56 Replies to “Something Queer This Way Comes”

  1. I agree that being gay is not the same as being a pedophile. Pedophiles have tried to hide among gays for decades. Homophobia also serves pedophiles because it inhibits people from coming forward and expose pedophilia for fear of being cast as gay. Most gay men I have known find pedophilia as repugnant as I do.

    1. “Pedophiles have tried to hide among gays for decades.”

      Would you make the same claim for pedophiles hiding within the Catholic Church?

      1. One in the same. Just because the Priest is wearing the vestments … he’s still a gay man … who is also a pedophile. “The church” is complicit only in the coverup. Which is/was WRONG. But the gay Priest is still a gay pedophile predator FIRST … the Jesus and Bible thing second, or third, or whatever.

      2. Yup. The Catholic church is a perfect place for pedophiles to hide. No one questions their lack of sexual outlet, and you get people to trust you and give you access to your children. Plus pedophile priests are well known to explain that they make so many sacrifices for the church they deserve some reward in terms of having sex with just a few children. Finally, the church being hat it is forgives to an appearance of sincere repentance. I have no doubt whatsoever pedophiles are drawn into the church.

        1. “Justin Burch” has clearly never met a Catholic in his life, much less a priest.

    2. How about an expose of child sex abuse in the public schools. It’s orders of magnitude worse than the Catholic Church of the Scouts.

      1. The Narrative, Mr. Muffle. Without it, the burning of churches because of graveyards everyone knew about could not be acceptable. Find me ONE article that DOESN’T make mention of these not-at-all-secret graves.

        Since the Sixties, creeps of all sorts hid in seminaries and eventually wreaked havoc on young children. It was not the tenets of the Church but the unwillingness to treat these problems as criminal matters until it was too late. This fed into the existing anti-Catholicism and now the haters can make up or exaggerate what they like.

        Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was cleaning house before his retirement. The strikes of orthodoxy and plainness of thought about Islamism, the popular press et al had their minds made up about him.

      1. Throughout history, the most common and frequent expression of homosexuality throughout the world has always been the pursuit of adolescent boys by adult men.

  2. There is a North American Man Boy Love Association. I don’t think there’s a North American Man Girl Love association. That would be indicative of something I would think.

    1. But then again … the women just do it. Consider all the female teachers who are bedding their female students. No .org necessary. Just Do It. Right?

      And then consider the 18mo. suspended sentences these women receive … who needs an .org to fight a society that gives women the freedom to molester children?

      1. Women pedophiles like women spouse abusers are much more likely to get away with it.

    2. They’ve been around awhile. I remember when a female interviewer on ?CBC was called out for not being adequately “objective” when interviewing a couple of them. This was in the late ’70s, and her mistake was being too open about her aversion to having them anywhere near her sons.

    1. I phrased that poorly. I have known quite few gay men over years. Of those I have known where the topic comes up they have universally condemned child sex. The rest we never discussed it. Hence Most.

  3. The problem is that in order to legitimize an identity the behaviour must also be normalized.
    The manner in which two people consummate a relationship will be limited to what is considered a normal healthy relationship.
    If social norms dictate the family as a foundation of society then normal relationships are those which produce offspring and nurture them till adulthood and independent productive people.
    So any behaviour that encourages consummation between adults outside of monogamous relationship, that cannot result in conception would not be the norm. Not condemned in all cases, but definitely not normal.
    The act of consummation between two men would be the same regardless of age or difference in age, the only differentiation would be made in the matter of consent and the ability of both partners in the act to consent.
    And this is the problem gays have due to the limited availability of partners.
    Should an individual of weak character (regardless of predilections) become desperate they will succumb to desire and commit acts immoral and/or illegal.
    If that individual refuses to own the act, or lives in a state of denial, they will fabricate a justification that there is nothing wrong with what they did or that the victims of their selfishness where mistaken or “remembers things differently”.
    I could ramble on quite a bit more but will close this post with this.
    Eventually the useful idiots that go along to get along get burned when their idiocy comes back to bite them and they realize they tore down all the legal protections they once had to keep the deviants in check.
    Sort of like the SanFran refugees are currently finding out.

