5 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. For several years I lived not far from the Keukenhof, so I’ve visited many times. Simply magnificent.

    In addition to tulips, they grow 100s of different daffodils. One time I took my camera, lenses, and 40 rolls of 36 frame film. I shot the lot over a ten hour span!

    I still have some of the shots 24” x 20” on the walls in my house.

    I was planning to go back to the Keukenhof this April, but when I first heard the news out of Wuhan back in late January, I said, nope, not going this year.

  2. Thanks Kate. This made my day. Being a dutch import myself to Canada in 1960 with my family I appreciate it. Brings back some memories as well.


  3. bunch of tulip chokers!!!!

    Hell bverwey, I’v been out of the land of tulips so long, I can’t hablar the language no more
