Margin Of Glitch

The moment when Michigan counted 149,772 votes in 5 seconds and less than 6,000 of them were for Trump.

Benjamin Weingarten Read this sworn affidavit from GOP poll challenger, and former Assistant AG for Michigan, Zachary Larsen, on the alleged fraud he observed in Detroit. This is Third World stuff, and every American should be outraged if these allegations are true Costantino & McCall V Detroit Election Commission (pdf download link).

I have no idea if this is related…

36 Replies to “Margin Of Glitch”

  1. I hope that is just fake news. Like all the other accusations.
    Otherwise I am going to be mighty pissed at the Dems.

    1. I never believed anyone would lie to a FISA court claiming unverified opposition research was actionable intelligence.
      But Dems did; and worse. Then they lied their asses off about to Americans.
      Nothing – no matter how despicable dishonest – is beyond them. They have proven that time and time again that rules don’t matter to them.
      Nothing they say can be held up as truthful, quite the opposite, their past conduct shows we should assume they’re lying.
      Just like their latest narrative that the media declares election winners. Past tradition means nothing when all bets are off.

    2. Start being pissed. President Trump never lost and has a guaranteed path through courts and the house of representatives. He will be starting information rallies soon.
      Source…Steve Bannon. Trump former advisor.

    3. “Like all the other accusations.”

      Oh dear. Really?
      You mean like poll watchers being denied access?
      You mean like hundreds of thousands of people voting Biden and not bothering to fill out the rest of the ballot ignoring senate, congress, governor, local etc. Sure.
      You mean old Bidet under performing Hitlery in bluest states but surging pass Hitlery and Ogabe in battlegrounds?
      You mean like, ah forget it. I take it you have at least scrolled through a week of pages on SDA and found reasonable explanations for everything people have been reporting? Right?
      Here is a nice primer: enjoy.

  2. I shoulda bought into popcorn and Irish coffee futures before the election (shaking head, woefully).

  3. Wayne county went 67% for Clinton in 2016 with 518K votes.
    Biden got 68% with 587K votes.
    Trumps votes in the county went from 228K to 264K.
    IOW, the numbers are consistent with higher turnout trends seen elsewhere.
    Perhaps we have an out of control poll worker who should be charged.
    OTOH, we could have pro-Trump zealot that is lying through his teeth because he wants to be a “hero”.
    I am not seeing any data that suggest a big problem with the overall results.

    1. Yes. Because black voters are much more likely to vote for Biden than they were for Obama. That’s what the results are trying to tell us.

      It is telling that the 120 year old vote went almost 100% for Biden.

      You never did answer the two times I’ve asked you, what level of fraud would need to be demonstrated before you would agree that a thorough recount with voter verification would need to be done? What level of fraud would need to be demonstrated before you, personally, (TimG) would agree that an election needs to be held again because of irreconcilable irregularities?

      Trump supporters are putting their names on legally sworn affidavits to say they saw irregularities.
      One example, in interview form:

    2. You seem to be posturing Timig with that cherry pick. What was the point of that? Are you reassessing and/or flinching?
      So all the counties were like that, consistent with 2016? No they weren’t; many weren’t even consistent with 2020.
      By the way, nobody gives a shit what I or you or Dems or others think. Facts only matter, that’s for higher authority to decide.
      That’s what the courts will parse, not AP, or the various heads of states who fell for the propaganda and jumped the gun.
      The smoking gun that is.

      1. The media loves being shit disturbers and by building up Crazy Joe Biden as the President elect crap, they are building up for the WORLDS BIGGEST RIOTS by claiming that we had the most votes and President Trump stole this through court manipulation when President Trump is back in office as President.

  4. Dhimicrats have achieved the impossible: they made Mexico the least corrupt country in North America.

    1. A double edged post that deserves entry equally into hall of fame and hall of shame; your fame , Canada’s shame. (sorry Mexico, I just can’t get used to the idea).

    1. Next time read the article and not just the headline, fucking dimwit:

      “[Thor Hearne] said the documents would be filed ‘as soon as they come into our possession’ from the clerk and court reporter, and then the appeal would go forward.“

      1. “Next time read the article …”

        Well that would require an attention span above that of a retarded amoeba, wouldn’t it?

        1. Shared DeMarxist values illustrated by PA AG who saying they’d keep counting votes until Biden was ahead, then stop.

          Like Hitler in Mein Kampf, they said what they were going to do and when they got their chance they did it.

          Not sure the parallel stops there. The only question is will they get away with it. I rate their chances 50/50 right now.

        1. Hey there, retard! No worries, I’m very relaxed, come and go as I please. How are things with those big fat trumpet-blowing bebop cheeks?

  5. “Additionally, Bob Woodward points to Vice President Mike Pence as the whisperer who made sure President Trump blindly nominated officials who could facilitate his removal. Remember, Dan Coats came into the ODNI position from his role within the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI)”………………………

  6. I have known a lot of Canadians in my life. As a Millwright in the Los Angeles County area, I met a guy who worked at
    a local hospital. He was a diehard conservative who wore a Clinton backward running watch. His wife died and he
    retired to Canada for the socialized medical benefits. When Trudeau was elected, I wept for him and the people
    of Canada. I read stories about American hospitals in the bordering states were doing a bang-up business treating
    Canadian citizens for easily cured health issues that would have taken months or years to treat, it broke my heart.
    If Biden wins this election, we are both screwed! We will all be Canukistanians now!

    1. Nothing annoys me more than a smug, complacent, self satisfied Canadian bragging about how superior the “Free” Canadian Health care system is to the USA. Firstly it is not FREE. We all pay approximately $7400 a year in taxes to support this free system. What kind of health care could I get for that amount of money in the USA. As for quality, I can speak from experience, very painful and debilitating experience. If what the system did to me this year had happened in the USA I would be a very wealthy man today. Hospitals so overcrowded with equipment the corridors and even the operating rooms look more like a Janitors storage room. And as for the Sainted Staff, some are but some, especially the newly minted ones are unfit to work at McDonalds.

  7. Notice all these shenanigans happened in the middle of the night. Every single steal. Tells you something right there.

    ….oh, and Neal Cavuto is a deep state tool.

    1. Cavuto cut off the Press Secretary’s press conference with Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis saying Fox news has to be careful with lack of evidence, possible unfactual statements bla… bla… bla. He cut her off just as CNN would.
      FoxNN is comiting suicide right in front of our eyes.

    2. It may have been the wee hours of the morning in N.America, but the Europeans who had nothing better to do(because they’re largely locked down) watched Trump WIN and then watched Biden and the Democrats steal the election in the mid-to-late afternoon.
      The EUnichs know damn well what went down.

  8. I hope Barr reminded Mitch that he’s onto Mitch and his Chinese whore, and so are the American people.

  9. If there’s 6000 votes in one precinct that switched due to corrupted software, then every precinct in the country that used this software is now suspect,

    Don’t give me the hogwash that it’s too hard to check!!
