124 Replies to “October 10, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Classic Liberal Garbage doin what Liberal Garbage always does.
      Standing up for A Pervert. Something which Kent Hehr most certainly is.
      A Leftist and most LIBERAL TRAIT.

      Theres not a damned thing “honourable” about Copps.

    2. oh ya, ol east hamilton’s bestest.
      remember the minority gubbamint she forced a by-election over some promise?
      east hamilton could have bit their lip and voted Reform and thus BOOT the BQ out of official opposition,
      but nooooooo . . . . . gotta have sheila!!!

    1. Yeah that kind of confused me too. We have M&M stores where I am, but they sell frozen meat and frozen precooked dinners.
      Maybe that’s what he saw in London and thought it was a store for the candy.

    2. Tourist trap. Picadilly Circus is a famous traffic junction in London, things are located there because people go there because things are located there.

    1. A comment from that Dutch story one might…not steal but more like recycle:
      “Food comes from the supermarket, electricity comes from the socket and morons come from the University”

      1. ha ha ha !!!!

        oh my. THIS is why I frequent this blog and none other.
        daily comedy at the expense of the leftoids.

    1. Thanks, but watching our Rt. Hon. Trudeau and Lisa “Ms. Political Correctness” Laflamme, in the same vid, is too much for me to stomach. Missed the fraudulent English debate, too.

    2. Thanks Nancy, but watching lying, unethical, blackface, two jets is like watching that fat dotard from North Korea.

    3. Nancy
      Yea sorry…I kinda wanna keep my breakfast inside me…?
      I will not allow that treasonous sack of leftist vomit ruin my day.
      Besides, not once has this predatory moron had anything of substance to say – simply regurgitates whatever his BUM buddy tells him.

  1. // Warren Kinsella @kinsellawarren
    I always encourage people to read @TheTorontoSun, Naturally,but they might also want to read the @globeandmail tomorrow too.
    My Spidey sense is tingling.#elxn43 #cdnpoli //

    Apparently Lance’s “spidey sense” is more reliable than Warren’s.

    This should put the matter to rest: [includes links to relevant gossip-mongers]

    Yes we can expect this shit from Warren Kinsella. But Andrew Scheer? I expected better from you my dude.
    Rumours Of A Suppressed Globe Story About Justin Trudeau Are Bullshit
    There is nothing to this story. There is no evidence that Trudeau was fired for an affair. There is no gag order. There is no Globe story. Kinsella knows nothing about any of this, as is par for the course.

    1. But, But, Turdo pissed all over an Indian with legal connections and everyone knows that they always save the last arrow for the KILL shot…..They first wound him and bleed him out….Get him Jody!

      Funny how Dizzy Lizzy is willing to work with Scheer, but the NDP will not…. Is Dizzy afraid of her seat in BC…The NDP must want to break the BC Greens who hold the balance of power Provincially…Let the WAR begin

      BTW: CTV News “Show Producer” provided a reasonable interview that explained the KURD & Turkey posturing… Well done! compared to the CBC Marxist (ABC) nonsense that keeps Canadians in the dark….

    2. The kid’s parents are unavailable for comment. They’re at the bank making a large deposit.
      We can all go back to sleep now.

    3. Even the unauthorized biographer somehow failed to mention the blackface.

      What else was he strongly discouraged from reporting? And was it by lawyers, or by members of one of the many ethnic gangs whose conditions for not setting fire to your convenience store include voting Liberal at every election?

    4. I read Justin Ling’s “article”. It smacks of a Katie Telford sponsored spin story.

      Justin says now, “I moved on“

      The head master says now they parted amicably.

      Turns out (from Ling’s) article that a student wrote an article in the school paper savaging another teacher. The student newspaper was shut down and both the student and the paper’s advisor, Justin Trudeau, were reprimanded.

      The spoiled little brat, Justin Trudeau, quit in a huff. He didn’t get his way. Oh Justin Ling, why was Trudeau savaging another teacher? If a teacher has a beef with another teacher, you take it to the school’s principal. Was Trudeau using a student to get back at a fellow teacher? How unprofessional of him.

      Now he’s Prime Minister. Ask Judy Wilson-Raybould, Admiral Mark Norman, Celina Caeser-Chavannes about Trudeau’s spoiled child vindictive behaviour.