    1. I use the word “ghetto” far more liberally than anyone is comfortable with … but the entire city of San Francisco is a ghetto. A ghetto of their own design. A gay ghetto, A leftist ghetto. Those parties are proud of their ghettos, because THEY built them. THEY pushed out all the “normal people”. They created “The Castro” where the gays let it all hang out (literally) … they created “The Mission District” where your car will be broken into within 5 minutes of parking, where human feces will coat your shoes, and where old feeble Asians will get assaulted. The fringes of our society gathered in SF and created ghettos in their own images.

      Tolerance is a fine concept in … some … arenas of life. In others … it leads to self destruction. Which is why the COMPASSIONATE thing to do is to push back on these mentally damaged fringe communities. Depravity deserves NO compassion. Stupidity deserves NO compassion.

      1. Well said Kenji….very well said.

        And what VOWG said:
        “Perversion is Perversion”

        As to The RCC…may all their houses “burn” , figuratively
        Or not. Their utter lack of acknowledgement and seeming acceptance of pedophilia deserves that in spades.

    2. No. Claiming you had sex with children because nothing else was available is just a sick justification. No adult has any excuse to be having sex with children. Pedophiles come in three general classes with over lap between them. 1) Predatory pedophiles who are exclusively interested in children and prey on them. 2) Men who make the claim it was their only outlet who have only offended with very few children or even one child, usually a family member. 3) Sociopathic types who simply don’t care what they screw to get sex, women, men, children, dogs, horses, anything available.All three are sick and repugnant. #2 is the most likely to be able to not reoffend if confronted but they are like alcoholics. They are never cured, only controlled.

      1. Actually I agree with everything you posted.

        I was pointing out that in order for the deviants to excuse and legitimize their behaviour they need to redefine it as an identity. This is why there is a false premise being used to compel speech with newly invented pronouns.
        If the identity is accepted then it is argued as an identifiable group they should be given charter protection from discrimination based on their “identity”.
        Consummating a relationship is not a unique act that should not be used as an identity. This is the goal of the deviants to remove all the legal protections that keep them at bay. The problem is the ignorant useful idiots that want to prove they are the nicest people in the world.

        1. And once you define it as your identity … the notion of “moral relativism” comes into play. When ALL morality becomes relative … even pedophilia is “acceptable”. “Moral Relativism” is the Black Death of our culture.

  4. Homosexuality is perversion and it’s unnatural, that said, I am pro liberty through and through BUT you try to corrupt an innocent child with either words or actions then you become my enemy…same for non homo rapists.

    « But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck and that he drowned in the depth of the sea »

    Ok have at it Libertarians or progressives.

    1. Hetero-Normative, indeed.
      Watching the mental gymnastics these people go through, just to try and justify themselves, is hilarious. They just can’t own up to the fact that every person on this planet is/was the result of a heterosexual conception.
      That’s how it works, that’s how we all got here. The other option is asexual reproduction, there is no homosexual reproduction.. For now, but they are working on it!

    2. Metalguru:

      I won’t have at it!

      I am a PRAGMATIC libertarian. There are quite a few tenets of textbook libertarianism which with I strongly disagree. One example: open borders (into welfare states).

  5. If you can TEACH a child to be gay … to question their sexuality … and even question their gender, then YES … being gay IS a lifestyle choice. And yes, you absolutely CAN indoctrinate children to believe this. As you can indoctrinate children to HATE America.

    And yes, these people are sick, sick puppies. Who all need mental intervention.

  6. I couldn’t stand that.
    Repulsive, repugnant evil.
    I also just saw that they are using tele tubbies to indoctrinate children on getting the vax.
    So, yes, they are coming for your children and grandchildren on all fronts.
    We need millstones.

  7. Anita Bryant called this one, 40+ years ago. Think I’ll go have a glass of Florida orange juice. It’s not just for breakfast, anymore.

