68 Replies to “April 9, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. The Knothead Dippers are already campaigning for the 2013 provincial election. No links as it is nauseating to watch, much less listen to.

  2. I listened to Paul Palango interviewed on qr770 Calgary radio this afternoon. He’s written a new book called ’22 Murders’. It covers the rcmp involvement and malfeasance in the 22 murders that took place in Nova Scotia 2 years ago this month.

    Google Palango’s name and read some of his investigative reports published in Frank Magazine and Canada Land. Many honest citizens died because of their incompetence and cowardice.

    The conduct of the rcmp is outrageous. They should be held to account for their non actions and mendacious explanations.

    Fair minded Canadians should demand the immediate expulsion of the rcmp as a police force. They are unworthy of any support on any level.

    1. This was a tremendously sad part of Canadian history (April 18, 2020) when we learned the RCMP were incompetent in their duties and 22 innocent people needlessly died in Portapique N.S. by a mass murderer.

      I remember feeling sorry for the young boys who hid from the killer– knowing that he was on a murderous rampage. Those kids will never be the same and will have have PTSD for the rest of their lives.

      Here’s Palango’s piece from Frank Magazine:

      From February 14, 2022 …here’s an update:
      “Open Lines on the Mass Shootings in N.S”.
      With Paul Palango (1:03:08)

      1. The story of those children is heartbreaking.

        Their father was shot 10 times and was laying dead outside. Their mother was shot in the face a number of times and was dead in the house and the eldest child a 12yo took charge and called 911.

        The police conduct is an outrage. These murders took place over 2 days. One cop, a coward who should be charged under the police act met the perp on a highway and chose to continue driving another 1.5km, “to find a place to turn around.” The killer went on to take 5 more lives.

        Do the actors here sound like a professional police force? These guys are Walmart security with guns.

        Get rid of them immediately before more innocent citizens are killed.

      2. My count was 23 lives lost. That includes an unborn child which the Satan group claims is not a person.

    2. *
      “While the chief and deputy chief of the Onslow Belmont Fire Brigade got the hall ready, an RCMP officer from Pictou County was outside, standing next to his cruiser, providing security. Two other RCMP officers drove up and, believing the Pictou County officer was the suspect, opened fire on him. Clair Peers, public relations officer for the fire brigade, says the firefighters inside hit the floor.”

      “While RCMP officers were shooting up the fire hall, unbeknownst to police, the killer was driving around the downtown business district of Truro.”

      Why isn’t the enquiry addressing this screwup?


    1. Agreed, collecting new tactics. There is nothing else of use they would get from investigating. Otherwise, there would be heads rolling from their assaults committed during the Freedom Convoy.

      1. It’s like “Brewster’s Millions”, or something. Lib and Dem leaders can’t shovel our money out the door fast enough. Any pro-Liberal excuse will do.

        Spend it all, quick!… That’s the only fiscal management I see in federal govs, these days.

        Though, maybe “Brewster’s Crippling Deficit Spending” would be more accurate an analogy.

    2. IAN..

      The fat sack of excrement, aka the RCMP police Comish has plainly & Publicly stated, that the organization is not at all interested in White Males but they would love to have a few “Gang Experienced” Folks join her organization. Would not surprise me to learn that she is looking for MS-13 types to “enhance” her organization.

      Good for handling baggage and trampling old women on horseback…the RCMP is to me, no better than the SA Filth of NAZI Germany.

      What occurred in Nova Scotia NEEDS to AIRED – I may well buy his book.

        1. Abtrapper

          I’m Hoping it’s avail on Kindle….
          Adjustable font sizes are a good thing….lol.

  3. Earlier this week, I posted the URL for the Tyrone Power film King of the Khyber Rifles, directed by Henry King. I now present not one, not two, but three–count ’em! 3!–movies featuring Power, two of which were directed by King.

    One is The Black Swan, also with the great Maureen O’Hara, Thomas Mitchell, and George Sanders:


    Henry King directs this merry pirate romp. It’s not quite as swashbuckling as, say, Captain Blood or The Sea Hawk, nor is it tongue-in-cheek like The Crimson Pirate. Still, it’s fun to watch and it was one of several pirate flicks that Ms. O’Hara made.

    1. Henry Hathaway directs Tyrone Power in The Black Rose:


      TP’s co-stars are Orson Welles as a warlord, similar to Genghis Khan, Jack Hawkins as the faithful sidekick, and Michael Rennie as King Edward. (Power and Rennie were later in King of the Khyber Rifles.) Herbert Lom makes a brief appearance as a merchant and a young Robert Blake plays a servant.

      It’s entertaining enough, but I found the leading female character to be quite irritating and I think she may have been miscast. Welles was a bit hammy in his role and the ending was a bit too neat. Still, it’s a fun way to spend two hours.