    1. They say every man has his price. (I don’t know what mine is, just it’s a lot higher than anyone has offered yet. I bet it’s more than anyone thinks I’m worth.)

  2. Cost Order
    October 7th, 2019

    Last week we reported on the Supreme Court Ruling in Keatley v. Teranet. We were all smiles throughout, you know, we won big with that Ruling.

    But we also offered a warning; “we know what the civil service is like.” What did we expect?

    Well; “We expect that [they] will behave as they have for eight years, using taxpayer dollars to overwhelm and eliminate their victims, in contempt for law and decency”.

    Apparently these lines weren’t well appreciated in the civil service.

    Three days after our article, Justice Carole Brown of the Ontario Superior Court decided to reopen one of CSA’s litigations against us, dating from April of this year, in order to assess costs to me personally. No, not to PS Knight Co Ltd. To me.

    Thanks to Justice Brown, I now owe $44,320.57 to CSA.

    The litigation in question, one of CSA’s duplicate lawsuits in Ontario Court, was concluded in April of this year. It was closed. Done.

    You see folks, we had asked the Court to quash one of CSA’s litigations against us on the grounds that it was a cut-and-paste litigation, a duplicate of their other litigations, and that the Federal Court of Appeal had already Ruled that CSA was guilty of this practice, citing “paragraph for paragraph” duplication. You’re not supposed to be able to sue the same person repeatedly in the same jurisdiction at the same time for the same complaint. And there’s more; The Province of Ontario recently passed anti-SLAPP legislation, specifically targeting the kind of abuses practiced by CSA and instructing Courts to quash all such abusive litigations.


  3. All the other parties videos are available but the PPC and fools here think Bernier is part of the political corrupt global establishment in Canada I think not.

    CBC Quietly Unlists Bernier’s Campaign Trail Video, Leaves Other Party Leaders Up

    The CBC has Unlisted Maxime Bernier’s “Campaign Trail | Day 28” video from YouTube, a series of videos posted by CBC of the major federal party leaders addressing the media on the campaign trail across Canada.

    To “unlist” a video on YouTube means that it remains on YouTube, but is only accessible by having the direct link, making it unsearchable through typical means.

    But some are wondering where the Bernier’s video has disappeared to.

    Even if Google searching the exact title, “Maxime Bernier on the campaign trail | Day 28,” the first results that appear are Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh’s Day 28 videos.

    This is the video



    1. I’ll let readers decide for themselves whether it is politically corrupt to work in an executive position for a Party for 9 years,
      then run for the Leadership of that party, lose that election, reject the democratic decision by those party members,
      then start your own One-man-party while employing crap-weasels to spam boards and blogs calling the party he used to work for,
      in an executive position for 9 years, …politically corrupt.
      I think that sort of behavior is self serving and politically corrupt.

      1. Yea, I guess buying the votes of every Dairly farmer in Quebec/Ontario with a promise to not Destroy their lovely little monopoly in order to win the Leadership – all to the detriment of Canadians is just OK with you huh.?

        Talk bout Political Corruption.

        Get Stuffed – Get Lost.

      2. ” I guess buying the votes[…]Quebec/Ontario[…] is just OK with you huh.?”

        Something that never happened and is all in your fevered little mind, Angle, is A-OK with me.
        You really must learn to draw a line between real life and the talking points Bernier pays you to write.

        That said, what I wrote at 10:20 above about Bernier is public record.

    2. I’m still waiting to hear Bernier’s position on defence.

      It wasn’t on the PPC election platform.

      Didn’t the PPC promise to publish it?

  4. Great Leader Blackie will be visiting a pumpkin patch this morning. His MPs will be wearing name tags so people will know which are the pumpkins and which are the MPs. I wonder if Sophie will be there?

  5. Taxpayer Alert! The media reports that the payout to indian children could reach 7 billion dollars.

    1. If they were left with their alcoholic, substance abusing, abusive, parents they would sue the government for $8 billion. The truth is unimportant.

      1. I miss the point of the per child payment. The government didn’t get all the removals wrong. They likely didn’t get most of them wrong. They likely got some of them wrong but likely saved a lot of lives. Alcoholism, drug abuse, and incest are endemic on a lot of reserves. Let’s examine the cases on a one by one basis. I’m guessing some of these kids had really thick files.

