12 Replies to “Seen Recently in Nashville”

    1. Stop it? They’ve been sending priests to jail for at least 30 to 40 years. A priest from where I live was sent to jail for kiddy diddling about 30 years ago and he wasn’t the first I heard of. It seems they are doing something about it.

    2. There’s a few differences between church and school. The church is usually extremely open to parents being involved with their children. Schools want to lock the parents out. School is required by the government. It is not easy to opt out of. No one is required to go to church. Everyone is mortified of a minister or priest is caught grooming a child. At school it is considered part of the curriculum. Anyone who screams what about the churches is bringing up a false flag. We are all appalled when this happens at a church but are supposed to accept it at school as educators supposedly know better then the parents what is right for our children.

    3. Last I checked … churches aren’t in the streets protesting for the “right” to groom children … for the “good” of their own mental health. Protesting for the right to diddle and mutilate the biology of innocent children.

      Good thing NME-GYM isn’t the one off-topic

  1. Not sure if it’s still a deal but union members used to be able to divert union dues away from the union to a registered charity.
    Defund the union groomers.

    1. Last union dues I was forced to pay went
      Five cents of every dollar to the United Way, 50 cents to Democrat politicians, 40 cents to line the pockets of union officials, 5 cents for giant inflatable rat sculptures.

  2. The balloons don’t really communicate the evil. I would have gone with a montage of Biden feeling up little girls.
