I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

One of the most notorious privacy-breaching tech companies in operation, Clearview AI, has, according to its CEO, scraped 30 billion social media photos, packaged and curated them, and passed them along to the surveillance state authorities to do with what they will…

30 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. Ahh, more Canadian Conservative fake BS.
    A bunch of little pussy-willow buttercups scared of lawn darts and cigarette vending machines now feigning outrage against the products they bought, because they are now too stupid to even check what it is they bought into. Caveat Emptor must be hate speech in this benighted hellscape that Canadian Conservatives have helped to bring about, what with their fear of drugs, guns and motorbikes.
    Liberals are the enemy of freedom. Conservatives are the traitors to freedom. Bunch of little Karens, screeching about the children that they, and you, prefer to suffocate in bubble-wrap, because “My Precious!”, the lot of you wouldn’t add up to a wart on a real man’s butt, and you aholes are proud of this fact.

    1. Dear YouSuck … (and you do)

      You are completely misinformed and you are being mislead. And you sound obsessed with what you think you know. Perhaps one day, you will achieve adulthood and experience embarrassment.

      1. If achieving adulthood means becoming like you, scared of fun, scared of risk, well then, call me a child.

          1. Most women aren’t scared of lawn darts. It takes a special kind of ahole, with special pronouns to ban them things, along with clackers.
            Those aholes would cut down every tree because their kid fell from one.
            The safety people are the biggest threat to freedom ever, they must be destroyed, for the good of humanity.

  2. I’m not sure where the privacy breach is? If you have photos that are available to everyone on social media, there is no privacy expectation.

    There are settings you can use that makes your profile private. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all have this setting.

    1. Or better yet, stay off social media altogether! I have, and not only do I not regret it, I am ever so grateful that I didn’t fall into that trap.

    2. Over/under on the scraping including stuff that is set to “friends only” or “private”?

    1. Yes, you authoritarians will bury us, for the children, no less.
      Bunch of Karen cowards.

  3. They can search and scrape all they want. I’m in no social media images. Heck, I’m not even in my H.S. yearbook.

    **sigh** Every kid and their brother are on surveillance camera storage media nowadays. It’s time to start circumventing that. There are ways.

  4. The PROOF of the effectiveness of SDA is the level of troll-dumb it draws. Do not feed the trolls. Their own rot and idiocy will consume them if they are even REAL

  5. I’m not sure where “YouSuck” came from, but “troll” doesn’t even begin to describe his childish behavior.

    Don’t feed the trolls.

  6. Look at all the triggered aholes.
    Too scared to look into a mirror to see themselves for the cowardly enablers of tyranny that they are.

  7. …a bunch of little pussies afraid of lawn darts, who think they are tough by calling me a troll.
    Yes, this is Canada now, I hope you all are proud of yourselves, especially for what you have done to your sons.

    1. …probably because they jumped bikes and played with guns and explosives when they were kids, unlike the barbie-doll generation that you people think qualify as men. Don’t be surprised when Islam takes over, pussy-willow.

  8. Gotta love all the name-calling, but no-one refutes my facts. Just goes to show, a bunch of pussies who can’t even use logic.
    You people wonder why Canada is screwed, meanwhile, you are the very people screwing it with your safety BS, and now you all like to pretend to be offended by someone who calls you out on your BS.
    The lot of you don’t have a ball between you, as is evidenced by attacking me, but not my ideas.
    You buttercups couldn’t fight you’re way out of a wet paper bag.

  9. Well, Kate, it seems that your readership does indeed welcome their self-driving overlords, bunch of little pussies that they are, scared to drive for themselves.

  10. The so-called “Canadians” here seem to think its only right for troopers to stop folk on the road and demand their papers.
    Not only are you a bunch of pussies, but you are apologists for tyranny.
    You make me sick.

  11. I don’t call people names. Note that I’m not replying to “YouSuck” directly, but instead, I am addressing the participants of this forum: I referred to “YouSuck” as a class “A” troll, because of his behavior, and as you can all see, he keeps proving my point over and over again.

    I refer to him as a troll, precisely because he fits the textbook definition of troll-like behavior.

    I wouldn’t give any credence to his arguments, or it’s “facts.” It’s just not worth the time arguing with a troll.

    Nothing personal. I just call ’em as I see ’em. “YouSuck” can accuse me of name calling all he wants, but that isn’t exactly what is happening here. “YouSuck” is a troll. That’s it. Point-finale. Period. QED.

    1. “Gotta love all the name-calling, but no-one refutes my facts. Just goes to show, a bunch of pussies who can’t even use logic.”
      That one sentence screams “cognitive dissonance,” and fits right in with my judgement of “YouSuck’s” Troll-like behavior.

      (That one comment eludes to people calling “YouSuck” names, while totally oblivious to the fact that “YouSuck” calls everyone else “pussies who can’t even use logic.”)

    2. Just say I hurt your feelings, there, ratfink, you’ll get more sympathy.
      You can call it as you see it, and its fine, but if I do, it’s trolling.
      You are about as solid as a soup sandwich.
      Its OK when you say specific things about me, but when I make the most generalized of comments, you call me a troll, just because I say things that you are unable to refute without resorting to argument ad-hominem. QED.
      It is you that is the troll.

    3. “I don’t call people names.”
      “YS is a troll.”
      Un effin real.
      I do call people names, and you are a freakin’ idiot, a liar, and no doubt a rat, if your behavior here is any indicator.
      Of course, you can now claim some sort of moral superiority by claiming not to call people names, just like the rest of you Dylan Mulvaney types, ahole.
