A Birthday Is Announced

During those fifteen years, we’ve chewed on many topics, from Laurie Penny’s lifestyle advice for terribly radical leftwing women, and the assorted lamentations of that same demographic, to the London riots of 2011, and the Guardian’s oddly selective agitation about litter inequality. We also marvelled at Melissa Fabello’s somewhat neurotic guide to interracial dating, witnessed the mental contortions of the scrupulously woke, and pondered the claim, by a Marxist academic, that conscientious parents reading to their own children are causing “unfair advantage” and are therefore an affront to “social justice.”

Get sentimental. Throw cash.

3 Replies to “A Birthday Is Announced”

  1. Thank you for the years of laughs.

    ‘litter inequality’ seems to be part of the plan these days.

    Reminds me of a South Park episode- don’t have the exact quote but something along the lines of. “We wanted you to stop illegal immigration, not make this country so shitty that nobody wants to come”