  6. Today’s Globe and Mail is filled with various anti-Conservative hit pieces. The one that catches one’s eye is the hit piece by Bob Fife and company:

    which quotes various anonymous sources, saying that if Mr. Scheer doesn’t do well in this election campaign, then Peter MacKay will be challenging him in the forthcoming 2020 leadership review. Great stuff in the middle of this election. Don’t know if the Trudeau-controlled media cartel will push this story.

    1. Great stuff in the middle of this pasted post!

      Stephen Harper at Bohemian Grove? Hacked email says ex-leader visited shadowy GOP summer camp

      Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, confirmed Tuesday that hacked emails from his personal account were indeed genuine. U.S. media focused their coverage on Powell’s marked disdain for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In one email, Powell even called Trump an “international pariah.”

      But for Canadians, there’s another compelling tidbit in the emails. Specifically, in this July, 2016 email that Powell addressed to former Canadian attorney general Peter MacKay:

      Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion. Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates. I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life.


      LibCons they are all the same..

      1. Do you know who else is running against Stephen Harper during this election cycle? Justin Trudeau is.
        Now here is Maxime Bernier’s paid tout, getting his shots in on Stephen Harper on behalf of Maxime Bernier, Trudeau’s stooge.
        By the way, did y’all know that Maxime Bernier called Stephen Harper “Boss” for 9 long years? Yes, sadly it’s true. Genuine even.

          1. Harper’s gone? Somebody oughtta tell Justin…

            – Or tell him he’s not running against Ford this election…

        1. That’s funny because Stephen Harper is the name of the only Canadian politician in your 8:57 comment.
          You sure suck at shooting. Just curious, but didn’t 2016 come after the 2015 election? After PMSH was already out?
          And wasn’t Maxime Bernier still a CPC MP in 2016? Were you aiming for your foot, because you hit it dead on?!

          1. You said

            That’s funny because Stephen Harper is the name of the only Canadian politician in your 8:57 comment.

            Time for reading glasses Oz???

            Powell addressed to former Canadian attorney general Peter MacKay:

            Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion. Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates. I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life.

          2. “Time for reading glasses Oz???”

            I won’t make any excuses. I missed MacKay’s name.
            Regardless, what do a couple of private citizens(MacKay/Harper) in 2016 after they are out of office visiting a private retreat have to do with anything?
            Maxime Bernier was still in office then in 2016 as a CPC MP. What is your point?

    2. If Peter McKay wanted the Conservative leadership, I am guessing it was his for the asking in 2017. When he could have stumbled into it two years ago, why have a cat fight in 2020 when he has lost a lot of his relevance? Fife is seriously one of Canada’s biggest assholes.

  7. Trudeau’s Globe and Mail has one of its Unifor journalists write today that Thanksgiving is racist against indians. It celebrates colonialism. It should be renamed Friendship Day. And teacher unions are staging a walk in today throughout Ontario just before advance polling starts. Great shots of union organizers herding small children through streets holding anti Ford signs. Nothing to do with the election of course.

    1. “That’s a sign that even the left is getting fed up with the last 12 years of life on planet earth.”

      Maybe. Or they just might not like darling little Greta kicking their Boss Trudeau in the knackers during an election cycle.

    2. Bout the only thing I got from that link was. CBC loves to see leftist Activism & theres 10,000 Imbeciles world wide blocking bridges. They should hope that some guy with an 8000lb Diesel Truck doesn’t have a braking emergency at such a time…

      These goofs are simply more of the same useless, unemployable, brain dead Climatista’s who we’ve come to know. What else is new.

      As to the comments…they clearly illustrate the Climate idiocy that’s rampant in this country. Some clown saying that Alternative Energy (Solar/Wind) is actually “competitive” with fossil fuels and provides more jobs with better pay that the Fossil Fuel Industry. LMAO..!!

      And thats when I quit reading & quit inflicting damage upon my conscience.

      I actually hope we have one of the coldest WINTERS seen in this Country in 500 yrs. Lets see how their ‘Alternative energy” does then.

    3. “A sign that even the left is getting fed up with the last 12 years of life on planet earth.”

      So, those yammering yodeling yentas are going to do themselves in?
      Great, that’s worth the wait.

  8. The plight of the dick in the orange t-shirt continues.


    While it is sad the family business closed I am still stunned that the family does not understand what oppression means. They came from Syria FFS, so they should know. Oppression is not staging a Maxime Bernier rally. Oppression is preventing people from attending the political rally of a candidate who is legitimately seeking office, just because you oppose their views. Their own son was engaging in oppression. You can come to Canada all the way from Syria and still not have a clue about what real oppression is. I won’t be buying anything from Paramount Foods any time soon.

