11 Replies to “The Leftist Guide to Political Correctness”

  1. Scowling, screeching, perpetually angry, arseholes…a lot in common with the muzzie-wugs.

  2. I can shoot (excuse the pun) his whole dialogue as this is what we inherited and who knows, maybe they will be changed down the road, like Minnesota.
    As in there was sterotypes from cartoons I grew up with blacks having big fat white lips and were always fat types. There were other sterotypes that really shouldn’t be around.
    He was doing good on the Redskins, but the lost me with useless tyrads about Washington and so on. Those are historical items and may or may not be changed.
    Popint being I wouldn’t use his commentary as an expose on political correctness.
    Should have stuck with Christmas vs Happy Holidays debate or gender neutral bathrooms.

  3. I know he’s trying to lampoon these w@nkers, but it’s not funny.
    The reason it isn’t funny is because we know d@mn well that there IS a committee out there to change the name of Washington DC to ‘Peace and Love City’.

  4. George Will’s mockery of political correctness was brilliant. So sorry you missed it almost entirely.

  5. That’s the problem Robert. It is now impossible to mock the Left. Hyperbole is not useful against an opponent who will take it as a suggestion for future action, not a criticism of present action.

  6. welcome late to the party old boy george!
    now go retire somewhere nice and quiet.
    in the age of notly, mcwynnty, zoolander, obama david hampton, and the coming EU civilwar/suicide, i;m not interested in these bow-tied pointdexters anymore…
    it’s now time for Trump to thump the establishments in both parties and the coastal nexus of progs!

  7. Is this the same George Will that has his tongue embedded in the Bush families (and Superdonors) rectum? Sorry, but that has caused me to discount every other utterance spitting from his pursed lips.

  8. *
    you can’t escape the long arm of the politically correct… especially here in uber-apologetic canada…
    You wouldn’t know any of this stuff if you read the Canadian Press or Globe & Mail… because they won’t ever use the “M” word. They’re happy to leave readers with the impression that Newfies are terminal dickheads.”
