Germany Becomes Canada

Whether its Canada, the United States, Germany, or other Western countries, the elites are pushing for the same policies. And the citizens have no say about these plans or are brainwashed by the corrupt media. Germany under its new socialist leadership is adopting policies that are already in place here or are in the works.

13 Replies to “Germany Becomes Canada”

  1. Feck ’em. When I listen to the German side of my family, they’re a bunch of woke, SJW shytes who deserve to lose their country. My grandfather, who died fighting the Soviets in 1944, would be ashamed of his progeny. My great-uncle, who survived the war and died in the late 1980s would be equally ashamed, and he’s a man I got to know well in my childhood. A standup guy who survived more than six years in a Soviet POW camp in Siberia and died the way he lived, on his own two feet.

    1. Alas you are right. The two wars ruined Germany in many ways, not least of which was the obvious destruction of two generations of alpha males but also the collective guilt following the endless ramming down kid’s throats of the Holocaust and other nation-sapping causes. All that is left is a meaningless shell – clever and inventive still, but with no patriotic gravitas or sense of anything much. I fear Germany is the West in microcosm.

      1. Then they shouldn’t have started two world wars that wrecked the health of my grandfather, my father, two of my uncles, my father-in-law and all the people who were affected by their injuries. The Krauts can eat 5hit as far as I’m concerned. They sure liked to hand it out but couldn’t take it.

        1. Aw, honey… want to talk about your third hand trauma, like the grand kiddies of residential school “survivors” ? Get a fucking grip, mate. You’re pathetic. I’ll wager you never wore a uniform in your life, did anything risky or even knows what the business end of a firearm is. The gamma soiboi stench comes off you in waves.

      1. Unless you are Russian decent I think your post is tasteless. Even if you are of Russian decent, your family murdered Germans, and Poles, and Hungarians, and Czech and on and on.

      2. Well, in all fairness, the Russkies were trying to murder him so all I can hope is that he took a bunch of them with him. Sadly, your rancid ancestors weren’t among them. But c’est la vie.

    2. Europe never had a Jewish problem. It had a German problem.

      If there were any justice in this world, Russia’s western border would be the Rhine, and the Germans would not still be trying to rape her, because there would be no Germans left in Europe.

      The ones unable or unwilling to follow Hitler into hell—including your sainted great-uncle—would have been deported to a Siberian reservation to wait for extinction there, just what the Germans had planned for the Russians, with no more hope of returning to the “fatherland” than of visiting the planet Venus.

      The Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Far East would have been ideal for the purpose. If the Chinks ever decided to make war on Russia, they would finish off the Krauts first.

      Even if they didn’t, the Krauts and Chinks deserve each other. They’re everything Hitler ever accused the Jews of being and worse. The sooner we’re rid of both, the sooner the world will heal.

  2. The Germans can f*ckoff.
    Nothing but trouble.
    Merkel needs a bullet and her successor needs two,
    Not advocating, merely stating the obvious.

  3. If all those nasty cracks about the Germans are done,we are those Germans now.
    The mystery of how Germans could embrace The Little Corporal and his band of misfits is solved..
    We are just as capable of mass hysteria and madness..
    For the good of the collective,the State must reduce the individual to slavery..

    Not a damn difference,except we have the knowledge of where this madness lead last time.
    This is no longer potential futures.

    We have become the 4th Reich lead by lesser men..
    So who is going to free us from our own insanity?

    Based on the past,this will how it plays out.

    First our dear leaders are exposed as murderous incompetents.
    They cause massive internal damage to our country.
    Public anger rises.
    So War will be declared,pick some hapless nearby nation.
    A long and exhausting conflict will start.
    As we lose,our murderous helpers will flee to safe havens..

    80 years later the safe havens will repeat..

    Maybe we can save ourselves the agony and start hunting our fearless helpers now.

    For we are sinking into this morass because our parasitic overload believes their own fiction..
    So does 65% of Canadians who vote.

    More Government,we need more..As we fail under the strain of carrying the load we have now..

    It is going to take an asteroid.
    Or our natural reaction to such times..
    Quick two teams…Forward!
