
Lorrie Goldstein;

If Ontario’s carbon pricing scheme is such a great idea, why aren’t Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne, and the NDP’s Andrea Horwath, who supports it, praising it to the skies on the campaign trail?


Thanks to a new Ipsos-Global TV poll, now we know why.

18 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. Anyone who says cap and trade is anything but a scheme to take more money from taxpayers is probably profiting by it and therefore lying, or just incredibly stupid.

    1. “…is probably profiting by it and therefore lying, or just incredibly stupid.”

      Yup. Two kinds of people support it: parasites, and fools.

  2. “Ontario businesses are expected to pay up to $466 million by 2020 to Quebec and California for (carbon) allowances. Based on preliminary estimates … that amount could rise to $2.2 billion in 2030 — all of it money that will leave the Ontario economy.”

    Quebec & California get all the Money! WTF What fool thinks this isn’t a gangster shake down… Pay up you morons, or Quebec will have to leave & join California… Yes they are both bankrupt & need your Money

  3. Problem with trading carbon credits – in practical terms there is an unlimited supply of carbon credits – most of it bogus. Canadian companies used to brag they bought an offsetting amount of fake Chinese carbon credits.

    1. That pretty well sums up the feature (notice I didn’t say flaw) with the so-called market approach.
      A true market is driven by buyers making purchase choices based on what the individual decides is in their best interest. The “carbon market” is not driven by supply and demand it is driven by government legislation, or as I like to say the legal fiction of AGW.

  4. I dunno. They elected McGuinty again and again, Wynne was a McGuinty cabinet minister. They elected Wynne in 2013 and again in 2014.
    What makes any thoughtful person think this particular issue is going to sink her political ship? I bet they vote Zoolander again too.

  5. In Canada, where our electrical generation is 81% non-emitting and where our forests sink more than all the rest of our carbon production, carbon taxes and cap and trade should be called by a more appropriate name. How about “I’m a f…..g idiot tax and I’ll do anything to virtue signal to global green theocracy”.

  6. So, 28% think it is NOT a tax grab? Must be hard core State Broadcaster or Constant Trudeau Vision viewers.

  7. The single largest cost on a litre of gas is now tax. In 2nd place is the actual cost of oil used to produce that litre of gas. Sad.

  8. “….why aren’t Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne, and the NDP’s Andrea Horwath, who supports it, praising it to the skies on the campaign trail?”

    Indeed. And why isn’t Ford pointing that out? Plus the fact that The NDP and the Greens aided/abetted the Green Energy Act.

    1. “Indeed” also applies to your follow-on remark.

      Ford did make the claim a day or two ago that we could expect $2. per litre gasoline if the NDP wins:


      Aside from the provincial Liberals so much as admitting, in their criticism of Ford, that it’s a tax grab, even Dan McTeague, a former Liberal MP and “of GasBuddy.com”, acknowledges the possibility of Ford’s claim, saying that just implementing the $50 per tonne Trudeau carbon price would add another 8 cents per litre at the pumps.

      And, I might add, that far from Doug Ford not understanding the issues, as the Ontario Liberal spokesperson claims, it’s in fact the Ontario Liberals that don’t understand what’s at stake: if the carbon price is going to $300 a tonne, why would either they or their Trudopian cousins accept less (I think the economic jargon is “the law of one price”)? I can just imagine how this will end.

      And why, exactly, would Ontario’s perfidy toward to the balance of the country (in opposing pipeline expansion) not ultimately have the same effect as what’s happening in B.C.?

      I was wondering myself, as it happens, what year the Ontario Tories were planning to re-orient their attack toward the NDP. I note, for example, that the Ontario PC website is still focussed on Wynne, who is a secondary opponent at the moment.

      I don’t know, seems like 2018 might be as good a time any: as you say, how about a sustained attack on the carbon tax and the pipeline mendacity, along with the NDP’s complicity therein, as well as with a sustained attack on the record of the previous NDP government: After all, “if you’re thinking of voting for Andrea Horwath, Bob Rae is all you’re going to get.”

      The accounting/auditor general troubles of the Liberals, about which Ms. Horwath had no comprehensible comment (either she doesn’t understand the issues involved or she’s complicit in them as well), ought to be front and centre in the Tory attacks, as they stand to effect, if carried to their logical conclusion (i.e. that a left-wing government would indeed attempt, through legislation, to gain unfettered access to the public sector pension plans), millions of households in Ontario, including the many of them that have both private- and public-sector sources of income.

  9. It was jr’s father that changed canada from imp.gallon to Ltrs.
    Can you imagine the outrage if that sign said $5.50pr/gal.
    And dont forget trudeaus made their family fortune in gas in quebec, coincidence daddy removed rail lines in canada so freight
    Had to be shipped by transport trucks kaching! , joe clark gets defeated in the hoc because he was imposing a 10cent gas tax, trudeau gets re-elected imposes a 25cent gas tax kaching, fast forward to 2018 introduce carbon/gas tax and they tell you it will
    Only be pennies on the dollar, kaching.
    And we grumble in coffee shops and online blogs. So they get away with these increases time and time again.

  10. I don’t see how any scheme purporting to return all money collected from a carbon tax to the people could ever work. First, there would be enormous administration costs and secondly, we will be paying GST on the tax and I doubt anyone, fed or prov will return that money.

  11. Be honest, those in Ontario.

    Can you truly say that the Winnbag is going to lose the election and someone better is going to win it?

    Or is it just a wishful thinking?

  12. Never forget Lorrie Goldstein believes in AGW and has always supported that point of view.

    As such he is a hypocrite.
