15 Replies to “Morally Unhinged BLM Supporters”

  1. A bunch of mentally ill white liberals make up the majority of Burn Loot Murder members. They are absolute proof that liberalism is a severe mental illness. Who was the jackass that shut down the insane asylums?

    1. And they can’t staff the existing facilities. I think we are on our own at the mercy of nutters.

      1. Yeah Bert, but don’t you dare think of using a gun, or knife for that matter, to defend against the nutters and thugs. The Turd says so……right?

        1. In our schools … it’s called “mainstreaming” … all the special needs kids are “mainstreamed” into NORMAL classrooms. Yes, you can guess the rest. The mainstreamed children are a massive distraction and retard the development of the NORMAL kids.

          Sorry for the analogy … but one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. The bad apple never gets improved by the whole bunch. Fact of nature. Deal with it.

          1. Sparta…

            Sorry, But mixing in developmently challenged kids into a std classroom is never a good idea. Disruptions and clamour ensue. Not what ya need for a good learning experience.

  2. Irremediable EVIL is the most generous initial assessment.

    Also, keep a sharp lookout on the “churnalists” and “opinion-shapers”; the mangy tail wagging the rabid dog of politics.

  3. This happened in Minneapolis, the city of The Eternal Martyrdom of St. George of Fentanyl.

    After he refused to negotiate, even with his parents for hours, police entered his apartment. The entry team entered, and tried Less Lethal Weapons to subdue him, but ended up shooting and killing him. Everyone tried to get him to stop. He and his mental illness decided not to stop.

    It will slowly come out that his parents and others tried to get him in to treatment, and stay on his treatment plan. It did not work. Thank God he didn’t kill anyone.
