Great Healing Forward

Go ahead. Keep reminding them why they rioted;

MSNBC national security analyst, former FBI special agent Clint Watts said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that if international terrorists had the similar rhetoric to former President Donald Trump, “we would be talking about a drone strike overseas.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “There are not two sides to be taken on the question of incitement. Clint Watts, I would like you to speak about fighting terrorism just in general, and as an art and a science. I don’t know of any examples where they simply go to the crime scene and deal with the person who was radicalized to carry out violence. It always starts at the other end of the fish’s head and goes to the incitement, the idea makers, the people sending out the messages. How do you deal with a domestic terror threat without dealing with those inciting it and spreading it?”

41 Replies to “Great Healing Forward”

  1. We were only moments away from seeing the guy in the fur coat and Viking horns declaring himself Dictator For Life!

    Or so the media would have us believe.
    Remember, we’re supposed to be dumb enough to believe that.

    1. Just like we’re supposed to believe that he, and the neck-tattooed freaks that were breaking windows, were Trump supporters.

      1. If they bothered to actually listen to the Trump speech of that day, they would be scratching their heads wondering where all the “incitement” is. However, the idea of doing their own research never occurs to them. Them, and they, being the idiots that watch such programming, and believe every word.

  2. If I was paranoid or cynical, I would suspect that those on the left are attempting to the amplify the January 6 riot far beyond it’s actual importance in order to justify policies and actions that would severely curtail the freedoms of Republicans and conservatives in general, the goal being the permanent subjugation of conservatism in America.

    But since I’m not paranoid or cynical, everything’s just tickety-boo.

    1. Yes. There was never a Reichstag fire. There were never European wars. The world was always at peace before the warmonger Trump. Trump started wars and caused division. We have always been at war with East Anglia. China is our friend.

    2. KM, I’m glad you advised everything is tickety-boo, I was starting to worry, so, um, thanks.

  3. From the article:

    “He added, “There are several other reasons. Domestic terrorists have open access to weapons in ways that international terrorists did not. Never did we have many ISIS supporters who have acquired handguns, long guns, explosives, explosive primers, if you look at that Michigan militia plot, they were talking about diversionary devices.”

    Stupidity cranked up to eleven.

    1. Unlike providing free weapons, Toyota trucks, training and support for jihadis overseas and deploying them to the latest oil-laden crisis country of choice

    2. If I were an International Terrorist I would have access to weapons funded by Iran, Russia, China … Saudi Arabia. I would have access to pallets of cash sent to Iran by your pal BHO, and pallets of cash gone “missing” in Iraq. Shit … I’d even get FREE weapons paid-for by HER when SHE was Sec. of State. Yes pinhead Mr. Watts … Domestic Terrorists only have the US Constitution’s Second Amendment and their own hard earned money with which to buy (at most) a semi-automatic rifle … no … sorry … Domestic Terrorists DO NOT have access to weapons of War as do the REAL threats to our country … International Terrorists. They are the ones our “17 Intelligence Agencies” should be tracking.

  4. what these idiots fail to realize is that they are increasing the size of the Trump following, by trying to demonize him with lies!

  5. “How do you deal with a domestic terror threat without dealing with those inciting it and spreading it?”

    You round up Antifa and shoot he looters. Next question.

  6. Nothing lightens the mode like a little bit of mischief on a Saturday evening so go to youtube and visit The White House and vote down a few of Biden’s videos. Usually there are 3 times as many down voters than up votes, apparently Biden supports don’t have internet 6 feet under in a wooden box.

    1. Dems will soon allow paper absentee youtube voting and it will all change in Xidens favor.

  7. I see very few MSM references regarding the possibility/probability/certainty that near the head of the Capitol protest crowd there was bound to be a variety of embeded and disguised professional provocateurs determined to provide the spark that can turn a protest into a riot/insurrection. The provocateurs can be from various organizations and not neccessarily aligned with each other. But they can all take advantage of a riot to further their individual causes.
    1) Some (assumed) Antifa guys were dragged away from busting in some of the Capitol windows by MAGA guys. (pre-meditated acts)
    2) A BLM leader , John Sullivan has been arrested for his actions aftering entering the Capitol. (pre-meditated acts)
    3) A Qanon dude with fur and horns was also arrested for actions inside the Capitol. (pre-meditated act)
    4) Several MAGA types who probably got swept up in the moment also went in and many were arrested.

    I recall my brief army anti-riot training from the 60s where the instructor said that the bad guys are not in the front row so don’t beat on them. The bad guys are pushing and inciting the front row. ( We didn’t do pronouns back then)
    My confidence in the current administration’s dedication to thorough investigation and open disclosure regarding the Jan 6th shit-show is between slim and none. * (Just heard that Slim gave up and went back to Texas).

