19 Replies to “Our Messiah turns 50”


    In his own mind…

  2. The Baked Potato can kiss my hairy, unwashed ass every day of the week & twice on Sundays. What a waste of oxygen. There are few politicians I despise more. Perhaps none. And, I still need to make a trip down to Kaybeck & urinate on pere’s grave.

  3. While I won’t be reading Blacks article on how great Turdholes are I do take offense with his presumption that Turdhole #1 was somehow better then his retarded son, Juthtin the Turdhole.
    Who’s better at hating and destroying Canada, commie Peeair or Globalist shitstain, Juthtin ?
    Thats a tough one.
    Who declared Peeairs communist Canada a “Post Nation State” ? Who wiped his ass with the Turdhole Charter ?
    Who declared Canada a “genocidal State” ? Who bankrupted the nation better ?
    I think Black is underestimating lispy Juthtins ability to turn gold into shit.
    I’m not questioning the successful transformation of Canada from a British Commonwealth country under a Parliamentary system of Governance to an ethnic Nationalist Socialist State ruled over by french speaking Queerbekers. Kudos to Peeair for creating the first NAZI State since the Germans did it…. but… Juthtin is slowly bankrupting the nation in every imaginable way with his Globalist Post Nation State policies.
    Yes, Peeair was a colossal asshole, mentally deranged and under psychiatric care his whole life, a real asset of the Soviet Communists with an undying hatred of Canada and its people, but come on, Juthtin has everything his homosexual Father had, he’s just as destructive just as unfit for office and he will do what his gay Father only dreamed of, ending Canada for good.
    So, Peeair or Juthtin, who’s worse ? I say comparing two piles of shit from the same Turdhole is useless, they’re both shit.
    Merry Christmas !

    1. As a foreigner situated on the other side of the world & hopefully seeking some clarity….we definitely aren’t taking about Fidel, are we?

  4. In all my years I have met only one English-speaking Quebecer who did not consider turdo la first to be a genius, a tough guy, and Canada’s saviour.

    1. “who did not consider turdo la first to be a genius”…

      The “genius” of Peeair Turdhole ( dishonesty) was that he was able to destroy the country while claiming to save it .
      Canadians bought Peeairs bullshit from day one and most still do.

      As Con Men go, Peeair was very good, not a ‘genius” con man by any measure, but his mendacity and deceitfulness was as effortless and consistent as his malevolence.

      1. ALL of the reverent myths about turdo la first quickly collapse under objective examinations.

  5. The old man got his just reward for screwing up the country by getting to bury his own son.
    Hopefully Juthtin gets an equally horrific reward.
