8 Replies to “Yes.”

  1. Yes, definitely.

    And vaccine passports will become a norm and then slowly evolve into a social credit system.

    See ya all in a gulag.

    1. Those media people went to schools to learn their Frankfurt School crap.
      I’d say public schools and academia is where all this crap started.

  2. Corporatism coupled with the Regulatory State (Der Regulierung Staat) is Facism. So, however it’s labeled, the end game is the same, and a distinction without a difference.

  3. I wonder how much longer I have to live as I will die before taking any of the fucking shots?

  4. The Wuhan flu and the BLM horseshit is the Reichstag fire for every power-starved bastard in the Western democracies. But their short-sighted greed and long-term stupidity prevents most of them from realizing that they are following a Beijing blueprint.

    A small rotten core – the Bidens, turdo, and their inner sanctum) know full well what is going on but are compromised beyond caring by investments and favours.

  5. Start at the Rothchilds….every bit of Fking Misery on the planet emanates from that single source.

    Fractional-Reserve Banking (Lending) and how the Entire PLANET is hooked into this Disgusting system of USERY We can thank the Early GoldSmiths for that and taken to incredible heights by Rothchilds – Rockefellers – Morgan Stanley and many others.

    So ask yourself just who sits at the top of this pyramid ponzi Scheme hmm..??
    Who are the 95% of those at the top & pushing the buttons….??

    FREEMASONS (inner circle) – Zionists.

    1. …or the Illuminati, or the Bildberger Club, or the Tavistok Institute for Human Relations, or The Club of Rome, or the….LIZARD PEOPLE!!!
