8 Replies to “Dare to Disagree with the Biden Administration?”

  1. This Trump buildup is exactly what it is…

    Always pitting one side against the other.

    But do you really have a choice other than what the CIA psyops give you…

    This is Covid on fn steroids…

    No one can save you…

    But yourselves…

        1. Up at 5:45

          Out the door at 6:25

          20 min drive to work…

          Worked my ass off completely understaff…

          Off work…

          Go drop off my dirty coveralls…


          That’s right…

          Their closed…


          Work on a electrical issue…

          Pickup daughter…

          Talk about to wife, daughters and granddaughter…

          Read SDA and start posting…

          Food time…

          Make two post amd want to post a video that I only know one place where it exists on the net…



          Pull up video and screen record the end…

          Thanks Brendon…

          Edit video add title and title music clip the before recording before the main scene starts.


          Log on to rumble…

          Take out recycling and garbage…

          Even though they get put together at the transfer station I have to pretend cause otherwise they won’t pickup because it’s not sorted…

          Thanks .gov’s for the mindF()ks….



          Cut the dogs nails…

          It takes three of us to do that job…

          Upload and Post Rumble Video…

          Share with my friends in SDA…

          Posting now…


          I forgot to eat…





  2. Well Duh.
    In every perfect State,doubting the word of Dear Leader is proof that one is mentally ill.
    History is full of such clowns.
    And they always fall.after inflicting as much senseless damage as possible.
    The Afghan Model of civic discourse appeals more every year..
    Constant infighting and feuding almost impossible to unite..
    Until some A hole comes along who attempts to unite the tribes by force..
    Invariably the A Hole succeeds,in uniting the citizenry until they have killed said “Dear Leader” off.
    Then back to the proper ways,infighting, feuding and freedom ..practising for the arrival of the next “Dear Leader”.

  3. “…the perception that the 2020 election was rigged…” despite mountains of evidence.

    yeah like the perception that Hunter’s laptop contains evidence of him and his father doing bad things.

    or the perception that water is wet

    those damn perceptions!

    1. The MSM are consistent in always prefacing “alleged Election corruption” with the word “baseless”. Always. But no bias, how dare you suggest such a thing.
