92 Replies to “August 24, 2022: Reader Tips”

    1. We think you’re a pathetic loser for even asking. But then, that’s what happens when you catch the Fudgepacker Pox. Did you get it from Colon or UnMe?

        1. “Curious what everyone here thinks”

          – Glad he’s in Ukraine and I’m an ocean away; but otherwise, whatev’ -_-

    1. I read through the Impact Assessment Act: https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.75/index.html
      There are some serious constitutional issues with this act. I am surprised (not really) it passed comparison with the Bill of Rights Examination Regulations.
      In Section 124 of the IAA trespass is allowed. They’ve narrowly defined a warrant as required for a dwelling house, (the actual structure, not the land it sits on), only.
      Even more troublesome is Section 123 (3) where the act discusses the use of force. Hence the need for an armoury in the Ministry’s buildings. They presuppose they will not rely on the police to enforce any actions they take except for a token presence of a police officer during said actions.
      These are powers the Minister of the Environment has given himself when the Liberals had a majority government in 2019. The idea of Guilbeault, or any environment minister for that matter, having access to such powers leads to sleepless nights.

      1. This is why one does not give up their weapons , WHATEVER the reasons.
        ” People shouldn’t fear their government , Government SHOULD fear their people “.
        Let that tidbit from an American Founding Father give THEM a few sleepless nights.

  1. Little birdie told me Russia had massive losses around Bakhmut in the past 24 hours. 1800+ dead. 24 hour rule for this one, but this person has been 100% reliable in the past.

    “Sir comrade, we are dangerously low on food and none is scheduled to arrive for days”

    “No problem, just send Wagner and the prisoner brigade on a suicide mission”


    1. “Right on! So tired of these selfish greedy business owners putting their family and livelihood over Fauci’s & Trudeau’s narrative!” – fixed it for ya!

    1. Speaking of Fudgepacker Pox, you might want to cut down on your “Stand with Ukraine” circle jerks. You’re likely to get boils not only on your sphincter but your mouth. Not to mention the obvious and rapid mental decline demonstrated by your rambling incoherent posts.

    2. Reminds me of the old joke….

      Why do they have heated rear windows in Lada’s?

      To keep your hands warm while you’re pushing it.

  2. What the hell good are you Canada?

    Scholz says Germany wants more natural gas from Canada but lacks infrastructure, business backing…

    Oh but Trudeau can look good by signing an alliance for products that we don’t create or export.
    But we can sure make promises.

    1. SNC is salivating. Hydrogen exports, while not currently feasible, will undoubtedly require lots of engineering studies and consultation.

    1. We could of had a LNG plant/port built instead.
      But, but climate change or something.

    2. David

      I think it will be a virtual plant. However it will create lots of study work to be done by SNC.

  3. – And, in case you think YOU’VE got it bad, a brief ‘funny’ from Instapundit for your morning’s titillation:

    “GRAND SLAM: Italian man tests positive for monkeypox, COVID and HIV at the same time.
    Posted at 11:55 pm by Ed Driscoll”

    “Sir, I’m prescribing you a strict diet of pizza and pancakes.”
    “Pizza and pancakes – WHY?!”
    ” – They’re the only foods that can be slid under a door!”

    1. Great stuff.

      I guess that is what he gets for not following the CDC’s latest guideline that you should wear a mask to protest yourself from Monkeypox.

  4. Nobody wants to comment on the movie with the greatest car chase of all moviedom? The style of movie making was superb, at least for me. Even though the actors are familiar their characters are believable. A great movie all around

    1. I am watching the SDA-Bullitt link this evening. A great movie all around. The car-chase scene in The French Connection rates a tie with the chase scene in Bullitt.

      1. funny eh?. How would you like to be the cameraman riding with Steve McQueen or Gene Hackman. I presume you saw the story of the fellow who found the original Bullitt car, maybe in Mexico?

    2. farmerboy- You’re right. The plot actually stands the test of time. The plot is just as solid as dozens of crime thrillers over the years, and the car chase is icing on the cake. A couple years ago I was watching a video about shark research, and they were towing a camera rigged to a fake seal (IIRC). When the shark came into frame, it was just like when McQueen’s Mustang shows up in Hickman’s (the driver of the Charger) mirror.

    3. “Bullitt”… has withstood the test of time, it’s a great cop movie! Much written about it here already on this site. All here have compared the climax of the piece to other flicks with great car chases. (h/t BADR)
      From link below:
      “Lieutenant Frank Bullitt worked for the San Francisco Police Department and drove a Ford Mustang GT 390 Fastback in Highland Green. He gunned that V8 engine to 115mph in pursuit of Chicago hitmen in a fierce chase around Fisherman’s Wharf, Russian Hill and Guadalupe Canyon Parkway. It’s one of the best-known car chases in film, stunningly edited. The cop wears a blue cashmere turtleneck and a tweed jacket but the composure is set to chill.

      The Bullitt ‘look’ was put together in the 1968 production by Doug Hayward the tailor and the costume designer Theodora Van Runkle. That said, McQueen was wearing similar clothes five years before the filming, so his own signature was there.”
      (See ‘Hutton’ desert boots in link)

      Scroll to the top of the page here, in “dig with It” for the complete article:

      The simple cool look:

      Too bad McQueen left us so soon, an excellent actor, didn’t need costumes like some. Gentlemen today are still sporting his look. Regarding the hair– even J.T. now has that short haircut. Guess he didn’t realize that Zelinsky was into Steve McQueen.