    1. Every action has an equal & opposite Re-Action.
      I have ZERO sympathy for said dick in the Orange T-Shirt.
      And I’d also bet said dick has not exactly the higest of IQ’s either.

    2. Are Canadians not ashamed how they lead a NEW immigrant to believe that MASKED activists is the Normal Canadian way… The cowards who hide their identity are those in a safe harbor (Communist) cluster of racist group think….BE ASHAMED

      It is interesting that Quebec has a serious plan for Independence…Do not be surprised if CANADA breaks up into multiple sovereign States & Tribes…… Pushing a silly Collective agenda has consequences….

    1. Bravo! She is absolutely wonderful!
      Thank you nold.

      Ah, ah ah .

      Ah, ah,
      Ah,ah ah

      Ah, ah.
      Practice makes perfect!

      P.S. Hope you get the fine weather for Harvest!

      1. She’s a fine soprano. Some of my favourites of hers are
        – Meinherr Marquis from die Fledermaus
        – Olympia’s song (“Les Oiseaux dans la Charmille”) from Tales of Hoffmann; the one with her in the white dress. Very well staged!

    1. I have to continually say to those that have a neurotic Anti-Trump (TDS) mentality….LOOK at what he DOES….not what he says or what Holly(PEDO)Wood, the Leftist Media or your Neighbour says about him.

      This, among others is another excellent example of Doing whats RIGHT FOR AMERICA and its citizens and Showcases the TREASONOUS activities from that Race Baitiing – Islam Ass kissing pile of Shit, Barak OBAMA.

  9. “””So, in 2014, this writer was told there were affidavits detailing inappropriate conduct between Trudeau and various young people. I simply did not believe it, but I raised the allegation directly with Trudeau’s most-senior adviser.

    To my surprise, he acknowledged the allegations had been made in affidavits, but said that Trudeau’s insular inner circle were not worried.”””


  10. Global warming alert! Major snowstorm heading for Manitoba. You need to get out your snow shovel and winter tires if you want to vote against global warming tomorrow.

  11. “This (Wednesday) morning’s low temperature of plus one at YVR set a new mark for cold on the 9th of October, easily beating out the previous record of plus 2.9 degrees set on this date all the way back in 1960. And yes, we are set up to break more records on a frosty Thursday morning too,” he says, adding we’re well ahead of the season’s usual weather”


  12. SCAM! Toronto media were on hand to cover the Syrian muslim family in Toronto, as they announced the reopening of their restaurant. They welcome all their new customers to come in and spend money. They are still upset though that people got angry simply because their son abused an old woman with a walker.

  13. from a dear friend in tranna area and a BIG fan of Doug Ford and POTUS Trump:
    Some interesting comments on the outcome of a possible impeachment of Donald Trump attributed to a certain Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD (Political Science):
    “I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian.
    I’ve been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!

  14. 1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.
    2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

    1. 3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President’s attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President’s team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.

  15. ok, almost there.

    4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office.

    1. They don’t understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed — and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros.

      1. ok, last piece of it:

        After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.”

        what a bloody frustrating exercise.
        Im outta here.

  16. Faith J Goldy ✝️

    “The word “illegal” to describe those who cross the border outside of official border crossings is a subject of debate”

    Imagine being in power for 10 yrs & *not* defunding CBC @stephenharper
    ⁩ betrayed his voters, having us pay for this propaganda



    1. A serious hit piece, distorting the issue, from the CBC. That pact is not just a feel good gesture. It is an attempt to get nations to submit to globslist/UN interests regarding migration. That is why a number of nations, including the US did not sign it. Where was the CBC to inform us when and pact was being signed?. We heard nothing from them until the 11th hour, and then it was completely whitewashed. “Voluntary” is just a trick to get buy in. We know all about those “voluntary” climate goals.

    2. Harper was a bedwetting Liberal. Useless as tits on a hog. Had a huge majority and stood there and wet himself. Lied to his voters, Kenney is a fool to take counsel from Harper the Bed Wetter. Canada’s Fake Conservatives are actually lower down than Liberals. We know what Liberals will do. But all Conservative LEADERS since Dief are scumbag Liberals and liars.

