57 Replies to “October 23, 2021: Reader Tips”

    1. Putin is, as JPW says….100% Correct.

      As far Back as Nikita Kruschev…the Russians have known the decadent west would crumble from within….I’ve seen nothing in the past 60 years that argues against that premise.

      1. the decadent west would crumble from within

        Aided and abetted by the Soviets, associated communists, and their sympathizers.

    1. The Covid Death Cult is now preventing people from entering grocery stores to buy food in the EU and the idea is spreading to Psychopath’s in Government in other countries.
      Ordinary people need to wake up. Yes they will starve you and your children into submission. These people are insane bastards and should be dealt with ASAP.
      It is a flu from which 99.7% recover. When they deny food, that is a DEATH THREAT ON YOUR FAMILY AND YOU.

  1. This was an interesting Timcast Fri evening starring Viva and Barnes. Viva has known Robert Barnes for about two and a half years but they’d never meet in person. When Tim invited them on his show Viva decided he’d drive across the border, using journalism as his reason for essential travel as the boarder is not yet open for non essential, and do the show in person and met Barnes at the same time. I’ve never watched Tim Pool except for the odd clip here and there and going in I was made aware he dominates the conversation. And… it’s true. Annoying but a good show all the same. More Canada discussion that I thought would happen but they are genuinely curious because of our response to Covid.


    : statin drug/cholesterol scam division:

    For decades now, the statin drug/cholesterol scam has been founded on the statistical misrepresentation that these liver-toxic statin molecules (enzyme inhibitors) reduce the risk for a heart attack by a third.

    Hard numbers vs relative numbers
    That is a relative number.  Over a 5-year period maybe 3 in 1000 adults will experience a heart attack, and the statins drop that number to 2.   3 minus 2 = one third (33%), but in hard numbers that is only 1%.  And this multi-billion-dollar medicine only prevents non-mortal heart attacks!
    It takes 217 healthy adults to swallow statin pills for 5 years for 1 to benefit, which is the so-called number needed to treat (NNT).


    1. I have long believed that cholesterol is NOT the enemy the medical profession and Big Pharma would have us believe. I got into a heated discussion with my first cardiologist when she wanted to put me on a statin to lower my “bad” cholesterol. When I questioned her about my increased risk of breast cancer and dementia, she got very angry and said she wasn’t going to argue with me about it. Nice. It’s no wonder I have about as much respect for doctors as I do for lawyers, journalists, and politicians.

      1. Medical groupthink relative to statins is patently absurd, and unsupported by evidence. Blood cholesterol is simply a reflection of genetics and lifestyle. Want to live longer? Change your damn lifestyle.

    2. Doctors have been trying to put me on statins for 30 years. I routinely tell them to mind their own damn business. Fucktard groupthink.

  3. Never give the police any information that could come back on you. The word no is an acceptable word.

  4. California container crisis in the port has no choice but to get worse.
    Logistics of these containers in one port where you need empty truck chassis to move these.
    You need a crane or something to take them off that can carry the weight and place it someplace.


    It’s a logistical bottle neck that the once you take the container off, where are you going to put it in the limited space.
    Trucking it out has environmental laws that forbid unloading someplace else to get rid of the empty container.

    1. An empty container can be offloaded anywhere with a 950 loader with forks, or by other means. There is no empty contained problem. Smoke and mirrors.

  5. For decades now, our politicians and media scream Climate Emergency as the cause for possible sea change levels by melting ice into the sea…
    Over the billions of years, we’ve lost vast amounts of water to space which had started as frozen ice when our planet was forming. Ice, rock and a small sliver of Sun broken off started this process. The exhaust gases from our Sun keeps planet in stable orbits as it rotates and frictions it into an orb shape.
    Looking at other planets, compared to ours, we have lost vast quantities of water to hold a stable planet and created a weight imbalance. To solve this, our planet will need to disperse sand and rock into the Oceans disbursing the Oceans water.
    Our planet was never in danger of overheating as it slowly moves away from the Sun. Our greatest heat source.