    2. Maybe the best of the three is Prince of Foxes, made a year before The Black Rose:


      Henry King directs Power, Orson Welles, and Everett Sloane (who worked with Welles in Citizen Kane). Welles plays Cesare Borgia and does so with the same slickness as the character of Harry Lime he portrays in The Third Man made the same year.

      Wanda Hendrix (who married Audie Murphy at about the same time as this movie was made) is the female lead in this one. Unfortunately, she’s rather wooden in the role.

      It’s unfortunate that the film wasn’t made in colour but, from what I understand, there wasn’t any money in the budget to do so.

          1. FYI– Couldn’t find the English version here, recently saw it on TV though. Its 2 hrs.

  4. This may be the most exciting scene in all of opera:


    It’s an excellent performance. Sadly, Kurt Moll died about 5 years ago, but my! what a range he had! Both Sam Ramey and Ferrucio Furlanetto are still with us and I think they’re still performing.

    1. Stunning and subversive ending to a great opera. Don Giovanni refuses to repent though faced with damnation. Stirring display of the bass and baritone voices, no need for sopranos or tenors in this final scene. Most people not familiar with opera do not realize that opera singers are not miked, they must be able to fill the theatre with their voice alone. True athletes of the singing world.

      1. I’m glad you liked it.

        Most people not familiar with opera do not realize that opera singers are not miked, they must be able to fill the theatre with their voice alone.

        I was reminded of that in the mid-1990s when Cecilia Bartoli came to Edmonton and sang at the Jubilee Auditorium. I had a seat in, as I recall, the second balcony, and I could hear every note perfectly.

        It also helped that I was in what was probably the quietest audience ever that evening. Nobody was whispering and I don’t recall even hearing anyone with a candy wrapper.

        1. Ah, the Jube’s. Performed in both, once in Edmonchuck, twice in Calgary. School band provincials. Very cool, a bit scary, being on stage in front of the adjudicators.

          1. I’ve been on the Edmonton Jube stage several times myself. My performances were the observances of university convocation rituals as one of the featured guests.

  5. My friend left an hour ago but I’m killing one last kick ass big beer.

    We have been watching the BBC ‘Sherlock’ which is really good. Steven Moffat from Doctor Who is involved and there’s some gay shit, but it’s great otherwise. Very enjoyable.

    1. I used to like Sherlock until I found out that Benedict Cumberbatch supported Extinction Rebellion. Soon afterward, I donated my DVDs of the show to Goodwill.

      1. At this point, I’m going to let the shots sort everyone out. I was just happy to spend time with a friend.

  6. Another live time update from Ukraine with another’s pastor’s daughter sharing her expirences

    From a Christian perspective and interview. I know Walter and worked with him, and Karina does a lot of interpreting for various ministries into Ukraine


  7. Whitmer kidnapping trial verdicts are in…

    Two are NOT GUILTY.
    Two declared MIS-TRIAL.

    “A rogue FBI agent trying to line his own pockets with his own cybersecurity company, pushing a conspiracy that just never was, never was going to be. Our governor was never in any danger. And I think the jury — they didn’t get all of it — but they smelled enough of it.”


    1. Chris
      I saw that on Global News, in the news ticker at the bottom of the screen. It noted the part about two men being acquitted, but not much else. They also said a Top Proud Boys member pleads guilty to US Capitol riot charges..

    1. Buddy, that number does not include Crown Corporations like Canada Post which has 64,000 employees (which alone would increase the number of Federal employees by 20%).

        1. I recall reading that article when it first came out. Precisely what happens when the sniveling service is topped up with single & double digit IQ idiots (read: patronage hires) who can’t tie their laces in the morning sans assistance, let alone possess any truly useful skills.

    1. I moved on from PepsiCo products. No name corn chips. 1/3 the price and just as good

    2. Buddy – it’s nice to know that Loblaw had only the consumers’ best interests in mind. I may buy more Old Dutch chips now. Or, maybe buy more Tostitos at Costco.

  8. I’m looking forward to the nice warmer weather coming!
    Take it from an old experienced fart on my fantastic tip on cleaning up your place especially if it’s plastic and concrete.
    Bought my jugs of bleach which does a fantastic job of sparkling up this joint.
    Depending how black your concrete has become, it may take a few times for that black bug aboo’s to be back to looking like new stones.
    Try not being down wind spraying this crap on.
    And watch what you’re wearing as it could blowback a bit.
    Bleach comes in plastic jugs for a reason and will clean up plastic extremely well. Don’t dilute it or wash it off. Just let the magic work.
    I’ve tried many other methods and products which could take forever and back over the areas many times.
    So, bite the bullet to kill the bugs.

  9. If there’s one thing I’m certain of It’s no 4th covid shot. People are getting sick with side effects, some have had blood pressure soar, heart issues as well as various inections like ear, sinus and throat infections. Pneumonia is also there…..then a course of antibiotics.