    1. Spot on “OntarioKate”!!! Many have forgotten that Ms.Bryant was the first victim of cancel culture.
      And it wasn’t enough for them to have her lose the “Florida orange juice” advertisements, they wanted her destroyed entirely.

  8. BTW Robert … “Something Wicked This Way Comes” … was one of my favorite Ray Bradbury books. Read it when I was in Jr. High. A highly suitable heading inspiration.

    And allow me a moment of my Christianity on this topic … Philippians 4:8

    8 Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy.

    The Lord our God taught us that our minds are powerful things. And when we turn our thoughts to the DARK things … we voluntarily destroy ourselves. But when we focus on the GOOD and righteous things … we remain healthy

  9. I see it as all incrementally planned. Step by step. First some of them meekly stepped out of the closet, then they became bolder, then aggressive and demanding. The trans and pedophile issues are a subset of the same plans. Once they have enough gullible idiots agreeing their deviant lifestyles are not only acceptable, but actually supporting it, they take another step. I don’t think it matters to the Gays and pedophiles if their preference is for male or female, child or baby. What matters is eroding society norms to make it acceptable that children are viable as participants in their deviancy. I’m an atheist, so me mentioning we are in Sodom and Gomorrah territory, is not about religion but about levels of deviancy, and Sodom and Gomorrah is exactly where we are at!

    I do think it’s all interconnected to the broader breakdown of societies, Homelessness, skyrocketing crime, Islamic migration, border pressures with illegal immigration, police defunding, Marxist BLM trying to destroy the nuclear family, done fairly successfully with the US black population, Antifa, the Green idiocy, shutting down vital energy such as oil and gas reserves for the green machine, but in reality to preserve it for the elites at a later time when they need it. The plandemic vaccine program, on and on and on. All I believe, interconnected and orchestrated to have us fearful and crying for salvation from anywhere, even to the point of giving up our liberties and freedoms for more social sanity. I’m not saying the deviancy practices were orchestrated, they have always been there, but “civil” society kept a lid on it as much as possible, but now it’s being “allowed” and “accepted” to further interrupt normal, and make us more susceptible to a coercive rearrangement of our way of life.

    Enter the World Economic Forum. When you consider the breadth of their great reset plans, it makes it much more plausible that they would consider all the minutia that would be required to change to the technocratic feudal system they want to create to benefit them, and only them, not us. They are not stupid, but they are calculating and evil, and I wouldn’t put it past them to “manage” such creative multi level manipulations to evolve us into the Eloi they, the Morlocks, need to use, abuse, and feed off of. We in the west will be the first to be fed to the cause, as due to out free will, improved education and incomes, and that we are armed, make us much more dangerous to the Morlocks, whereas the less educated, the less free willed, would be much more willing participant in the new feudal society, as it will still be an improvement in their lives. This is now coming to a head, the stock market will crash again soon, inflation will rise dramatically, we’ll begin to starve and freeze in the new green economy, and we’re all heading down the greasy toilet to the great reset of 2030. I also don’t think there is much we peasants can do about it either. We have no voice, our media is bought and paid for, or are sycophants of the “progressives” or both, so we will have difficulty getting the word out to the low info types, and collectively we can’t get ourselves organized due to our soft lives and complacency. We are, in the words of the great orators of history, “completely screwed”!

    1. Slight quibble: in “The Time Machine,” Morlocks are the devolved ancestors of the working classes, who maintain the machinery that allows the Eloi to enjoy their hedonistic lifestyle, but the social dynamic is somewhat subverted by the fact that the Morlocks are rather more intelligent than the Eloi and actually keep *them* as cattle, rather than the other way around.

    1. That my friend will be coming to a neighbourhood near you….sooner than most think. Seriously, look about you at the utter imbeciles continuing to wear masks EVERYWHERE..!! WTF.??

      It will be the result of the 70% (vacuous, mask wearing drones), demanding something “be done about the “unvaccinated”

      We will be persecuted in an Identical manner as,Europe’s Jews…Yellow Patch on Clothing or something similar, then Ghettos, Cattle Cars, Kampfs and eventually a final solution will be implemented…. That path seems all too clear to me.