    So many more fascinating little details that our planet does that allows us to walk by evolutionary changes and also our trap of never to explore off this planet in our current bodies configuration.
    Of course, I been shunned and ignored. But that didn’t stop me from researching the vast amount of material we have to explore today by computers.

    1. https://universeexplained.com/how-many-meteorites-hit-the-earth-every-day/#:~:text=How%20much%20cosmic%20matter%20falls%20on%20Earth%20every,of%20space%20matter%20landing%20on%20Earth%20every%20year%21

      “Although most of these meteorites weigh just a few grams and on rare occasions surpass one kilogram, according to NASA calculations every day Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles. That is 36,500 tons of space matter landing on Earth every year! Most of the stuff burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere and just a small fraction makes it to the surface.”

    2. If you want to get some great context, ask a SCUBA diving geologist the range of stranded coral shelves (too high above the water / too low below sea level) where they are. Only heard part of that discussion once while on vacation.

    3. The matter coalescing theory fails when it meets angular momentum calculations. The math is beyond my math skills, but the people that can do the math have shown that the solar system had to come into being another way.

      Astrophysicists keep inventing ideas then have to find the proof or invent another explanation. Over and over again. My two favourites are geocentrism and ether. Both became spectacular failures.

      Now we have dark matter which is invisible to our instruments and therefore must exist. Without dark matter the universe is infinitely expanding (gravity is the weakest force by far and has a minimal effect at interstellar distances) and this blows the Big Bang Theory to bits. Zero point energy solves this. The vacuum of space is actually violent and filled with electromagnetic force. Apply E=mc2 and there is more than enough mass.

      http://www.calphysics.org/zpe.html Zero point energy
      While we are at it
      https://khouse.org/articles/1999/225/ Speed of light slowing down and its effect on our perception of time.

  6. Guess which of these recent stories has the most versions pop up when you Google it:
    Useless Green Energy Hitting The Wall
    ” all major fossil fuel categories (petroleum, natural gas and coal) will continue to see increased usage right on through 2050, and with no indication that any decline will have begun even then”
    UK profs calculated it would cost 3 trillion British Pounds to “provide sufficient battery storage to get the country through an extended (ten day) period of dark and calm in the winter”, The UK GDP is 2 trillion pounds.

    OIL SYSTEM COLLAPSING SO FAST It May Derail Renewables Warn French Government Scientists
    “In just 13 years, global oil production could enter into a terminal and exponential decline, accompanied by the overall collapse of the global oil and gas industries over the next three decades.”

    1. Obviously the 2nd link.
      It sure has some pure bullshit in it.
      It doesn’t state what the EROI on “renewables” is compared to oil extraction.
      If “renewables” are so great, why couldn’t they be used to help the extraction and processing of oil and keep the EROI down? And how much oil is needed to actually produce the “renewables” themselves?
      Governments are sodomizing the free market with their Net Zero proclamations.
      Consumers/voters better wake up.

      I think solar is a good Plan B or C for a household/cottage/camp to power lights, devices and appliances, but its Fantasy Island for macro grid applications.

      In Ontario, thankfully nuclear energy provides the majority of the electricity with Hydro second.

      1. Buddy – If the backup for the UK’s solar/wind to run their economy is £3 Trillion, how much will the green energy itself cost and what would the EROI be for wind/sun renewables?

        Climate alarmists don’t have to be apologists for anything they say, no proof required or calculations based on observations, just faith. We’ll see how their version of Trust and Obey works if there is an upsurge in deaths due to hypothermia this winter in the northern hemisphere. If Commonwealth Fusions Systems/MIT, or others, get their fusion pilot off the ground (the 20 Tesla magnet was a huge hurdle) we can say goodbye to unreliable, environmentally harmful and economically disastrous wind and solar.

    2. “Oil system miraculously shrinking while green politicians and investors stand on its neck, choking it”. FIFY.