    1. Joshua Philipp had an interview with Michael Yon who talked about how protestors operate today. For example protestors have an extra set of cloth in the backpack to change into so they aren’t easily recognized after their actions. It’s a 20 minute interview you perhaps find interesting.

  8. Since writing a Tweet and liking a few FB posts counts these days as “community service” then I guess it’s fair to say that taking a selfie while sitting in Pelosi’s office chair is terroristic violence. The Ministry of Love truly exists now.

    A generation from now we’re going to look back at these days and wonder, WTF.
    *If western civilization makes it that far.

  9. We can all see where this is heading. Step by step. Announcement by announcement. Executive Order after Executive Order. The elites surround themselves with the military and demonize and delegitimatize all political opposition, using Reichstag-Fire incidents like Jan 6, 2020. We watch it coming toward us, as if set in stone, and those of us who know history can just see it all come – the fierce and over-the-top accusations – the sheer ridiculousness of the accusations makes us almost laugh incredulously until we realize people actually take them seriously – … the isolation, the public shaming fests, the confiscations, the fines, the loss of jobs and incomes, the accusations and arrests, the imprisonments, the “disappearing” of people, the midnight raids, the gulags, the executions, the deaths … and the poverty and the grey, suppressed life for those of us who the elite don’t imprison or kill. And none of us will do a thing to stop it. We love our current comforts and we want our children to be safe and we don’t want to freak out and/or be cast off by those we love.
    I’ve said in previous comments that I hoped the collapse of freedoms and the rise of a dictatorship communist regime with the elite on top and the rest of us living as cowed peasants would happen slowly. Would take a few decades.
    It’s happening fast, actually.

    1. Well Ann.. I’m a fan.. Nice summation. And I am a touch paranoid, but who wouldn’t be. I think this activity is designed for an attempt to get rid of the Second Amendment

  10. Democrats have been licking their wounds since the American Civil War. Now they are unleashing their baser resentments.

  11. I’ll be in bed before a new ‘readers tips’ thread opens so I hope I’m not interrupting too much.

    Hysterical editorial after Brexit June 2016.

    That aged well. (paywalled)

    Remainers were right. Brexit has indeed led to an outbreak of populism, protectionism and chauvinism. But not on the side of the Channel they expected.

    The EU’s behaviour over the past 72 hours has been so demented, so self-wounding, that it is hard to know where criticism should begin.

    Let’s start with the bare facts. Brussels is in dispute with AstraZeneca, the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company, over the late delivery of some Covid vaccines. For what it’s worth, the EU seems to have a staggeringly weak case. It published its contract with the firm but, far from being any kind of “gotcha”, that contract showed that AstraZeneca had simply promised to use its “reasonable best efforts” to fulfil the order, the same form of words it used with the UK, which also saw some late deliveries. The rights and wrongs of that dispute, though, are beside the point. The EU’s quarrel is with AstraZeneca, not with Britain.

    Let’s summarise. The European Commission elbowed aside its member states, which had begun their own procurement programmes, and insisted on negotiating en bloc for the 27. It moved slowly and bureaucratically, reportedly because it was holding out for vaccines produced by Continental firms. In the end, three months after Britain, it signed a contract with AstraZeneca similar to that which some of its nations had tried to sign earlier. As criticism mounted, it panicked and lashed out – smashing the principles of due process, private property and free trade in the process.

    Eurocrats are behaving not so much like mini-Trumps as like 1960s Nasserite dictators. They are deliberately disrupting supply at the height of a pandemic. And their petulance, shockingly, is aimed at the only pharmaceutical company in the world which is high-mindedly offering the vaccine to all comers on a not-for-profit basis.

    The British government, like AstraZeneca, wants to spread the inoculation programme globally, reaching countries that can’t afford their own vaccines. This is the thanks we get.

    Consider the assertions made by the two sides in the 2016 referendum. Eurosceptics argued that the EU was slow, introverted, bureaucratic, inefficient, ready to make up the rules as it went along, a bully and a bad neighbour. Europhiles saw it as principled, internationalist, effective, generous, rules-based and committed to global trade. If we treat those two views as verifiable claims, which has just been falsified?

  12. They didn’t riot.

    They insisted on their sovereignty—and the unalienable rights with which they were endowed by the Creator Whose Name their enemies want blotted out at all costs.

    Global finance paid for the real riots throughout 2020, of the missing links infesting American cities.

    And they paid to thrust Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into office, and for the overthrow of President Trump over the objection of anybody with any business calling himself an American.

  13. The demons are fools,evil greedy fools I grant you but fools who believe their own lies.
    The media propaganda is priceless.
    And the hate they and the lying politicians are projecting onto voters, who prefer a TV Showman,Millionaire Builder over useless scum like themselves, is stunningly stupid.
    What do they imagine will happen if they succeed?
    Suppose they manage to seize total power,and silence all who believe in the US Constitution.
    Suppose they pull off the passing of laws declaring all who oppose them to be “Domestic Terrorists”..
    And they manage to ran through their current attempts to permanently defraud elections,stomping over State rights to do so..
    And Tax to the bullet all gun owners..

