21 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Hypevironment Canada”

  1. Thus sayeth the Minister of Weather.

    I remember another Victoria Day weekend in Calgary 40 years ago when it was about as hot. On the preceding Friday, I washed and waxed the car I had at the time, getting a sunburn in the process. On the Sunday evening of that weekend, some of my mates and I went to a dusk-to-dawn movie fest at a drive-in theatre not far from where I lived. One reason we stayed as long as we did was because it was quite warm well past midnight.

    Somehow, though, I don’t ever recall there ever being any heat warnings being issued. I guess the climate wasn’t changing then or maybe somebody thwarted Prince Rainbow Spud’s daddy’s attempts to inform us about the coming environmental apocalypse.

    Climate Barbie, a complete waste of taxpayer’s money….. Then again, so’s her boss.

    1. I have another reason to laugh at this idiocy.

      As part of my Ph. D. research, I examined several years of weather data for a number of Canadian locations. I often came across temperatures that were higher than average, so what we’re experiencing now is not unusual.

      Since she doesn’t appear to have any background in meteorology or statistics, she must have been deemed to be well-suited for her current job, being impartial and unbiased as she seems to be completely uncontaminated by actual facts or knowledge.

      Oh, and the source of the weather data I used for my research? I obtained it from those climate change deniers known as–wait for it!–Environment Canada.

  2. For heavens sake… how much theft, oops I mean how much taxes does it take to change the darn climate already… when do Justard and the “Minister of weather” whatsherface start controlling the weather through taxation? Someday, someday. This just in, Summer is hot, winter is cold, time to panic.

  3. The IT guy here (of Nigerian origin) was quite amused at the notion of 29 C being considered “hot”.

  4. don’t you just love how they colour the map to indicate heat? 85 f with a little humidity is just right.

    1. Geeze! I bitch about my LOCAL weather news stations ‘coloring’ a balmy 85deg. Day in BRIGHT RED (100+ deg. ‘colored’ deep MAGENTA) … but THAT BRIGHT RED 29deg. Canada weather map takes the cake.

      Nothing more than climate propaganda

  5. Arrived in Alberta in May 1980.
    They hadn’t had rain in 30 days, orange sky from brushfires all over the province’s northeast.
    In 30 degree August, thunderstorms at 3:30 P.M. right on cue.
    The coming Ice Age had been delayed somehow.

  6. A lot of my work is outside. People love to complain about the weather but declaring that “the sky is falling!” is even better. Negative whiners. And the worst bitchers are pumpkin heads who work in offices. Working downtown one nice summer day, an earthquake rumbled through and the government buildings emptied as quick as can be. This late fifties tall dude who came out wearing a nice suit asked me if it “was one bomb or two?” He must have been lotsa fun in the elevator ride down.

  7. What an infantile, self-congratulatory webpage. It’s like Greenpeace and Disney doing a cuddle-hump.

  8. Canadian Weather Warning: Beach and Camping weather has arrived. Seek fun and relaxation. Wear sunscreen. Drink plenty of your favorite fluids. Rejoice that exposed flesh will not freeze in minutes.

  9. Maybe they will soon start naming these super heat waves/sarc. May I suggest 2018 Heat Wave Wanda and follow up with an interview with fellow cuckaloo. “Have you ever seen anything like this? Golly, no, I have lived here for all of 3 years and I have never seen anything like it. I am really afraid we will see more and more of this in an ever warming world.”

    1. Just like that meteorological expert Leonardo what’s-his-name. “Climate change is real! I’ve seen it in Calgary! That’s why I have to fly all over the world to get away from it!”

  10. I had a similar reaction once to seeing the exact same temperatures forecast for Calgary and Saskatoon. Calgary had a heat warning, but Saskatoon did not. This was back in September 2017. It irked me enough to use the EC contact page to lodge a complaint, or whatever, because back in the day, we used to just call that “First Peoples’ Turtle Island Summer-like Autumn Weather”.

    The response I got back–I was surprised I got any response, being one of the little people–was thusly:

    The heat warning criteria for most of Alberta are two consecutive days where the maximum temperature forecast is greater than or equal to 29 C and the overnight low between the days is forecast to be greater than or equal to 14 C. This criteria applies to all of the province except the following forecast regions (where the criteria is a forecast temperature of 32 C or more for two consecutive days with an overnight min between the two days of 16 C or warmer): [Lists four areas along the southernmost band of the province]. No humidex criteria exists in Alberta at this time.

    The criteria were developed in partnership with Alberta Health Services, Alberta Health and Health Canada using epidemiological data where available. The forecast temperature will be validated by observed (measured) temperatures as recorded in a shaded/heat shielded enclosure that undergoes routine inspection and calibration.

    They totally ignored my basic question of “when did these heat warnings change how they were issued to such a low value”. I mean, back in the day, heat warnings didn’t come into play until it was near or above 40, with or without humidity. The idea that these temperatures are anything unusual in western Canada is laughable. And should be roundly ridiculed at every opportunity.

    1. The 65 feet from air conditioned government building to air conditioned chauffeured car is mighty far at 29 degrees. I mean, it’s a whole 84 Fahrenheit.

      1. The delicate flowers would definitely suffer massive cases of the vapours.

  11. Can you IMAGINE the mosqito invasion … if ALL of the Canadian permafrost were to thaw!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh mammmmmaaaa

    Stop driving your EVIL pickup trucks NOW!!

  12. This is what the communists call conditioning.
    The local station CHQR is warning about anything connected to weather.
    Rain warning
    Snow warning
    Weather warning
    Very soon the plebeians are not going to survive without warning.
    Yeah, the LIV are conditioned and if they don’t get their victim warning they are lost.

    1. DiCaprio was here already!
      He was in a film called “The Revenant”, made in Alberta… because it’s not as cold as East coast Canada. ( but it was that year!)