    This is why Canada will fail rather quickly now that the supply chain disruptions is pulled.
    Our politicians closing much needed basic materials needs doesn’t help as that too disrupts any possibility of recovery as we’re even more reliant on the broken importation chain.
    Look at any shopping center at the vast array of vehicles that are parked is truly impressive but also creates it’s problems of needing specialty parts for that vehicle when it breaks down.
    Can’t recycle reliably as they also would take vast amounts of space to take apart and store.
    Having less choices, at least you could use less space to store parts.
    Our throw away society hasn’t any reliable recycling programs as they too take vast amount of energy to recycle and collect.
    Politicians environmental laws make recycling in Canada illegal, so much is shipped back out.
    Having a dishonest political system has really made a mess of Canada which will soon feel the economic consequences of our politicians decisions.

    1. One of the Biggest Phuque ups in our Western HEmisphere is the idea that Regular House hold garbage cannot be incinerated..and used to produce energy.

      Nope, lets’ Bury it all…and make sure we don’t even collect the Natural Gas from said massive Landfills. IDIOCY writ large.

      Calgary in a Nutshell.

    1. Prinz Dummkopf listen to Alberta concerning equalization? Hahahahahahaha!

      Alberta has long been regarded by the east as a convenient colony. We provided easterners with the oil and money they thought that rightfully belonged to them. But, we also provided a place for the elites to send their idiot children until someone figured out what to do with them. (Do you think it was coincidence that Prinz Dummkopf was teaching at a school in Point Grey?)

      1. “Do you think it was coincidence that Prinz Dummkopf was teaching at a school in Point Grey?”

        Probably his time at Point Grey was for to get him out of Papa’s hair. Living at home when McGill University was a 15 minute car ride, maybe wasn’t such a good idea after all– what, with all the blackboard shenanigans at the school. Remember those?

        Besides, Mumsie is originally from B.C.– surely that was home too. The spoiled boy-child could always go skiing and surfing when he had time off.


        Does the East own Western Canada forever? Isn’t that harsh reality a burden for Western Canadians by now?

        Canada asserted control of Rupert’s Land on July 15, 1870.

        In 1905 Wilfred Laurier succeeded in adding two new provinces to the Dominion of Canada: Alberta and Saskatchewan.
        (See also Wilfrid Laurier Speech: Let Them Become Canadians, 1905.)

        Here at my house in Calgary, Alberta this 23rd day of October:
        As per a previous discussion and arrangement this past week, and, depending on when he has time, the (very tall) neighbour next door is coming over to help me take down my Rupert’s Land flag that is attached to a proper pole and affixed high up on a backyard window frame.

        E-freaking-nuff already!

        1. the (very tall) neighbour next door is coming over to help me take down my Rupert’s Land flag that is attached to a proper pole and affixed high up on a backyard window frame.

          Jolly good!

          1. Sad but true, yes, Wexit is dead. The new immigrants and young Canadians are going to inherit the burdens of this jolly good regime.

        2. Besides, Mumsie is originally from B.C.– surely that was home too. The spoiled boy-child could always go skiing and surfing when he had time off.

          It occurred to me that moving Twerp out to Lotusland might have been one way PET could punish Maggie the Maggot. Sure, Pierre, make your #1 son her problem…..

          1. Right, the problem was ‘her’ son.

            I, for one, have lost hope of Western separation and freedom. The flag removal is symbolic of this.
            He’s their problem, the peoplekind, as indicated at 1:31 pm.

          2. Ooooops! I mis-read your earlier message. (Serves me right for trying to post on SDA while doing my regular Saturday morning dusting and hoovering.)

            I thought you were going to raise the Rupert’s Land flag. Speaking of which, I wonder if the service rig festooned with pro-independence signs is still there along the highway a few minutes west of Valleyview. I’ll probably find out tomorrow on my way back to my house in B. C.

            But, yes, I, too, am quite discouraged at the possibility of Alberta independence. The civic elections earlier this week showed that. Edmonton is now a write-off, having gone hopelessly lefty loosie.

