42 Replies to “Ready, Aim…”

  1. So, while everyone on the ‘right’ is tripping over themselves to distance themselves from the ‘alt-right’, the leader of the CPC is being asked to ‘distance’ himself from the Rebel(even though the Libs and NDP won’t be asked to distance themselves from anything ANTIFA, BLM or Marxist), the left carries on with destroying history while the ‘right’ virtue signals among themselves.
    It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.

  2. There’s some people in the world that SHOULD be offended. Regularly, deliberately, and as often as possible.

  3. Sue – why do Southerners put up with the distortion and denigration of their history? Must be a lot of White Uncle Toms down there.

  4. I don’t know how people tolerate statues to Washington and Jefferson. The were slave owners. More statues to come down.

  5. When ISIS and the Taliban were dynamiting old statues of the Buddha and destroying other monuments of historical significance, there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth. Eventually, but maybe too late to save a few statues from the perpetually aggrieved SJW’s, someone will realize they are trying to re-write history. Might even work.

  6. When I see the two sides of agitators and protestors involved in the recent events at Charlottesville, I keep thinking of Henry Kissinger’s remark about the Iran-Iraq War:
    “It’s a pity they can’t both lose.”

  7. “Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
    Eric Blair, better known under his pen name George Orwell

  8. The thing that has always amazed me about “causes” like this, is the number of people who can devote so much time and energy to things that are, from any value scale, so utterly useless.

  9. They have been emboldened. After months of provoking they have finally achieved their desired results . The death of the young lady at the hands of an idiot in their minds has given them total domination of the moral high ground . The only bright spot is President Trump ,who has pointed out there is a great deal of responsibility for the violence on both sides . For this the media is trying to roast him. I believe with the support of the press the sjw will take protests to higher and higher levels of absurdity. One can only hope it will wake up people with half a brain .

  10. “The legality of slavery today”
    “While Islamic law does allow slavery under certain conditions, it’s almost inconceivable that those conditions could ever occur in today’s world, and so slavery is effectively illegal in modern Islam. Muslim countries also use secular law to prohibit slavery.
    News stories do continue to report occasional instances of slavery in a few Muslim countries, but these are usually denied by the authorities concerned.”
    from the BBC, of course…
    For further info on islam and slavery…
    Does Islam condone slavery? Does Islamic teaching allow Muslim men to keep women as sex slaves?
    Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
    Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”
    … with the citations to look it up in your own personal koran, hadith, and sira.

  11. Im gonna pick up a couple filing cabinets from kijiji sose I can keep hardcopy of various news pieces, photos, memorabilia etc before it goes down the rabbit hole. or Winston’s incinerator.

  12. (re: Teddy) Hunter, major conservationist, AND an unapologetic Imperialist. So it goes….
    President Trump in his new conference won another battle for me. He called out the alt left mob. Said they were violent, had no permit to march. I couldn’t be more pleased and proud. It’s about time!! MAGA.

  13. I don’t know for certain, and perhaps I’m even wrong, but I’d say there’s a measure of sarcasm in “scar’s” comment, and maybe “a bullet for you” is perhaps an overreaction.

  14. “If it produces mayhem, perhaps it was aiming at mayhem” … speaking of Hitler, but clearly addressing the wider view of what may be underlaying reasons for “causing mayhem” …
    @ 1.50 in this 4 minutes video from Professor Jordan Peterson:
    marc in calgary, “Sometimes, people are real card carrying pricks, and we need to address that issue with them, rather than saying, “well everyone has a bad day now and again” ..

  15. I couldn’t agree MORE. Yesterday … President Trump spoke for ME. Of course the “Press” went apoplectic … MY President dared to SHATTER their FALSE narrative. I still remember the leftist SJW Jr. College “professor” who fired a bike lock into the forehead of a Milo-supporter (free speech advocate) in the leftist-initiated (and funded) mele at UC Berkeley (among other acts of extreme violence). The left is mobilizing and weaponizing with the full approval of the “Press”
    RESIST the resistance !
    And lest I be “whitewashed” as a “racist” … I shall remind you that my son has been in a LTR (hopefully marriage … but these young kids are slow in that regard) with a “black” woman for years. We LOVE her and her family. Skin color means NOTHING to me … but CHARACTER does.

  16. “White Men
    Bringing you Western Civilization for 3000 years”
    Nonononononono! You’ve got it wrong! It should read:
    White Men
    Bringing you oppression and unearned privilege for 3000 years

    And we’re sorry.

  17. Where is the condemnation of those bastards marching with torches and shouting Nazi/antisemitic slogans? May they burn in hell. They do not have that right.
    Trump is without a doubt the worst President ever. Needs to be removed (by whatever means necessary) before he destroys the country.

  18. We SEE clearly … what your “by whatever means necessary” entails. Keep poking and prodding … you WILL wake up the sleeping GIANT of conservative America. And then you will YEARN for the dog days of Trump.
    Hop to it. I can’t wait.

  19. Can’t you admit the obvious? That he is the most incompetent President in a long time. The GOP will dump him in 2020 or sooner. Maybe he’ll still run with his base backing but that will just ensure that the Dems get elected.

  20. I place Trump ahead of Obama, Bush II, and Clinton. Draining the swamp isn’t easy and all those pigs in the muck never stop squealing. I don’t think Trump is going anywhere soon.

  21. We can probably all agree that there will be no statues of Trump. Unless he erects one himself which is plausible.

  22. But far from draining the swamp, he has expanded it and dammed it – so nothing will get done.

  23. Your “obvious” is so tainted that you FAIL to appreciate my Presidents many positive accomplishments …
    The stripping-away of useless regulations and associations (such as the Paris accord) – WINNING!
    FREEZING Federal hiring – WINNING!
    Drew a RED LINE in bomb craters to force Assad (and his Russian allies) into chemical weapon surrender – WINNING!
    Softened-up the Taliban with a bunker-buster special delivery – WINNING!
    Has virtually HALTED illegal immigration (without building a single foot of the “wall”) – WINNING!
    Stock Market UP 4,000 points since his election – WINNNG!
    Calling out the FAKE media for what it is – WINNING!
    Bullying (negotiating) corporations into returning manufacturing jobs to America – WINNING!
    … and so much more ..
    The only LOSERS are GOPe Republicans who continue to HOPE for my Presidents demise by dragging their feet and refusing to do what they bragged they would (in order to get elected). And the Democrap RESISTance … LOSERS!! LOSING!!!!

  24. 72 years, tops.
    The renaissance and Industrial Revolution came about because the idea of individual rights took hold – against fervent opposition from the church and the monarchs of the day. They’re still under attack from the ivory towers.
    And they didn’t happen because anyone was white.
