Trudeau Trains Nazis

It is possible to support Ukraine without supporting Nazis. Conservatives should be making the most of this on both practical and moral grounds. Here’s your opportunity to shoehorn Singh away from Trudeau and force an election. That’s the practical side. The moral arguments should be obvious.

Ottawa Citizen- Canada failed when it trained Ukrainian troops linked to the far right, says Nazi hunter

A top Nazi hunter and Holocaust scholar says Canada failed when it allowed Ukrainian military personnel connected to far-right groups to receive training as recently as 17 months ago.

Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel said in an interview with this newspaper that Canada failed to properly monitor its own military training program. “The Canadian government didn’t do its due diligence,” he said. “It’s the responsibility of the Canadian defence ministry to know exactly who they are training.”

There is no question that there are neo-Nazis in different forms in Ukraine, whether they are in the Azov regiment or other organizations,” he added.

Looking back a few weeks…                             Also this

…and this

If Trudeau can make hay with imaginary Nazis, you can make hay with real ones.

59 Replies to “Trudeau Trains Nazis”

  1. Zelensky’s speaking tours, photo ops, offshore accounts not to mention Chrystia Freeland’s multiple rental properties in Kiev is making me think that maybe, just maybe, something else is going on.
    And it’s a conflict weirdly enough that no one wants to see a peaceful resolution. All Zelensky has to do is sign a treaty not to join NATO and everyone goes home happy.
    Nope, he can’t bring himself to do it so death and destruction it shall be.

    1. He would be instantly assasinated by the CIA.

      Dunno if this is accurate but I read that they’ve done about 80 coups. And they’ve run the “colour revolutions”.

      The US wants war with Russia. And after that first win since 1945, China.

    2. “All Zelensky has to do is sign a treaty not to join NATO and everyone goes home happy.”

      Bullshit. He had a neutered Ukraine already. He wants most, if not all, of the real estate.

    3. There is absolutely no reason for Canadian Tax payers to support the Ukraine other than voluntarily.
      The EU has over 400M people. The EU has the 3rd largest economy in the world.
      Canada is BANKRUPT. We need to quit NATO and quit paying for the EU’s defense via NATO.
      We have 36,000 Miles of coastline on 3 Oceans And no way to defend our own borders or coastline, who gives a shit what the Ukrainians and Russians do to each other.
      I want less taxes and less government.

  2. “It is possible to support Ukraine without supporting Nazis’
    The people yes, the regime?
    Not without smashing your moral compass.

    1. Can someone please explain to me how ‘National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (NAZI) somehow becomes FAR RIGHT Wing? Absolute BS! I would suggest, given the lineage, FAR LEFT is more descriptive.

      1. National Socialism, or fascism in the preceding Italian version, emphasized socialism within a nation rather than the international class struggle. The International socialists therefore declared that national socialism was no longer socialism and thus ‘far right’. So when someone says Nazi is ‘far right’ correct them – they were the right wing of socialism. In addition, on June 20th1942 if anyone in the Soviet Union said anything bad about the good fraternal ally Nazi Germany they would be shot or sent to Siberia. On June 23rd if anyone said anything good about the far right criminals of Nazi Germany they would be shot or sent to Siberia.
        Big moustache socialism vrs small moustache socialism.

  3. Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel said NOTHING about the Jewish leadership of the Ukraine ignoring the facts about his own military. Makes one shrug.

    The right/left paradigm is shifting toward evil vs good. In the current Ukraine/Russia it’s obvious that the evil side is totally ‘the Ukraine.’ Ask Biden, Macron, Pelosi, McConnell, Romney, Trudeau, Singh, Johnson and Hollywood what side they are supporting.

    Real conservatives support the PPC.

    1. “The right/left paradigm is shifting toward evil vs good.”

      ‘Twas always thus. It’s simply been a matter of degree. It’s merely worse now.

      “Real conservatives support the PPC.”

