6 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Hard to say where this Benghazi thing might go but if it looks at all like zero might be implicated you have to think he will toss Clinton under the bus immediately.
    She has as many skeletons in her closet as she has enemies. The closer we get to the election, the more interesting it is going to become.

  2. instead of yet another online game involving death and destruction, to add to the 25,000 already out there, is there ANY thought to hiring all that grey matter to come up with a database that tracks politicians’ lies and links these lies to things like videos, transcripts, excerpts from publications etc etc. you know, anything that would contradict the lie? they could even track totals, severity, frequency as a percentage of all official statements. all the nice juicy stuff.
    guess not . . . . .
