23 Replies to “Orwell Update- GadFather”

  1. Wrongthink is a serious thought crime.
    Anyone more than zero degrees to the right of Karl Marx is guilty and must be silenced.

  2. Concordia University in Montreal. They hate Jews. The Frogs hate Jew. The Anglos used to keep Jews out of McGill. He should send a letter to Zuckerburg’s parents asking why they raised a Jew hating soy boy goy boy.

    1. Bingo. Beat me to it.
      Specifically, Kafka’s The Trial.
      I have read just about all of Kafka’s oeuvre and can state, without hesitation, that it has had a far greater impact on me than Orwell or Dostoevsky (having just finished the latter’s door stopper novel Demons. )

  3. I’ve heard he’s been reinstated, but since I dropped my FB account a while ago, I can’t check.

  4. Good Lord, So quit Facebook!!!! Stop acting like they just burnt your home to the ground and kicked your dog in the ass for good measure. Find another platform…if you have a message people want to hear they’ll come. Yup, you’ve found yourself on the wrong side of the political spectrum and you’re confused that Jennifer Rubin, Zuckerberg, and most of academia are modern day Kapos and this century’s McCarthyites…you of all people shouldn’t be surprised. Get another venue…we’ll find you. If you want to bitch about how Republicans sat on their asses when they could’ve done something about them…I’m with you.

    And if someone can explain to me why being banned from Twitter/ Facebook is the worst thing that can happen in your life I’m all ears.

    1. burton,
      And all the bus company had to say to Rosa Parks was, Heh, build your own bus company.

      1. The internet is like the universe, it’s a pretty big space and getting bigger by the day while simultaneously making the world a whole lot smaller.
        I have a feeling 5G will blow our socks off.
        People who I follow that have been banned from twitter have gone on to other venues…so guess what? That’s where I go. Sadly, Jim Hoft was banned from twitter…so I go to Gateway Pundit. It’s that easy. Is it a pain in the ass for him? Probably. But he gets his message across just the same and I’m always appreciative that he does.
        And if some think Facebook and Twitter will be here forever please give some thought to Napster, Limewire and Netscape just to name a few.

        As far as Rosa Parks is concerned…she was never prohibited from riding on public transit…arrested yes, but her refusal unleashed a boycott which led to people walking to work–and using a pretty ingenious system of carpools, volunteer drivers, dispatchers, station wagons and “rolling taxis” donated by local churches while city buses sat empty.
        Proving once more there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

        Unfortunately conservatives are too glued to their precious Twitter/Facebook to make a difference except of course Laura Loomer who is actually suing Twitter.

        1. burton:

          I DO agree!
          Just funnin’ with you.
          And you’re right. These assholes are not invincible.

    1. Exactly.

      I stopped supporting and $upporting Rebel News because I would have had to get a fb account to continue commenting. Couldn’t figure out why Ezra went that route because he had no qualms about tearing into the social media.

  5. He’s on with Viva and Barnes right now on their Locals site. ($5 bucks a month you cant go wrong folks) Going to watch it later but no doubt they’ll discuss this. I caught a minute or so earlier and he was asked his opinion of Trudeau. Paraphrasing here but… pretty much the dumbest man he knows.

  6. Never had FB or Twits, never will. Geoih above mentioned “the inquisition is coming”, when you think about it, that perfectly encapsulates this SJW woke religion. It’s a 21st century inquisition. I know there are multiple degrees of wokese that are impossible to fight, but if you surrender to these faceless inquisitors, they will never be sated, they will keep after you until you are wasted. Somehow though, the few that resist at the first attack will be forever hated, slotted in as an opponent, but for the most part they are left alone, and the wokerati will go after easier more gullible targets. Don’t do the social idiocy, and don’t allow them to beat you down. You’ll be able to face yourself in the mirror, be mentally much better off, and your armor will get thicker. Mr Saad, needs to understand that it’s not just individuals attacking him, it’s a disease with no cure, and should gird himself accordingly. As we all should.

  7. Social Media & MSM = we enjoy their free speech They don’t enjoy ours. That old chant ‘speak truth to power’ was a one way street. Now I know what the Old Believers and Dissenters experienced.

  8. I’m trying to be better so sorry I missed the message.

    I fail to see with all that we know why we are still in our VRC being directed or linked to view videos on utube, reading twitter accounts or giving a shit about Facebook, ticktock, instagram, whatsapp whatevers.

    There are other platforms if you want me to get your message otherwise its passing me straight by.

  9. About 2 weeks ago because I said that BLM were violent, and that this was a document fact ( it is a documented fact, there are hundreds of video and even the leftist media cannot deny many BLM have been arrested )

    facebook banned me for 24 hours and told me it was because I was inciting violence..

    My denouncing violence was to facebook me inciting violence.

    The tech giants are pure evil, they have way wayyyyy too much power, and are using it to do bad things, and are things I cannot type here or this comment will be deleted.

  10. Pathetic. But Gad knows who and why it happens. It will take those like Mr. Saad to make others understand. I wish him well and the courage of the others to step forward and stop it.

    Have the Hebrew descendants petitioned Egypt for reparations yet? Apparently now’s the time.

  11. .

    I like Gad Sad very much and have followed his articles for several years.

    But he needs to address this latest message to fellow Jew Mark Zuckerberg … not me

    What we have is the Semitic owner of Facebook banning a Semite because he posted an example of anti-semitic comments that were directed toward a Semite.

  12. I don’t know why anyone would give any business to those two creepy assholes who own FB and Twitter. They, along with almost all of big tech are woke and no friends of conservatives, libertarians, and non-woke populists. They are your ideological enemies who have no qualms about discriminating against your being able to use their services and on that basis. As for the anti-Semitism, they’re leftists aren’t they!

  13. I do not have a twitter account but I am getting a ton of news thru twitter.
    I follow Poso, Rubin, and Rebel on twitter as well as many others.