      Real Albertans vote for someone born & raised in the west, who understands westerners, western interests & western concerns, and will represent those. Unlike every central Canadian excuse for a PM this country has had since its inception. My entire life I’ve been screwed over by smooth talking politicians on both sides of the aisle who, once they got elected, again pulled the milking stool up under the western Canadian milch cow &, upon completion, took the milk & cream east.

      No CPC, no PPC. After 117 years of the same sh!t, the only way out of this downward spiral is Wexit. The sooner people come to understand this, the quicker we can make it happen.

  4. Virtue-signaling claptrap.
    Anyone who supports spending Canadian taxpayer’s money training foreign troops, NAZI or not, is an idiot, and a traitor.

  5. Definition of a Nazi? Someone I don’t agree with.

    Let me get this straight. A brutal dictator that attacks a neighboring country and kills tens of thousands of its citizens is not a Nazi. Soldiers of the country attacked, led by a Jew, are Nazis.

    1. Personally I define a Nazi as someone who runs around carrying Nazi flags, getting tatoos of Swastikas on their bodies and worshipping Hitler and wishing he had “finished the job”. Also promoting that one group of humans is superior in every respect to another group of humans and they have the right to beat, kill, rape oppress and eliminate said group, deny their right to use their own language, to have a TV station in that language ect, before confiscating everything they own. Plus promoting it is all right to indulge in all kinds of illegal and immoral corruption simply because, being the superior race, everything we do is just peachy. That happens to fit the Azov Brigade and their behaviour in Dunbas and before that Crimea perfectly. That’s how I define a Nazi and the Azov Brigade are definitely Nazis.

      That does not mean I think Putin is a nice guy we should be supporting either. That also does not mean I think all Ukrainians are Nazi.

      As for their leader being Jewish, well that’s debatable. He has a very shady nasty past and he claims he is “born again” Jew who gave it all up and became a religious good Jew. Soros also is a Jew, technically, even though his family made their fortune working with the Nazis. I suspect he’s an technical Jew working under Nazi ideology who actually thought that stuff about how Jews control the world was true. He claimed to be Jewish to try to cash in on their magical powers for his own gain and to help him get elected.

      Barack Obama claimed to be a Christian. Same thing.

    2. scar:

      ‘led by a Jew’ is a very poor argument.

      Soros is a Jew.
      The self-hating Jew is a THING. It really is.
      And being a Jew does not necessarily mean support for Israel. SO many western Jews are cultural Jews only, just like me, an atheist, being a cultural Christian.

  6. If somebody shows up at your house with a swastika and you boot his ass out then you’re a Nazi according to Liberals and brainwashed Canadians who are dumb enough to watch the MSM.

    A guy with a swastika flag showed up at the Freedom protests and was promptly booted out by the truckdrivers and the losers in the corrupt Canadian media and Liberal scum called them Nazis.

    So many Canadians are too stupid to think.
    Use this example to try to illustrate how they are being brainwashed.

    The corrupt media story is that a Nazi showed up at the Freedom protests.
    The actual story is that a nut with a swastika showed up at the Freedom protest and was promptly run out of there.
    It is sad how you have to dumb it down to illustrate to the sheep how they are being played.

  7. NAZI – NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The NSDAP went out of business in 1945. It’s really stupid to call everyone you don’t like a Nazi. Try and be a little bit more intelligent and analytical.

    1. Rusty

      Seems to me our entire Parliament has been infiltrated by a Nazi…Klaus Schwab.

      We have a UkroNazi as Finance Minister, and the guy playing PM would not look out of place in a Gauletier uniform – Jack boots n all…

      Add in the Every Premier – Prov Health mouthpiece coercing their populations to partake in the Zyklon B shots…yea..??

      NAZI’s allright….

  8. Why, oh why, are Nazis always called “right wing”? Nazi is short or National Socialist Workers Party (well, the German words anyway) and you can’t get much more left wing than that.

