A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars … from lithium

Here’s why Pipeline Online has been doing such a deep dive into lithium in Saskatchewan. If current lithium prices hold, the standard-sized lithium project (of which there are several) planned for Saskatchewan will result in just under a billion dollars (CAD) per year in revenue. That’s right – per year, each. If they can get direct lithium extraction to work, we’re talking about a multi-billion industry in this province in a few years time

14 Replies to “A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars … from lithium”

    1. Precisely. Nothing will make them smile more than billions of $$$ added to the equalization formula.

    2. Murray the hun -Why is it, on God’s green earth , exactly my first thought upon reading the headline?

    3. I guess AB and SK may as well stop all economic activity, because Quebec.
      Maybe if you do that, you can get some of them sweet, sweet gibsmedats from Quebec, for a change.

  1. Remember that this is a boom (the car batteries) mostly created by government subsidy. The time will come when it collapses.

  2. Look at all the fighters protecting Gaea from the evil miners!

    …just say “lithium” and watch all the people on the right chime in with their 2-minutes hate like the trained seals they are.

    1. Only the wealthy will have electric vehicles. Why do you want to subsidize the wealthy’s “green” EVs? The rest will be riding the bus.

      1. I’m dirt poor, and I have an EV, an e-bike, to be precise.
        Also, lithium batteries are used in watches, phones, tablets, for the RTC batteries in computers, cordless tools, the list is endless.
        If you think that mining a commodity that is used world-wide for all kinds of things is a bad idea, you are part of the problem: You have not been informed, you have been propagandized.

  3. Here’s the question, and it’s an honest question: Does anyone seriously think this particular federal government isn’t already dreaming up a Ban Hammer for the Saskatchewan lithium industry?
