tolerant ones bristle. Which makes me wonder whose idea it was to hold a fashion conference (packed with gay men) in Istanbul. May I show you to your table … on the sixth floor “terrace”.

      1. All people are naturally repelled by homosexuality, including faggots who are generally self-loathing.

        It takes a long period of propaganda and indoctrination to chip away at the natural morality of humanity. And that is what has largely been accomplished by the decades of propaganda in the West. Although they convinced virtually no one in the first generation (with the exception of the usual suspects on the left), their children weren’t as fortunate.

        Turkey is simply closer to how people are naturally prior to being perverted to seeing evil as good.

      2. There are still Christians in Turkey; not Istanbul because they were all slaughtered or taken into slavery. We owe them one. In fact, many in Turkey are still ethnically the previous inhabitants.

  6. The Dear Leader and his radical environmentalist side kick (Hans Gruber Guilbeault) continue to hand out taxpayer money to those who will amplify climate change propaganda. This is one of their most recent initiatives:

    “Today, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced that the Government of Canada will invest $12.5 million from the Environmental Damages Fund’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund in an innovative partnership with the philanthropic community to help grow environmental literacy across Canada. The funding will support projects that will increase the scientific knowledge and environmental literacy of young Canadians, their educators, and families, as part of the long-term solutions to tackle climate change. A portion of the funding will be dedicated to Indigenous-led initiatives. ”


    1. The funding will support projects that will increase the green propaganda.

      This is a misuse of Canadian tax payers’ money.

  7. Reminds me of the “Just Stop Oil” vandal who asked the judge to postpone her trial because she was flying to India that day.

    Cognitive dissonance.

  8. What do you get when you cross hypocrisy with entitlement?

    Someone who dates a pediatric surgeon.

  9. @CatClifford:

    I know how sensitive you are the plight of native peoples. So, it’s not ‘Istanbul.’ That name was imposed by those who violently stole this land from the native Christians, who had lived there for 1,500 years.
