48 Replies to “Pray for Psaki”

  1. Great, butt PISShacky is a symptom, not a real cause. If she dropped dead tomorrow, no skin off my ass!

  2. Covid won’t stop her endless streak of LIES. Can’t think of a worse press secretary than this ginger hag

  3. In before legacy media and the White House starts blaming the unvaccinated for this.

    Oh wait…

    “Because of the rise of the Delta variant, because of the fact that even though it was a vaccine that was approved under a Republican administration, even though we now have full FDA approval and even though it’s widely available across the country we still have a quarter of the country – less than that, 20 percent of the country – who’ve decided not to get vaccinated.” – Psaki (October 9, 2021)

      1. I am transitioning to Covid Immune. I identify as Vaccinated.

        Do not assume my Vax Status.

        Do not mis-Vax Status me.

        Also, I identify as a Man transitioning into Henry Cavill. Just letting all you single gals know that 😀

  4. The vaccines are leaky. Unless you have natural immunity, you will likely get it, eventually. It isn’t going away. The real question is whether she will then have a natural immunity after recovery.

    1. She says she’s vaccinated. I want to know if she received a booster (third shot) even though she’s not in a qualified group (that I know of)? Wouldn’t it be just like a White House staffer to jump the queue? If we find out she’s been booster-jabbed … it will trash all sort of protocols and narratives.

    2. When and for how long was she an asymptomatic superspreader with a high viral load?
      We should blame Psaki for latest resurgence of this pandemic.

      1. I’d say she’s a “super-spreader” … but attaching anything “super” to her isn’t quite believable.

  5. Too convenient by far!:
    Doesn’t want to answer questions about poopy pants so she got COVID.

  6. Psaki is evil. Let the disease run its course with her because her master will ensure she survives to keep spreading poison. And no, her master is not LGBFJB.

    1. My God Thucydides, have you no heart? I mean, the Woman is going to CROAK! She’s a goner! Struck down in her,…well, you know, some portion of her carbon emitting life.
      TOAST! A GONER! Lifeless as an old…

    1. Pray for Jen Psaki? Well of course! Actually, I’ve been praying for Jen and Brandon and Obama and Hillary for some time now. And it seems that the least of my prayers has finally been answered.

      Let’s hope the rest of them are answered as well.

    1. Not likely.
      ‘Surgeon General’ Dr. Jill Biden probably makes sure he takes a daily dose of ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine.

  7. Stop the presses! Someone tests positive for an endemic seasonal respiratory virus. So tired of Wu Flu theatre. Yawn.

  8. Hmmm, I wonder. Will she ask for Ivermectin?

    Gotta be a different attitude when you actually have it.

    1. I bet that they’ll never release her treatment protocol. “Privacy concerns”.

      Right now she is bathing in horse paste and monoclonals

  9. I am not a praying type, but had I been one, I would rather pray for COVID than for Psaki.

  10. “… becomes the highest ranking White House official to publicly disclose they contracted COVID-19…”

    Yeah, but she lies about everything else…

  11. I don’t believe in Voodoo and suspect that she will get all the treatment that is available even if it might not be available for you and me. She will survive and be just fine like 99% of all cases concerning people that are not really old and/or ill. How did she manage to catch the disease though? Didn’t she comply with the rules? Can she still be considered a sophisticated and clean person? Shouldn’t she be replaced immediately by a transsexual POC?

  12. SO interesting question, does that mean the media just admitted that the President is not a “white House official”?