    Would this make them happy?
    And will it work?

    For lost on the fools and bandits is how normal (That is none progressive persons) people will react once they are convinced their Federal Government hates them and decrees that they have no freedom nor future in their own States.
    When you believe you have nothing left to lose,you are free to act in any manner you chose.

    I predict government forces will be travelling in convoys real soon ,if they keep abusing their citizens.
    All sorts of “unfortunate accidents” will start occurring,with the bystanders telling the FBI,”I didn’t see nothing” and then demanding a lawyer if pressed in any way.
    “My gas pedal floored itself”,”I could not stop, so sorry..”
    And the “lone wolf” myth the media trots out every time a Son of the Desert Pedophile butchers a bunch of people..will become real.
    Against which all the spies and police in the world cannot guard.
    Every attempt to identify and prevent a Snapping citizen,will produce a dozen more.
    As these fools have chosen to demonize everyone who laughs at their pathetic stupidity,they will not have a chance in hell of telling a hard working citizen from a disgruntled nut with weapons..
    And that too is farcical.
    The politicians are obsessed with taking guns from the citizens.
    I suspect this is because they are too stupid to know that everything is a weapon in the hands of angry men.
    The theatre coming out of Washington is priceless,the Capitol is an armed camp,closely resembling a maximum security prison.
    The Uni-Party is franticly threatening anyone they can identify.
    The idiots are busy packing all the Institutions with their agents,believing they can hide behind the public trust in these structures..
    The very institutions they have corrupted and destroyed..the public trust in.

    After a summer of Burn Loot Murder,with the demons City Police minions selectively enforcing laws..With the FBI openly lying to serve their masters..With Army and “Intelligence” agencies stating they deliberately lied to the previous President ..And the courts ducking an jiving to avoid doing their jobs..
    And not one government agent has gone to jail..
    Sure I trust the institutions,those bureaus infested with lying useless parasites..
    But I trust that they mean me harm,not that any good,public service or justice will flow from the oaths these creatures swore.

    Lil Abner”We have seen the enemy and he is us”.

    1. “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

      Those who forget (their own) history are bound to repeat it…

    2. In context, that quote was Pogo cartoonist Kelly’s smart-ass objection to the Viet Nam War and, later, support for Earth Day enviro-alarmism. It was even based on an obscure boast from the time of the US’s largely futile 1812 war against Canada (Britain) which occasioned the burning of parts of Washington. Pogo suffered cancellation because of Kelly’s political activities.

      1. I do believe that Kelly stole that from a much earlier source.
        I seem to recall it being written by one of the Romans commenting on one of their civil wars..
        But pre Wiki for sure.

  14. Washington maybe an armed , but I think most of the guards/soldiers don’t appear to want to be there. Can you imagine being an armed guard and having to defend the squad?.. HAHAHA.

  15. Typical lefties, always wanting to bomb someone just for disagreeing with them. It’s always violence first with these tyrannical megalomaniacs.

  16. I dont think the left realize how perilous their position is. Most live in cities.
    Cities are not self sufficient, requiring energy, food, and water from outside sources. New York, Philly, Baltimore, all the big cities, would be unlivable, if you were to shut of the water, or knockdown a few strategic power transmission towers.
    Yes, the political animal will still have its guards and protectors, but an astute opposition, would target the bodyguards and their families, and within a very short time, the guardians are too busy guarding their own.
    Stocking up on beer and popcorn just in case.

  17. When Mr. Secret-Agent-Man tells the gullible that “Domestic terrorists have open access to weapons in ways that international terrorists did not”… he neglects to explain that those “Domestic Terrorists” have been passing mandatory NCIS background checks since 1993. He also fails to explain that in many of the major shootings, the reason the bad guy was able to buy a firearm in the first place is that the FBI or other government agency “dropped-the-ball” doing the background check, and let the nutcase slip through.
    It’s all propaganda and lies.

    1. “Dropped the ball”
      Well that was a reasonable assumption ,until we discovered they are blatantly lying to us and promoting the Democrats Narrative.
      Now we might want to reexamine those past massacres as deliberate actions of State Operatives.
      Nothing is as it seems, to quote VOWG.
      Given the fact that not one FBI employee had the personal integrity to “Blow the Whistle” or even demonstrate some basic awareness of what that organization has become..Why should any taxpayer trust anything they produce?
      And particularly when other LEOs stated that they referred certain killers to the FBI with no further investigation prior to the crimes..Hell even the Russians called their attention to the Boston Bombers.results? Nada.
      Whitey Bulger’s sudden death and previous employment might be real interesting,given the timing.