      We have seen this before…and the same forces working then, are present today: Global Capitalists – the uber Elite…aka: NAZI’s

  10. Always been a no brainer.Either you honour your women and protect your children, or you have no future.
    Very basic biological facts.
    This Dread Covid Theatre has emboldened the parasites,who are in love with how compliant and gullible the masses are.
    “We must vaccines the children to protect the adults” actually makes sense,coming from the Pro Abortion crowd..
    So does this.
    We need a new country with clearly defined borders,inside which clear,pro life laws apply.
    And by pro-life,I am not referring to abortion,but to the laws that create thriving,sane communities,with the hope of a future.
    We men have always known we were expendable.
    As long as the tribe goes on.

  11. Does anyone remember when family groups pointed this out and no one listened to them?

    I do.

    Move your kids far away from schools and everywhere else. These creeps are hunting your kids.

  12. In the old days of catholic Quebec, when family leaders suspected one of their kids had queer tendencies they would slowly encourage the child (mostly boys with some exceptions) to become priests or nuns. Helps one understand all the abuse scandals doesn’t it ?
    Now it seems many are going into the education system, maybe?

    1. And what was the statistical success/failure rate for that tactic? You’ve got more than just vague, ominous insinuations, right?

  13. If you were some mythical right wing “homophobe” – how would your video differ from this one?

  14. The Toronto Sun today had an article on an 11 year old girl who complained about abdominal pain and was taken to several doctors who gave her pain killers. Finally she was taken to the hospital and the Emergency doctor stated after his examination that she was pregnant and she shortly after gave birth to a baby girl. Her uncle was sexually abusing her and impregnated her. Just sick.

    Remember Mount Cashel and the abuse of the children there. Even the police knew what was going on but didn’t do anything about the priests and these children.

  15. In 1983 NAMBLA wanted to meet at our local library in Fresno CA, the librarians tried to stop it, so lawsuit. The local judge said the local library has to be available to all; even those you object to.

    At the first meeting, I stood next to the door and video taped every person entering. They objected and I pointed out the judge ruled it must be available to everyone, even those who videotape you over your objections. They tried to threaten me, I responded with, “these tapes are going to the local child crime unit and you threatening me will be on the tape as well.”

    They never tried to have another meeting. Sunlight is the best way to get rid of unwanted scumbags.

  16. I want the commenters to know that some of us had kids that struggled through life earning their keep, from their first car to college or university paid on their own dime all the while coming to grips with being gay….. and when they came out around 24 where told “yeah that’s okay i sort of knew, just be who you are and don’t expect a medal”.
    I don’t mind the lewd comments its a free country and I totally agree with the slippery slope but all the gay people I know, are who they are, and don’t expect medals. i respect them, and like you maybe and even more I hate (yes hate ) the activists because they will bring disdain down on those that are just who they are, and like all of us constantly struggle with realities in an honest beautiful imperfect way.
    I didn’t raise a daughter to have a whole summer season for who she came to be and I want everyone to know she was raised on Conservative values and freedom and as a father I’m proud it shows.
    And post modern Liberals can royally fk themselves, such phony sacks of sht.

    1. Yes to all this, and you sound like a great father.

      I can’t imagine that the majority of African-Americans think the police should be defunded, or capitalism thrown on the ash heap of history, or that white people are all racists, either. But the vicious lunatics who DO think that way know how to make themselves known to the media and the politicians, and the media and politicians (and academics and authors) know how to exploit them in order to divide and rule. It’s a perfect mutually parasitic relationship, and not to be alarmist but folks: civilization hangs in the balance.

  17. This is why we must keep our weapons. When they come for the kids, they end up dead. That’s the only appropriate response.

  18. Acceptance of Trans, cross dressers and Drag Queens is the gateway to Pedophilia.

    My friend wants to know why the recent imports, the religion of peace
    has not chucked all these abomination of the roofs as yet?
