9 Replies to “The Daily Malinois”

  1. Wow!!! What a daring, courageous, motivated, athletic and trusting, dog. I honour the dedication of the trainer. Note the dogs first point of contact with the catcher. Thanks Kate.

  2. A friend has one. he’s had a long career in security and spends hours per day training her. She’s spectacular. Deep intelligence combined with stunning athleticism. Do not buy one unless you have the years of experience they require!

  3. “*Not a breed for beginners.”

    Definitely not. None of the Belgian Shepherds are. Groenendaels are my favorite though slightly calmer and naturally friendlier than Tervuren or Malinois, … maybe … or maybe it is just luck of the draw…

  4. definitely need a soft landing that high.
    I had a cattle dog that loved to jump when it was young. 8 ft fence no problem. Almost killed itself on the landing once. Required something like the jaguar enclosure at the zoo to contain.

  5. That is amazing of course but you wouldn’t need the catcher at the end of the stunt if it were a cat. You can throw one off of a second floor roof and it would scramble away. Their ability to climb and jump makes them a top predator. However, good luck getting one to do what that Malinois(?) did.