    1. That and the fact that the average (genuine) NAZI would be 82 years of age +/- a few years. I think Jews are doing a disservice to their culture when they label modern shit-disturbers as Nazis. Why not call them Romans? Or Spartans from Ithaca.

      1. Since when it is “Jews” labeling everyone they don’t like as Nazis? Seems to me I keep hearing the Jewish community constantly complaining that using the term Nazi and comparing everything to the Holocaust diminishes the horror of hat happened to the Jews under Hitler and is bordering on antisemitism.

        1. It might be MY reading comprehension but …

          “Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel said…” sounds like a Jew to me. But I agree that the constant use of the word Nazi to describe everything from your dog to your teacher does diminish the horror of the Holocaust. That was kind of my point.

    2. because Stalin deemed it so back when Hitler invaded, and all his bots and their descendants have been repeating it ever since…

  9. // But the Canadian Forces says it had no obligation to be entirely certain of the backgrounds of those soldiers it trained in Ukraine.
    Radio Canada reported Monday that Canadian military personnel trained both members of the far-right Azov regiment as well as at least one Ukrainian soldier who sported the crest of a Nazi SS unit from the Second World War. The training took place in November 2020.
    Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel said in an interview with this newspaper that Canada failed to properly monitor its own military training program. //

    Take a look in the mirror Efraim:
    Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine×961

    At the moment, they are fighting on the right side.

  10. Again and again and again with the meme that far-right groups are NAZI sympathizers. When are people going to wake up to the fact that NAZIs are socialists! Socialists that want to control everything. You need look no further than what is happening in Canada. The constant furor of the Left by claiming that the Right is the threat is beyond comprehension to any thinking person. We are innundated with this constant message while the left surreptitiously advance everything that the NAZI party of the ’30’s implemented. Slowly, incrementally over the last seventy years we have been programmed into ceding our freedoms for collective socialism. The Liberals and the NDP voters and followers are aghast at the Canadians that displayed support for the Truckers Convoy but are accepting of the LIBDIPS allowing Chinese troops and neo-nazi Ukrainian troops to train in Canada. The education system and the media in Canada have been successful in Orwellian Newspeak, national socialism has been redefined and has been deemed, in our post nationalist state, as beneficial. How do thinking Canadians square that circle? Oh! Pardon me, the thinking Canadians are a very limited quantity today.

  11. If you buy into this “NAZI-hunter” claptrap, I guess you also buy into the idea that people with “unacceptable” opinions shouldn’t be allowed into the CAF as well.
    Your average Canadian conservative in 2022 is far, far to the left of PET.

  12. While I in no way claim to know what actually is happening in Ukraine it has every appearance of a manipulation to divert attention. The damage to the serfs of both sides doesn’t matter to them. Quite rich to hear Turd speak in outrage about Nazi /Confederate symbols as it it has every indication it was a staged photo operation.

  13. Pierre Trudeau refused to fight the Nazi war machine, electing instead to frighten Montreal’s Jewish population.

    When the Nazis didn’t pan out, Pierre veered slight more left and embraced communism. He then wrote one of the worst political tracts in Canadian history that put all Canadians under the boot, now worn by his useless, petty, vindictive, racist tyrant of a son.

    Who are the Nazis again?

    1. Nazis would be anyone who supports a totalitarian regime. There are a number of words that apply and all are euphemisms for dictatorial totalitarianism. Communism, liberal, NDP, I could go on but you get gist of what what I am saying.

      1. YES.
        Most users of the Nazi tag, myself included, mean it in a generic sense. And true, there’s really no substantive difference between Nazis and Commies; only a matter of form and format.
        We should probably stop using all those tags: fascist, nazi, communist.
        The struggle is between totalitarians (collectivists) and individualists (free markets).
        Because I looked like a Putin supporter to him, an old acquaintance of mine asked me if I was a communist.
        I told him I was a “radical individualist”. And in Canada that is redundant: in this benighted land an individualist is a radical.