    Science “experts” are not listening to medical people who are not being listened to by Big Pharma.

    1. Liz….if theres one thing…??

      Continued ZERO COMPLIANCE (for me), on anything to do with this Ongoing SCAM virus, one that has likely not killed anyone….that wouldn’t have died from INfluenza A or B. I simply do not buy the BS.

      The vax on the other hand…well, let’s just say, I’m glad my natural scepticism – suspicions about Govt, MEDIA & their in yer face COERCION & Lies was bang on.

      A BIO-WEAPON 100%….IMO.
      Designed to induce VAIDS (Vaccine induced Auto Immune Disease)….

      This entire shitshow of “covid” was Choreographed & planned decades ago…“they” had been telegraphing “their” express intent for nearly 60+ years.
      Human De-Population. Ask Maurice Strong (if he were alive), or any one of the minions of the Rothschilds/Rockefellers…. they would tell you for the asking.

      Warnings totally ignored by the masses…a Conspiracy theory don’tcha know….

    1. Nancy…

      it all boiled down to whether one bought the FEAR & Propaganda or one didn’t…

      “..On the other hand, if a person says no to the injection, it’s not 100% chance they’ll get COVID-19, let alone die from it. You have a less than 1% chance of being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and getting sick. So, it’s 100% deterministic that taking the shot exposes you to the risks of the shot, and less than 1% deterministic that you’ll get COVID if you don’t take the shot…”

      The FEAR CAMPAIGN …. And a Seemingly & totally COMPLIANT populace…world wide bought into to it….Sadly

      1. Exactly. I had covid. I take the off the counter stuff when I feel spike proteins hitting me after I’ve been shopping or somewhere. The vacktheened peoplekind are shedding on everyone.

        But, Steakman…
        What is worrisome now is this:
        • the 5G network here where other countries refused.
        If one has a smartphone:
        • they can “off” the genetically modified jabbed with a switch.
        • we’ll start seeing the jabbed dropping in the streets.

        Besides the loss of freedom for the hardworking taxpayers who are still pure blood is possibilities eventually:
        • the enforcement of mandates and passports for pure bloods
        • the possible imprisonment of them
        • the possible loss of property

        They want everyone.

        1. Nancy…

          No arguments with that….none.
          I just wish I had something of the sort which would require someone to “pry my cold dead hands off of it” …

          1911 Vintage…preferably.


          1. 1911? We’ll, they only had land lines then!
            I have an old flip phone which will require someone to “pry my cold dead hands off of it” …as Kate wrote.
            I’m very worried about what the governments of the world are up to, Steakman. I could move — but where to go –is the problem.

            Cheers to you too, for awhile eh!

    1. DB

      “The Science”…eh??

      “…The hospital requires that all living donors be fully vaccinated before they go under the knife for a transplant…..”

      More like a WEF Commandment to me.
      Fking NAZI’s

    1. The cockpit scene from Airplane! said much the same thing more than 40 years ago. (“Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”)

      And before anybody else says it, “Stop calling me Shirley!”

    1. The best part is the link in the paper shown at 1:01: “Misinformation is derailing renewable energy projects across the united states”
      Oh, the irony!

    2. Yea…and I’ve found a way to replace Diesel Fuel in my Duramax with water…While tripling the Energy output. Kewl huh.?

      Please send 2.5m to me for more information on this amazing discovery…and I’ll tell ya all about it…

      Solar panels that work at night eh..??
      Sorta like COV-Sars2 is deadly and will kill you….right.??

    3. The Spanish Mafia was way ahead of this.
      They were running generators,diesel of course,to power stadium lights above solar panels.
      Apparently they also used mains power as the differential between cost of utility power to consumers and what the utility was forced,by government,to pay for “solar”,made such fraud irresistible.
      Seems gangsters can do maths,but kleptocrats cain’t.

  10. Don’t expect any freedom rulings from the courts in Canada.

    Must have ermineskin over his eyes! Why else wouldn’t he be able to see out his office window?

    From the Harper appointed chief Liberal Law Pusher (my translation to english):

    That which we recently saw on Wellington street, here [Ottawa], was a small beginning of anarchy where certain people decided to take other citizens hostage, and take the law into their own hands and not to respect the mechanism.

    « Ce qu’on a vu récemment sur la rue Wellington, ici, c’est un petit début d’anarchie où certaines personnes ont décidé de prendre d’autres citoyens en otages, de prendre la loi entre leurs mains, de ne pas respecter le mécanisme. […] Ça, je trouve ça inquiétant »

    Here’s the link: https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/697566/convoi-de-la-liberte-le-juge-en-chef-du-canada-n-a-pas-oublie-l-odeur-d-anarchie .

    There will be no freedom without reconstitution. Renew Canada!
