I’ll Eat The Still-Twitching Bodies Of Their First Born Before I Eat Lab-Grown Meat

Daily Sceptic;

Earlier this year, the Grocery Gazette reported that the UK was set to be a world-leading developer of lab-grown meat. In the recent past, Guardian climate hysteric George Monbiot claimed lab-grown food “will soon destroy farming – and save the planet”. Alas, such boosterism is being challenged by hard facts. Lab-grown meat is up to 25 times worse for the environment since it needs ‘pharmaceutical-grade’ production to make it fit for human consumption. In particular, there is a need to remove endotoxin from the cultured mix, a substance that in concentrations as low as one billionth of a gram per millilitrie can reduce human IVF pregnancy success rate by up to four fold.

These are the startling conclusions of ground-breaking work recently published by a group of chemists and food scientists from the University of California. It turns out that ‘pharma to food’ production is a significant technological challenge. The major problem with lab meat is that it uses growth organisms that have to be highly purified to help animal cells multiply. Compared with environmental savings on land, water and greenhouses gases, the whole bio-process is noted to be “orders of magnitude” higher than rearing the actual animal.

The promoters never really explain how they plan to feed the “meat”.

The cells will start to divide after they are cultured in an appropriate culture medium, which will provide nutrients, hormones and growth factors. The best medium is known to contain fetal bovine serum (FBS), a serum made from the blood of a dead calf, which is going to be rate-limiting, and not acceptable for vegetarians nor vegans. More than one trillion cells can be grown, and these cells naturally merge to form myotubes which are no longer than 0.3 mm; the myotubes are then placed in a ring growing into a small piece of muscle tissue…

They want you to assume that petri dish proteins just grow on their own like magic.

18 Replies to “I’ll Eat The Still-Twitching Bodies Of Their First Born Before I Eat Lab-Grown Meat”

  1. God did a better design because he looked at the whole system, not just a small piece. And as King David put it, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”.

  2. I was recently in a restaurant which served what I suspected to be lab-grown meat. Though it was either a black or a golden lab.

  3. I have a better idea.

    I have bred an animal that is adept at growing realistic animal protein within it’s body that can then be consumed. You’ll never be able to tell the difference between this protein and actual meat.

    If we raise enough of these animals, we’ll be able to feed everyone.

    1. Somebody already thought of this:

      The Schmoo – by Al Capp

      A shmoo is shaped like a plump bowling pin with stubby legs. It has smooth skin, eyebrows, and sparse whiskers—but no arms, nose, or ears. Its feet are short and round, but dexterous, as the shmoo’s comic book adventures make clear. It has a rich gamut of facial expressions and often expresses love by exuding hearts over its head. Cartoonist Al Capp ascribed to the shmoo the following curious characteristics:

      They reproduce asexually and are incredibly prolific, multiplying faster than rabbits. They require no sustenance other than air.

      Shmoos are delicious to eat, and are eager to be eaten. If a human looks at one hungrily, it will happily immolate itself—either by jumping into a frying pan, after which they taste like chicken, or under a grill, after which they taste like steak. When roasted they taste like pork, and when baked they taste like catfish. Raw, they taste like oysters on the half-shell.

      They also produce eggs (neatly packaged), milk (bottled, grade-A), and butter—no churning required. Their pelts make perfect bootleather or house timbers, depending on how thick one slices them.

      They have no bones, so there’s absolutely no waste. Their eyes make the best suspender buttons, and their whiskers make perfect toothpicks. In short, they are simply the perfect ideal of a subsistence agricultural herd animal.

  4. The Blob.
    It consumes everything.
    Just help yourself to a few slices as it rolls by.
    When a group announces their passionate hatred for you and all you love..
    Believe them.

  5. Wouldn’t it be great if Bill Gates lost his fortune over this. He’s heavy into farm land purchasing, but not using them to grow food or animals, but is heavy into lab grown meat, but I bet he only eats farm grown meat, and he’s heavy into vax production and pushing yet I would bet he and other industry and world leaders only get the saline injection. Hell, even Thedros of the WHO admitted he had not had the vax, but is pushing for worldwide medical control. All of em are trying to take over the world because they believe the really are masters of the universe. They and all this lab and bug crap are all interconnected to the one world order, all under the machinations of the evil WEF.

    The dots really are connected if take the time to look!

    Oh, and no, I won’t be holding my breath for Gates to go broke.

  6. These are the startling conclusions…

    Startling only to brain-dead [spit] Progs.

  7. You wont be able to eat tbe still twitching bodies of their first born. These same people abort them.

  8. Not sure about the first born scenario but I’d certainly eat the partially paralyzed and still twitching bodies of the gophers and ground squirrels my cats gift us before I’d even consider cooking up the crap lab “meat”. Luckily hunting provides the bulk of our red meat consumption. If someone in the family took up archery they could step outside the house and harvest the deer that eat my fruit trees, berries and flowers.

    You’d really have to hate yourself and your family to serve them whatever is being brewed up in these labs. I assume with CRISPr technology they could splice in all kinds of genes, for experimental purposes. I can’t imagine the QA/QC will be considered important because it’s for “the greater good”. Breaking eggs to make omelettes etc.

  9. “The promoters never really explain how they plan to feed the “meat”. They want you to assume that petri dish proteins just grow on their own like magic.”

    Foreskins. From Israel.


  10. “In particular, there is a need to remove endotoxin from the cultured mix, a substance that in concentrations as low as one billionth of a gram per millilitrie can reduce human IVF pregnancy success rate by up to four fold.”

    They think of it as a feature, not a bug.