  14. Boy, it’s a friggin air show in here. The point is going over everyone’s head. The Azov and its ilk are neo-Nazis, they say so themselves. The CAF trained known neo-Nazi sympathizers in the Ukrainian Army. That’s it. Known. Neo-Nazi. Sympathizers. End of story. It’s been known for several years now. But muh Ukraine! Cripes, the Ukes were the biggest collaborators with Hitler’s war machine back in the day, and they never cleansed the fascist stench from their society. Just like the Latvians, incidentally.

    1. The Ukes supported the Nazis because the Nazis were fighting the Communists which is an indication of where the communists stand on the scale of evil. Literally worse than Hitler .

    2. Be a little more honest, tell them why they collaborated with the nazis.


  15. This family squabble on the eastern Front,just ain’t selling.
    So we are back to Dread Covid Pt 6 and more idiotic “Good Government” stomping the life out of this country.
    Our Parasitic Overload is busy explaining,there are no Nazis,there were no nazis and those nazis are OK because they are our nazis..
    I remain cynical as hell.
    From the way this Russian Ukrainian Rumble has gone so far,it looks like the results were preordained..
    A deal to allow peaceful division of The Ukraine was struck with Russia.
    Before the Military Movements.
    All those likely to be murderously opposed to such a proposal are currently being slaughtered by the Russia Army..In Ukraine’s Eastern front.

    Prove me wrong..
    For everything the Leader of Ukraine has done,seems designed to get the right people into the kill zone..
    And the laidback approach of the Russian encirclement…Almost as if certain people needed time to be moved into the trap..

    Wars are never fought for the good of the citizenry..
    We are always conned into killing the wrong people.
    Until the terror returns.

  16. Anyone who confuses terms “far right” and “Nazis” should be ignored by default.

    Ukrainians are not run by Nazis, it is not a Nazi country. Yes they have some Nazi soldiers. Boo hoo. So do russians, look up Sparta Separate Reconnaissance Battalion for russian Nazis. Sparta’s commander has recently been made good by Ukrainians (possibly Ukrainian Nazis). Oh boy Nazi everywhere. Run Forest run. None of it matters. The relentless drumbeat about Nazis is just Maskirovka. Neither country is Nazi, neither military is run by Nazis. The so, called Ukrainian Nazis are doing God’s work., putting russians down.

    Besides, since when is “Nazi ” worse than russian?

    1. You probably wouldn’t have to scratch the surface of the CAF too deep to find nazi sympathizers.

  17. Why can’t the media and people confused about Nazi, right wing, left wing and all its derivatives follow Dr. Thomas Sowell’s political scale.

    The scale shows that on the right wing is the INDIVIDUAL and on the left wing is the STATE.

    Governments that support the rights and freedoms of the individual like democracies are found on the right wing. At the end of the right wing is anarchy and chaos in that these people do not want any form of government. On the left side of the scale is the State and all those governments who support its power like Nazis, communists and socialists. At the end of the scale is totalitarianism.

    Pretty simple yet we see the media call someone far right and also a Nazi!

  18. Do any of you WEF toadies and sock puppets “stand” with THESE Ukrainians? Probably not even though they are being targeted by the Ukrainian Forces. Not only do you have NO brain, you have NO heart either.

  19. quit feeding the false narrative that nazism is right wing, it is NOT.

    nazism is a form of socialism, plain and simple.

  20. The Canadian Military has been on life support since Unification in 1967. I vomited when they closed Royal Roads Military College and followed up with diversity and affirmative action quotas. My support finally evaporated completely when I heard we we training Chinese troops in winter warfare last year. Today, on my favourite SDA site, I learned we were training NAZIs and that we can continue this with purple hair and facial tatoos. Even the Babylon Bee could not reach a level of satire that the Canadian Government has achieved. We gone from being the heroes of Vimy to the wing nuts of tiktok. I’m 3rd generation Military and my Grandfather, Uncle and Father would be so ashamed of what we have done to Canada. Your Military defence is not a social engineering experiment. It needs to be an efficient lethal last resort that makes those who would do evil to us, think hard and reach a decision that war with Canada is not an option. Something Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine wished they had prior to being occupied. Remember, Canada is immediately across from Russia in the Arctic.

