14 Replies to “#SuperStraight in Clown World”

  1. I am going to wear only orange and black this week. Not say a word and see how many people hate on me. Lol

    1. In my area, they would just assume you’re a fan of the Baltimore Orioles. 🙂

  2. Super Straight
    Super White
    Suck it up ya bag licking princess…
    This Trans / Slack Jawed males / Cross Dressing psychotic bullshit should have a Season attached – No bag limit….given the way our society is mirroring the fall of the Roman Empire…that may well self manifest.

    I guess thats why I got turfed fromTwitter 3 yrs ago – for the KAPITAL offense of questioning just how many “trans” persons there were in Canada..?? Am thinking Mr M. Coren and MR G. Butts had something to do with that.

  3. Need that beautiful black and gold flag hanging at city hall for “our” week of pride.
    What month/week should we pick?

  4. tossed on their own petard

    No, because the left doesn’t make rules for everyone; the left makes rules to bludgeon their enemies with. They’re not going to suddenly respect your made-up sexual orientation the way they demand you respect theirs; you’re not going to enlighten any new people with the notion that all these made-up orientations are silly attention-whoring.

    Much like 17-year-old edgelords shitposting about fighting in the Meme Wars, this doesn’t accomplish anything. The left is in complete control of all the important cultural institutions.

  5. I decided it’s best for me to identify as a trans-butch-straight-lesbian. So I’m a biological man identifying as a woman. But not just any woman, rather as a lesbian who wants to appear as a man and only be attracted to women. So life carries on just the same, only now I qualify for whatever extra perks and benefits I can dig up.

    1. I mentioned a few days ago that one of my (now former) neighbours on my floor was probably an I, Napoleonist. Let’s just say, that xim/xer/xit was the epitome of a certain song by Aerosmith and was definitely not dressed as an Elvis impersonator.

  6. I don’t care how the LGBTQxyz community reacts to this. Their opinions have never mattered to me. I want the AUTHORITIES to accept this and codify it into law as deserving of equal treatment; that is to say, I want people expressing their hatred of super straights to be prosecuted for hate crimes with the exact same ferocity that a super straight would be prosecuted if the roles were reversed.