    1. I’m curious if the NRA’s reward in the U.S. has ever been claimed. NRA (a LOOOONG time ago) offered a $25,000 reward for any gun that, on its own without any human action involved, killed somebody.

      I mean, it’s possible, right? – in fact I’m sure it happens everywhere, all the time, even places where there aren’t any of those naughty guns! /sarc

        1. That gun doesn’t really qualify – the cops have ruled that Alec DID pull the trigger; and even if it went-off on its own, he pointed it.

          I’ve heard a bit more about this. I was a firm believer in John Cooper at a younger age; still remember the motto of his pioneering combat-pistol school, “Vis, Celeritas, Accuracia.” His books always had lots of photos; in one of a series of photos of a competition, there was a very-young-looking shooter named Thell Reed – I honestly thought he was somebody’s kid who was just along for the day and had got photographed. But apparently he was a legendary shooter even back then, and he’s racked-up credit after credit since, including coaching actors in western movies.

          His daughter Hannah, not so much. She was the gun prop-manager on Baldwin’s movie “Rust”, and among her lack of qualifications, she wasn’t a member of the union. You need serious qualifications to manage guns in movies, especially real guns; and if you don’t have them, the union will refuse your membership – gun $crew-ups on movie sets are HUGE publicity black-eyes, not to mention (as “Rust” showed), potentially ugly sources of death and injury that nobody wants. So it was that the gun in question had been used for impromptu target practise that morning, was not adequately checked before its return to the set that afternoon, and somehow, still had live ammo in it when it ended-up back in Baldwin’s hand.

          Which is in no way even the slightest off-the-hookism for Baldwin – he pointed a gun at somebody he had no intention of shooting, and pulled the trigger.

          1. Of course we were joking. Guns don’t go off by themselves. I can’t understand why you would need a real gun on a movie set these days, let alone blanks inside them or FFS live bullets. I read they would target practice with live ammunition between takes. Who knows what is true but a death was inevitable.

          2. Why real guns on movie sets? – they’re usually cheaper and more available than movie-quality fake guns, and they can shoot flame or even real bullets if the scene requires it. And yeah, I knew you were joking… 😉

  5. I like this MOA signed between Germany and Canada.
    I understand the prevailing winds blow West to East across the Atlantic Ocean at our latitudes.
    So in the name of Gang Green,I mean Clean Energy,we can dispense with the liquifying, compressing and ocean freighting and just copy the Japanese Delivery system perfected by WW2 experiments.

    And as for those who say raining Flaming Gas Bags down on Europe,would be an expected consequence of using such methods..I say “It is for saving Mother Earth..so what if Europe burns?
    If it saves one tree..From being destroyed for firewood.

    1. I’ve worked in Stephenville. They tie the kids to the car at picnics so they don’t blow away. Farther down the road is the town of Wreckhouse. Say no more.

      Imagine, being in the mining industry (like me) and watching it take 15 years to get a mine into production, most of it due to government regulation. Here the government plans to erect 168 wind turbines and have them operating within 3 years. Doesn’t seem fair to me, but somehow I know I’ll have the last laugh, hopefully not at the expense of Newfoundlanders.

  6. a general question to the learned folks on this site, and I mean that sincerely. I see some allusions between moneypox and polio. Am I seeing this correctly? Is it setting the stage for 2024 and the American election in the midst of a ‘polio outbreak’? Any comments welcomed.

    1. Supposedly us old folk who have the polio shot (mine was received in the 60’s) don’t have to worry about getting a “Monkeypox vaccine”. Though as you correctly stated, it should probably be called “Moneypox” for all the billions that will be spent on it.

      In the meantime the CDC is telling people to wear a mask to “protect” yourself from Monkeypox in spite of the fact that those infected overwhelmingly are gay and “outbreaks” have all been related to gay events. A very few children and hetrosexuals have caught it and I have heard no reports of any lesbians contracting it.

      So with George Soros focusing on funding radical Democrat candidates for state District Attorneys and state Secretaries of State (who are in charge of running elections unlike the federal Secretary of State), yes, I can see more media hysteria about another “pandemic” and the need for state Secretary of States to change their state election rules to support third party ballot harvesting (where there is no control over the chain of custody of the ballots) and mail in balloting (even though it was illegal for state Secretary of States to make the rules changes they did in 2020, even in an “emergency”, as only the state legislatures in the US have the authority to make and change state voting laws and regulations.

      And if it isn’t Monkeypox, I bet in 2024 they will say there is a new deadly Avian Flu everybody needs to be deathly afraid of.

      But hey, I’m just a cynic.

    1. All the car chases were good in Ronin.
      So were the ones in the first Jason Bourne movie with the Austin Mini.

        1. Yeah – whether they actually did wrong or not. “Sorry Officer, but we need somebody to blame, and your name was drawn…”

  7. Welcome to the Republic of Gilead police state. Your womb is our prerogative!

    “Meta provided user information to police in Nebraska that led directly to the prosecution of a 17-year-old girl for alleged crimes relating to an abortion, court documents show. The company could have challenged the legal order, but instead provided the teenager’s direct messages to cops, who are now charging the girl with three felonies for using a mail-order abortion pill and burying the miscarried fetus.”


    1. That’s not accurate.

      Shiny Pony says what he is doing is he contemplates new government policies.

  8. Safe and Effective
    A 37-year-old professional mountain biker died in his sleep just two days after winning the Scottish bike championship.



    Ben Benn, a resident of Siddal, Halifax, West Yorkshire died suddenly on Monday morning, according to his mother. He was 30.