  21. We are long past the point where “Nazi”, in its original and correct meaning, has had any referent in the existing world. It can only be used as a figure of speech. There are pseudo-Nazis, playing swastika, and there are quasi-Nazis, as mean and nasty as Nazis would be, but there are no Nazis.

    We get people who want to draw historic comparisons with the admittedly historic evils we are seeing in Ukraine, but the only history they know is the Second World War, so it’s all Hitler, all the time, because the only other bad guy they know is Dracula and they know he wasn’t real.

    The only Ukrainian Nazi I ever heard of was Helmut Oberlander, and I’ve never seen any actual proof that he was a Nazi. The Ukrainian patriots who collaborated with the Germans did not do so because they were Nazis, or even because they liked Nazis that much, but because they were Ukrainian patriots, and the Germans offered a much better future to the nation than did the Soviets, who offered only death camps. It’s Stalinist slander to call Stepan Bandera a Nazi, and it would be wrong to call Chrysia Freeland a Nazi sympathizer, though she gave us the right to do that by herself maliciously slandering innocent people as Nazis.

    1. Ok, how do you explain the ukes enthusiasm for cleaning out the Jews in WW11? They fell upon their neighbors willingly. The Germans were surprised by their compliance.

      Since WW11 the ukes have made significant effort to cover up their shameful behavior and their cooperation with the nazi’s to carry out the ‘final solution’.

      I’m not saying the ukes are nazis but to this day they have soldiers who identify as nazis.

      Putin is flying a false flag suggesting he is out to rid Ukraine of it’s nazis. It’s bullshit. Putin himself is closer to being a nazi than any leader in the known world.

      1. They showed the same enthusiasm in getting rid of the Jews as just about every other nation in Eastern Europe, and for the same reason: the Jews of eastern Europe were disproportionately Communist (and the Communists disproportionately Jewish), and had played a disproportionate part in collaborating with the Soviets. Every nation threatened with invasion by Russia considered the Jews to be collaborators-in-waiting and got rid of them pre-emptively. I’m not suggesting that it was wise or right to do this, only that they did it and that’s why. Eastern Poland and the Baltic States, seized by the Germans from the Soviets, slaughtered the local Jews on the express basis that they had been Soviet collaborators, and tend to this day not to feel guilty about it, and their experience was widely known in eastern Europe. The Ukrainians who participated in the Holocaust had their own motives and were not blindly following Hitler’s will, nor working Hitler’s philosophy.

  22. Interesting comments.
    The post was on the rank hypocrisy of our Parasitic Overload,particularly Dear Leader and Team..
    Instead we have a bunch “educating us as to what a nazi is”.
    F.O.A.D. already.
    Statist Thugs are Statist thugs.
    And National Socialists with delusions of Racial Supremacy are what they ape.
    The Collective is so wonderful.
    Kill all the dangerous individuals.
    Enslave the subhumans..
    Yes they still walk amongst us.

    As my father said,”I think we were shooting the wrong people” of his war service.
    Seems most of the Nasty’s escaped punishment,which fell upon the German Peons..
    Those who financed and enabled the Madness,got away with it.
    Their descendants seem to be determined to try again.
    Retribution will be such fun.

  23. I love this site. A magnitude of power with more insight and info than legacy Media provides.

    Like the posts.. agree or disagree or not like the posts. Comments here make me look up stuff…question what I’m thinking and help me with the fog of what’s going on.

    Just a hat tip to posters. No one knows what’s going on. But here one can find a healthy debate.

    And yes. The people of Ukrain are the ones paying a severe price they have no reason too…..

    And with Trudope in charge…. Coming soon to a Canadian neighbourhood near you I fear.

    Thank you internet posters.