      1. lol !!!!
        well, after all, dief ‘the chief’ was a PIONEER in that regard.
        never could make up his mind about diddly.
        BLEW the biggest majority ever(?, well at least up to that time).

    1. It’s up to Ontario voters to save Canada from Trudeau

      Yeah well those would be the A-Holes who inflicted J. Trudeau on Canada in the first place. Not only that, they’re the same A-Holes who voted Pierre Trudeau as PM and also at the turn of the century voted P.Trudeau to be the most important Canadian of the 20th century.
      Save us all from Ontario says I.

      It’s like a spouse abuser expecting to be appraised as a Hero just because they temporarily stop beating their spouse.
      One needs to know this is a pattern of behavior that can only be ended with either Death or Divorce.

      1. Age of consent is 16.

        Other questions are not for the RCMP and simply point to character (or lack) and trust. I think we clearly see that now.

        If true, gotta hand it to the used-to-be-young lady. Make hay while the campaign sun shines.

        What might make it more interesting is to follow the money. Who is writing the cheque?

  17. And now something you will only see in Blackie’s Toronto Star. Muslim teacher with a bag over her head, writes that Ford is making cuts in education because he hates muslims.

  18. And now for something completely different. The end of capitalism is already here – if you know where to look.


    The idea of worker-cooperatives where employees own the company and share in the decision making. It is such a female idea – it has to work. Yet, not a single example in the article.

    Don’t look to Russia or China for this new form of communism. No. Look to Nottingham Forest and Robin Hood. In other words the future is about stealing from Capitalism to feed a new form of Socialism. You don’t have to look very hard to find that. Brought to you by people who work for the government.

  19. Well, the comments are a bit random free-flow, but if you are interested, here is the observation on one libertarian-ish Brit:
    There are ways of leaving the EU:
    There is a sensible way: having decided on what the long term plan might be. Maybe keep the trade aspects but move away from the political union (see e.g. Norway and EFTA and see Richard North’s EUReferendum blog.)
    There is the stupid way: crash out and burn, trade like WTO member Iran or maybe even like North Korea. Woo Hoo – soooo good – not. See Right-ish press and blogs.
    Or curl your tail up and Remain: See all msm, UK politicos, etc., bearing in mind that they are all “remain” but don’t even begin to understand what it is that they are so keen on…
    I think that this is the same as how “Color Revolutions” are done: overwhelming ranting and noise by the ignorant so that any sense is driven out…
    But, Hey, I only live here 🙁

  20. Where is Sophie?? Blackie showed up at the debate hall a few minutes by himself. Classy Liberal crowd there, dressed up as Doug Ford and waving Peter McKay signs. I wonder why none of them were wearing blackface.

  21. Blackie’s CTV is upset tonight because a new Conservative ad shows a black man trashing Groper. They are mad because he is a Conservative candidate, so obviously he is not a real black man like Blackie.

  22. Bill C16

    An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code

    An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (Bill C-16, 2016) is a law passed by the Parliament of Canada. The law adds gender expression and gender identity as protected grounds to the Canadian Human Rights Act, and also to the Criminal Code provisions dealing with hate propaganda, incitement to genocide, and aggravating factors in sentencing.

    Introduced by
    Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice

    Listen to my local candidates debate the Gender Identity Bill C-16.


  23. Global warming alert! Today Vancouver suffered its coldest day in over 120 years. And as part of its pre debate show, Blackie’s CBC brought in a Toronto Star reporter to explain that Hitler Doug Ford will ruin Hitler Scheer’s election.

  24. Gee if that was the CPC MP Cooper he would of been kicked out of the CPC.

    People’s Party won’t take action against N.S. candidate who called Islam ‘pure evil’

    Bernier to appear with candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook in Halifax event

    Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party says it won’t take action against one of its candidates in Nova Scotia who called Islam “pure evil” and “not compatible with democracy” in numerous social media posts.

    Sybil Hogg, the PPC candidate for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook, made a series of posts on Twitter and Facebook with anti-Islam statements within the last year.


  25. Blackie’s first words at the debate was on how he will fight evil Jason Kenny and evil Doug Ford. Groper, the turban guy, town drunk May, and the separatist rant all during the debate that the oil sands must be shut down and pipelines banned.

    1. The greens and left need to removed from all governmental funding at all three levels of governments…