            Provincially, Kenney’s ensured that we’ll have another 4 or 5 years of hell under Rotten Rachel. Like the Rebel video I referred to in the Tips thread last light, he had a significant majority after he was elected 2 years ago and he micturated upon it. He’s done SFA for Alberta’s interests except for what we voted on this past Monday.

            Rural Alberta will not forgive him.

          3. “I wonder if the service rig festooned with pro-independence signs is still there along the highway a few minutes west of Valleyview. I’ll probably find out tomorrow on my way back to my house in B. C.”

            Hey, yeah, wondering too. Let us know B.
            (ˆ◡ˆ) Bon voyage.

  8. Thanks for the link on not talking to cops. They AREN’T your friend.

    It was illuminating that even an innocent person could self-incriminate. And the “just shut up” recommendation is even more important in trudopia where we don’t have a 5th Amendment and fewer protections from the state.


    1. He is a wonderful human being.

      He advises three things in the matter of prosecution of crimes against Humanity, they are to never give up, never give up, never give up!

  9. The Australians need to find and publish all the names and addresses of their loyal servants, the cops. See how tough they are at home. Betcha they’ll talk, though. Like, “I was just following orders.”

    1. Right? Some guy hands me a gun, the FIRST thing I do is check it. Even if I just saw him check it. Because maybe he got it wrong. Sh1t happens.

      Seems stupid in the moment, but right now, Alec Baldwin killed a woman because he didn’t do a two second chamber check. “But it was an accident!” isn’t going to cut any ice with his conscience, I can tell you that. He’s going to feel this one for the rest of his life.

      1. *
        “Some guy hands me a gun, the FIRST thing I do is check it.”

        and if it’s some smokin’ hot babe?

        The Hollywood armorer who tended to the deadly weapon used by Alec Baldwin
        on the set of “Rust” had expressed doubts about her skills and ability to
        load prop guns
        . “You know, I was really nervous about it at first, and I almost
        didn’t take the job because I wasn’t sure if I was ready … but, doing it, like, it
        went really smoothly,” Hannah Reed said last month in the Voices of the West


  10. Ministers announce Franco-Quebec alliance to counter Anglo wokeness:

    “Jean-Michel Blanquer and Jean-François Roberge, respectively Ministers of Education in France and Quebec, have just signed an important forum, published on both sides of the Atlantic, to oppose the “cancel culture” which is devastating the West.

    They say one simple thing: the woke revolution is fanaticism and obscurantism. They see its progress, and wonder how to resist it.

    And their answer goes without saying: the schools must not give in, they must intellectually arm the younger generations, transmit to them a culture which allows them to resist ideological intimidation and the new fanatics who believe they have the right to burn books, destroy statues and censor speech that they do not like.

    This Franco-Quebec alliance is going down in history.

    Throughout the West, France is the main pole of resistance to woke culture. The same is true for Quebec in North America and Canada.

    And this common resistance arouses the same intolerance among the Anglo-Saxon countries which have globally converted to this revolution – at least this is the case with their cultural, media and often political elites.

    We can obviously see this with their mania for equating France and Quebec with racism, intolerance, withdrawal into oneself, as soon as they simply seek to express their identity and their culture and to defend their secularism.

    This Franco-Quebec alliance is rooted in history. Because we are not just cousins. We are brothers, separated by the Atlantic, but united by a common language and a common destiny, as General de Gaulle has already said.

    Faced with the woke revolution, and we are in the same camp, while Canada and the United States are in the other. And we would be much better equipped politically to resist it if we had the full powers of a country!”


    1. So if Quebec needs to separate from Canada to better align itself with France because, as brothers, they are both against the current cancelation culture, they should get on with it. Canadians in Western Canada can certainly live with that, we can do the same and part with Ottawa. We too have many ideological differences.

      See link, second National Post article:

      This one:

  11. Alex Berenson Releasing UK GOVERNMENT REPORT BOMBSHELL.
    The Covid Vaccines Will Keep You From Acquiring Immunity.
    What’s this mean? Several things, all bad. We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated).

