Let Them Eat Taser

Another study confirming what nearly everyone observed in the laboratory of real life.

The wearing of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses had almost no effect at the societal level, according to a rigorous new review of the available research.

“Interestingly, 12 trials in the review, ten in the community and two among healthcare workers, found that wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to influenza-like or COVID-19-like illness transmission,” writes Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist and co-author of the Cochrane Library’s new report on masking trials. “Equally, the review found that masks had no effect on laboratory-confirmed influenza or SARS-CoV-2 outcomes. Five other trials showed no difference between one type of mask over another.”

That finding is significant, given how comprehensive Cochrane’s review was.

17 Replies to “Let Them Eat Taser”

  1. Just proves the point about leftists:

    They see something happen in real life, and wonder why as it shouldn’t work in theory.

    See: inflation the result of governments borrowing and “spending” trillions of dollars…

  2. “probably makes little or no difference to influenza-like or COVID-19-like illness transmission”

    So. Where. Did. The. 2020. Flu. Season. Go?? For at least the thousandth time.

      1. Red pOP

        AND THAT my friend is the gist of the entire 3 yrs of complete Brainwashing psyop BS.
        Flu – Colds are ALL Corona Viruses….the issue was that NOT ONE Human on the planet knew that…nobody.

        So along comes the Tedros from the WHO SCREAMING PANDEMIC…over what again..??
        (A freaking severe cold. NOTHIN MORE.)
        And immediately the worlds population flys at Hypersonic speed headlong into a knowledge COMA & loses their collective shit cause the Terrorist running the WHO said so. UNREAL

        Prior to 2019: Quarantine was fully known and fully understood to be utterly useless for respiratory ailments.
        Prior to 2019: Surgical masks were just that – meant for surgeons and their companions in the surgical suite to PREVENT droplets from spewing out.
        Both those got turned on their heads, info scrubbed from the Web and BAMN..we got lockdowns and mask mandates.

        Then came the Health mouthpieces from around the world stating that HCL/Ivermectin were not only useless but VERBOTTEN…yet the killer remdesivir was promoted relentlesly and used relentlessly in US Hospitals. One wonders if the mass of death certificates will ever be changed to “MURDERED BY intubation & Remdesivir”…. all for 30 thousand dollars per.

        All of the above meant to funnel the entire planets population into accepting the soon to be Govt sponsored “final solution”, the miracle wonder potion vax that would cure all.

        Now if by that time you hadn’t seen the writing on the wall…you weren’t listening.
        Personally, I smelled BS after the Diamond Princess/CVN71 episodes.

        Planned long ago – perennially telegraphed yet no one seems to have taken any notice. Guys like that POS Gates saying we all needed to be chipped, Daszak saying we needed a Pan Corona Virus Vax, all for investors to make bank….and in the Background from the Grave you could still hear Maurice Strong spewing his BS about overpopulation.

        A world where folks were literally plugged into their iPhones – and so out of touch with reality…it was easy FTPTB to do what they did. Is the world waking up to “died Suddenly”…?? I’m not so sure and thinking most might be filling their shorts and utterly terrified of coming to grips with what they put into their bodies.

        Glad I saw the writing on the wall – never got the PCR “test” and no needle in my arm.
        I will say this, I have no intention of visiting a Hospital or Doctor for my remaining years….
        I TRUST NO ONE in Authority.
        To me, they are 100% Murdering NAZI Filth.

  3. But they do stop you from speaking “moistly.” Anyone who has worked in an industrial environment knew it was only for show . Especially when an old sock was made into a mask. Now for the study of the negative effects of wearing that old sock all day or when they may not have been washed for days. Any correlation between them and children being constantly ill to the point of overloading hospitals? Hmm- of course not – nothing to see – move on.

  4. A similar thing happened during the Spanish flu epidemic (which could be renamed as the Chinese flu epidemic as it originally came from China, but I digress …).

    People covered their faces with cloths and masks but it did not stop transmission.

    One could conclude that panicked people did not know better.

    We do not have that excuse.

  5. You will have more success swatting mosquitoes with a tennis racquet than you will stopping viruses with a face diaper.

  6. “But..But . Peer Reviewed!
    We need to ask certain questions,with the jumper cables already attached..
    Are yea stupid or evil?
    Oopes sorry..here ,let me wet you down some more..
    What fascinated me,was the total abandonment of every thing we had learn form past pandemics and previous bad flu seasons..
    All those “Emergency Response Plans and Personnel,just cast aside..
    Proven treatments ignored and condemned without trial.

    Replaced with “Chief Bureaucrat” of the moment,professing to be “The Government Expert”.
    Thou shalt respect my authority!

    What do you mean?No?

    Get your Government Goo…You must take it,for it is double plus good for you..
    Cause I ,supreme authority,say so.

    And now?
    “Well at least they,all them vaccine killed and injured,did not die of Covid..
    We saved them.”

    And yes, anyone with industrial airborne hazard experience was going WTF?
    When a knitted face covering was going to protect grandma..
    And anyone with half a brain and basic maths skills too..
    Oh right…Public Education..Has worked so good.

    The final crossing of our ignorant and arrogant parasites was “We will ‘help you’ when you refuse that help.Your consent is irrelevant.resistance is useless.
    You must get the Jonestown Jab..

    And look just how crazy the parasites,elected and permanent, went when the Truckers said”No”.

    They went completely insane,talking of tanks ,using the army,then declared a Police State…
    Freezing citizens bank accounts,arresting without cause and threatening worse..

    “how dare you disobey me?”
    I am your supreme leader..
    Wood Chippers alround.

    For there is no “normal” to return to.
    So sad.Too bad.
    Having taken off their masks,our helpers have no way to retreat and no where to run to..

    I have some good news for all of them.
    An axe will set you free.

  7. Having spent over 30 years in the grain industry, I knew all along that N-95 masks, specifically, deny that they have any ability to protect against a virus. What chance did a piece of cloth have?

  8. It is not “probably does not make a difference”, IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE WHAT SO EVER. Masks are dangerous.

  9. Oh yes it did,it revealed a society of cowards and compliers.
    And so many instant narcs and Nasties.
    ‘The wearing of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses had almost no effect at the societal level, according to a rigorous new review of the available research.”
    Is not the same as saying those masks are useless to stop the transmission of Covid-19.

    At the societal level.
    The mask mandates and the revealed utter incompetence and arrogance of our bureaucrats,has damaged society probably beyond repair.
    Are you going to trust the Mandators for anything?
    They imposed,using force,a poison.
    You have no rights and no freedoms ,other than those these same authoritarian Nitwits PERMIT you.
    Your “No”,is not acceptable to those who believe they know best.
    You have no say over your own body?
    Will you ever look at the most gullible of your friends and family the same way again?

    Wear the symbol of obedience.
    For that was the only purpose those flimsy paper things served.

    Mass hysteria is an amazing experience.
    Inciting a riot is a crime.
    Because the herd can easily be stampeded.
    We are in that “After the Stampede” phase.
    And being slow to anger is an advantage..somewhat discounted by being very slow to forgive.

    We live in interesting times.
    So much to forgive.
    Complicated by the conundrum of “Do I want to?”
    Should any of the excess of idiocy from our helpers with delusions of adequacy be forgiven?
    Or even tolerated?
    Or is it necessary that we reward these helpers?
    In such a way that they never try to help,ever again?

    For you cannot cure stupid,but you also can’t let them drive.
