No Illegal Voting This Time.

Blackie will be outraged that his Elections Canada has purged thousands of illegal foreign voters from the rolls. Hundreds will be investigated. And the Liberals are discussing a new tax on boaters.Justin will have to stick to buying votes.

Update: Blacklock reports that Fraulein Freeland won’t release details of a multi-million dollar contract for ventilators that were not needed. She bragged about the ventilators coming from her riding.

14 Replies to “No Illegal Voting This Time.”

  1. The tourists won’t be allowed to vote? Isn’t that voter suppression? Sounds kinda racist, eh?

  2. This election will be like any other in recent memory.

    The media will enthusiastically blackball any voice not trumpeting far-left values as far-right, white supremacist, racist, etc., etc.. Campaigns from Conservative politicians will be systematically distorted and will not reach the masses until dripping in leftist innuendo. The CPC leader at the time will be OK with all of this.

    Brain-dead Canadian voters will absorb the left’s propaganda with no clear opposing messages available to consider, so they will spend the majority of their time considering if they are pissed off enough at the Liberals this time to vote NDP or Green.

    Media, both legacy and social, had nearly destroyed any chance of free and open elections in this country. The power-brokers in the CPC(and their installed puppet leaders) accomplished the rest.

    1. And all the people being black balled will refuse to act rationally, and continue to do all they can to get black balled harder and faster.

      Seriously, if these people were on my side, they would simply stop talking to CBC and al the rest. Just issue a statement; “if you want to hear my platform, I will be on The Rebel, on Blacklocks, on True North News, … . I will not be issuing press credentials to any other news organizations.” They would not go on the “everyone shouts down that one guy” official debates. They would not take questions, or grant interview requests from the Liberal Party press. They would not have them on their campaign buses. They would not be on Twitter. They would not be on Facebook. They would not be on YouTube. They would not be on WhatsApp. They would not be on TicTok.

      They would be on Rumble. They would be on Locals. They would be on Gab. They would be on BitChute. They would be on Odysee.

      Look for someone who actually acts like they are not his friends. Everyone else is either a Globe Trotter, or a Washington General. When it looks like irrational, perhaps you are simply mistaken about their motivation. When you start from the wrong place, you often arrive at the wrong conclusion.

      If they act like they want freedom, then they want freedom.

      If they act like it is just Kabuki theatre, then it is to them.

      1. Been thinking that way for a while! The Conservative won’t be able to “Buy” decent coverage. It will all be screend thru the Progressive filters.
        And the UDI and WEXIT guys will get NO coverage whatsoever.

  3. Illegal ? Three years and you’re a citizen, probably a multi-citizen, bought your citizenship as an ‘investor’, spend most of your time outside the country, language skills dubious but you can vote and sit on a jury. A nation builder under Liberal aegis.

    1. And, on top of that, proficiency in either English or French don’t appear to be required any more.

      1. Only if you are a white Canadian that was born hereand have generations of ancestors born here. THEN you need to speak French and English to get a Govt job,

  4. “Blacklock reports that Fraulein Freeland won’t release details of a multi-million dollar contract for ventilators”

    Bayliss medical, run by former Liberal Hack, gets multi-million dollar contract that overpays on average $10k for each unit, that is a knock off of a well know ventilator, and the knock off version hasn’t been approved by health canada….

    How many were delivered? have they been approved by health canada? how much was paid to Bayliss?

    /questions that will never be answered

    1. I doubt she realizes she has her job because she is still has a use highlighting the physical differences between her and the sock monkey.

      She doesn’t have the same license to indulge the sock monkey has that gives immunity to gaffes.

  5. WRT the red dwarf bragging about a contract in her riding.
    How many manufacturers are there in and around U of T and Queens Park?

    As to the clean up of the voters list I have a theory, completely unfounded but plausible based on observations of past behaviour.
    Recall the fiasco caused when the sock monkey tried to force the director of public prosecutions to award the deferred prosecution to SNC?
    Is it possible we are seeing the bureaucracy again pushing back against the PMO working with the PCO to get him what he wants?
    It’s not that the bureaucracy suddenly has had a conversion this theory is that they resent being told what to do by those they think should be rubber stamping their recommendations.

    1. Like mail in voting cause of Fraudchi Flu.
      They could arrange the odd water pipe to burst at 3 am at the count centers while Canada Post brings in tractor trailer loads of missing mailed in votes all rubber stamped for Little Potato.
      On Chinese made paper/ink of course.
