24 Replies to “Hmmm…”

  1. I’m starting to suspect that there is a liberal thrashing in the future, and the libs internals are showing it.

    Just like all the conservative types quite before the 2015 election. Baird for one.

  2. Maybe the MSM polls aren’t true?

    But what would really change with O’Toole as PM, other than the lisp?

  3. Vaughan will run for mayor. I sure hope there is a strong centrist candidate to oppose him. God help Toronto if Vaughan is mayor. Tory is bad, but Vaughan will be a nightmare.

  4. Yeah oh tool winning wouldn’t help much. I guess we’d actually have an opposition again and the press would look into what the government is doing again.

  5. Liberals are waiting too long to call an election.
    Once the campaign starts they’ll probably decline in polls.

    I suspect O’Toole will lose but hold Trudeau to a reduced minority.

    I’m voting Maverick.

    1. Jeff..

      Maverick is the ONLY reasonable way for ANY Westerner to vote…
      100% with ya..2 votes here.

    2. Why vote for the Tories when they’ve no intention of fighting for it, or even doing anything different should they somehow be elected?

      1. V10, At least if the useless tool got elected, we’d be rid of the useless prime narcissus, and his nefarious machinations. Also, “usually” once a political leader loses, they return to private life. We can hope, can’t we? I would pay big money to see the end of the turd, after what he has done to us, and this country.
        Of course, the big money would only be paid on an absolute cast iron guarantee that he would be permanently gone! Pleeeeeese!

  6. Vaughn, besides being a colossal asshole will now receive the jackpot known as the Gold Plated Pension Plan. Yu know that old gem from the Jean Cretin days when he and other corrupt politicians ( Liberals ) decided to reward themselves with taxpayer money forever… whether or not they earned it or did anything of any significance while “serving’ doesn’t matter, being a Liberal Party toadie and head fart catcher is good enough to hit the jackpot… enjoy the money you didn’t earn you POS. Nice racket.

  7. I’m betting Vaughn will run in the provincial election this spring. I can’t see him defeating Mayor Jello.

    1. PPC is the only party opposed to the Carbon Tax; UN and foreign funding; masks and other tyrannical behaviors; deficits

      PPC the only part for pipelines, resources, industry and liberty

      1. And they say they will reduce immigration. We can only hope so. Looking at the list of candidates on @electionatlasCA; you can see Justin is a liar when claiming ‘systemic racism’.

  8. I was driving through Kitchener on the weekend and passed a house with election signs on the lawn

    for the PPC!!

    Put a smile on my face.

  9. Will Amos?!

    But he was the only lib who would let it all hang out. No secrets on that guy.

    Clearly they are pruning the tree of dead wood. Now if Canadians would follow suit and get rid of the rest… silly me.

  10. I don’t have the option of voting for Maverick as they won’t be running any candidates in the “Orange Citadel” of Edmonton, but I will be able to vote for a PPC candidate in my riding so at least I can still vote for values that I also hold.