    What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.

    This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).

    It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.

    Aside from that, everything is fine.

    1. And here I am, 18 months post madness. Have sanitized my hands exactly 3 times in that span (Dr’s & Blood labs), Do not wear a mask unless forced to, Regularly take my Vit D, C, B1, B12, Zinc daily…and could give a shit about any 2 bit virus.

      But I’m EVIL, need to be removed from Society, Shat upon, demonized as “unclean”….
      Fuck I may as well become JEWISH….we have Yellow cloth here and I can sew.

    2. We knew that there’s HIV AIDS particles in the injections all along — with the rest of the goo and gunk. Everything is playing out as we’ve all been saying since the beginning of this horrible mess. The reality is hitting home now. Someone here at SDA said to hang on, it’s going to be a rough Winter. I agree. Hang in there.

      1. Well I think you are bang on Nancy.

        An “injection”…. anally or in the arm, where either one destroys ones Immune system..?? It’s definitely AIDS. But then wasn’t the initial intent of US PATENT 7279327 (Apr 2002), pushed by FauXi as a Vector for an HIV “vaxxine”..???
        They musta gone: “Well now, will ya look at that…!!”

        (SARS. The never before known to HUMAN kInd virus prior to 2003 whose gene sequence was patented in Apr 2002…..Imagine dat.?)

        There’s so many strands of this EVIL shit going on…and all Related to the Absolute pinnacle of MASONRY (IMO), aka the ROTHSCHILDS et all & their 4 Century CAUSE: Human Depopulation / Sterilization & A gathering of the entire planets worth of WEALTH into the hands of a very very select few….their own.

    3. BASICALLY Creating an AIDS Epidemic in 85% of the population who will all need “booster” Shots till the day they die.

      A financial BONANZA for Pharma eh..?? And they are loving it….

      This is no ACCIDENT folks……100% by DESIGN.

      1. Steakman, and how do we know it’s all been planned?

        For one, now, the one month deadline extensions for Medical Staff who don’t want to take the injections are happening all over. I lost count of where this is happening but it’s in many places. Then there’s certain U.S. Airlines etc, and more, all the time, there’s gotta be stuff happening that we don’t even know about.

        I’ll bet the . gov types are painting themselves into a corner that they themselves are wondering how they’re going to get themselves out of. If you read their body language, some of them are starting to look frightened. They pretend to be fearful of the ‘dangerous’ pandemic but what they are really frightened of is their own skinny little necks.

  12. From the “We lock up Christian clergymen and we won’t tell you why” file:


    Hey, Kenney? You know the saying that tyrants like to use, the one that goes “If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from us by telling us everything”? Well, that applies to those same tyrants as well and, yes, you are a tyrant, you and your sweetie, Deena Iron Knickers.

    1. The Government Leaders who are Communists do not believe in God. They delight in their antics against the people and they are rewarded with a pension at the end of their life-long careers.

      I imagine that people in positions in the lower rungs of government who obey orders must live in fear, walking with their heads down and taking baby steps. They go along to get along. It’s a Family Compact, they take the job, get paid and shut-up.

  13. Dr. Fauci call your office:


    In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan
    A spokesman for Dr. Fauci says he has been “entirely truthful,” but a new letter belatedly acknowledging the National Institutes of Health’s support for virus-enhancing research adds more heat to the ongoing debate over whether a lab leak could have sparked the pandemic.

  14. Many Covid Patients are afflicted with severe Cognitive Impairment to the point that some of them require living assistance. It is affecting people across all age groups.
    It does not matter if you are vaxxed or not and in some cases it appears the vax worsens the symptoms.
    So 45M cases in the USA, and 30% will contract this new affliction. Pretty good explanation for a lot of fucked up shit that has ben going on.
    No wonder Joe wants the Military vaxxed. They will be incapable of fighting, it will wipe out a lot of brain power.
    Wipe out a lot of brain power in industry.
    Pretty good bio weapon this ChinkyFlu
