15 Replies to “Reign of the Incompetent Technocrats”

  1. This is totally China’s revenge on the ‘Western Nations’.
    Having a hell of a good laugh on our leadership that we see daily.
    Showing the errors to our voting system and easily corrupted leadership.
    Good one China!
    How to take over Nations without firing a shot.

  2. Listening to that and the way she presented it would say that the vaccines are in fact experimental and those who got the jab 6 months ago are the guinea pigs and the testing or results are not in yet!……Steve O

  3. I am mad as hell at the results of the Canadian election last night. This was supposed to be a slam dunk win for us.

    I blame the racist Millenial snowflakes who constantly whine about hard-working immigrants who are better workers than them and who split the conservative vote by voting for PPC. They basically had a hissy fit as a result of their generation’s sense of entitlement.

    They fail to realize that immigrants are natural conservatives who support tax cuts. By giving tax cuts to the job creators, we can grow the economy and bring in even more immigrants who will vote conservative. Anybody who can rub two brain cells together can understand this fundamental fact of economics.

    Maxime Bernier is a traitor and a closet liberal who is also openly racist. Because liberals are the real racists and their brethren to the south of the border (the DemoKKKrats) are the party of slavery and segregation.

    1. I disagree. I believe these days, immigrants vote liberal. That’s why Turdoo is welcoming them in doves, mostly Muslim. BTW, the Snowflakes generally vote liberal, NDP or Green.

  4. There is a lesson here for everybody about those using the power of the State. After recklessly getting 13 soldiers killed through their incompetence, they destroyed a family and murdered innocent children in an effort to justify the first set of deaths, and now that the truth is out, they get angry at being called on it and claim their “process” for killing is completely justified, and proclaim they will do it again, if they see fit. Do you think these same psychopaths and their savage attack dogs will have any reservations when they decide it is “necessary” for them to kill you and yours? Do you think that being on a certain side of a line on a map will somehow protect you? They suffer no consequences, no penalties. Why would they stop?

    This is the true face of the State. This is the natural outcome of their so called social contract.

  5. Wow…no empathy at all. And no professionalism. Well hell, what might we expect from someone working for the worst, stupidest administration in US history? What COULD she say? Just pleased to see her getting asked the hard questions.

  6. Democrats, murdering children with impunity, and never having to say I’m sorry!

    Clinton murdered twenty-six in Waco and the world yawned and said it was for the children!.

    Obama droned an innocent child and the supremes said, “we’re good with that”.

    Fifty million sucked, dismembered, and thrown in the trash, minus salable parts of course, and the world is good with that.

    This too will fade into the dustbin of inconvenient history.

  7. She’s a typical political type: talks a lot but doesn’t say anything. How long before she runs for office?

  8. A … “self defense strike”. OMG! Who is this c()nt fooling? It was a “Biden save face strike” … and EVERYONE … yes, EVERYONE knows it.

    And reading that tosh from your notebook makes it all sound even MORE premeditatedly STUPID.

  9. She is a socialist sack o’ shit. There is a light pole on the national mall with her name on it. Or, so I’ve heard.
