Don’t Meet The Press


Boycott both NBC and ABC over failing to report on Gruber’s revelations and put CBS on final notice over the revelations that they coordinated with the Obama administration to tank Sharyl Attkisson’s Benghazi reporting. Network news is a dying religion becoming more ideologically rigid, forgoing any attempt to stay relevant in a media landscape that no longer needs them. Leave them behind. We’ve already shown that it works. Marginalize them and label them progressive news outlets and make them live by it. MSNBC came out of the progressive closet fully earlier this year and their ratings and web traffic got worse. Air America is no more and Current TV is now an unloved stepchild Al Gore gave away for oil money.
Reince Priebus threatened to boycott NBC and CNN over Hillary movies and documentaries aimed at paving the way toward her eventual coronation in 2016. It was a bold and refreshing action that loudly stated enough was enough.

11 Replies to “Don’t Meet The Press”

  1. Yeah the mask is pretty much off….CBC too…
    They progressed from reporting to influencing….to the extent that they now have little or no influence….the 2014 mid-terms indicate that.

  2. I will believe that The Party Of Stupid, aka the Republicans, has grown enough of a brain to boycott the MSM when I stop seeing their talking heads on TV. When Chris “The Tingle” Mathews and George Snuffleupagus can’t get a single Republican to come on their shows during an election, that’s a boycott. When the DemocRats demand a debate on NBC and the Republican presidential candidate tells them it’ll be on FOX or they can f- off, that’s a boycott.
    Otherwise, talk is cheap.

  3. Frag the pussyhorse boycotts – how about indicting the Treasonous MSM scum – like the partisan apparatchik journo who twisted the facts on the debate on Bengahzi in the televised presidential debate.
    I’ll believe the GOP are serious about reforming corruption when I see them take concrete actions to indict obvious breeches of the law and constitution. AFAIC the GOP are as corrupt as the Dems and neither want the real skeletons released from the closet for public view.

  4. Dunno Occam, free country means you’re allowed to be a political partisan. You’re even allowed to lie about your partisanship and generally be a d1ck.
    That’s why shrinking government through tax cuts is the only way to turn things around. You can’t MAKE people play nice. All you can do is enforce contracts, keep the peace and protect the nation from foreign military attack. Everything else is extortion, cronyism and oppression, pretty much.
    The Republicans boycotting the MSM is a legal and morally reasonable defense against rabid partisanship and bare-faced lying. Using the power of the State to target reporters they don’t like, that’s what the DemocRats do.

  5. If it werent for dr and dentist waiting rooms I dont think networks would have any viewership at all. I dont know anyone who watches.

  6. In both Canada and US, network news is more about theatre and pimping the reigning celebrities than actually informing the viewers.

  7. Not quite, felis gracilis. The MSM only pimps for progressive Libtards and infrequently, CINOs. And they have an agenda that is consistent with the Libtards they support. Information is presented only in support of their views.

  8. “They progressed from reporting to influencing….”
    I would humbly add that this has been going on for decades. It is just that they are totally out in the open with their corruption and past biased news and as the article says, “This isn’t bias. This is malfeasance and corruption.”.

  9. Children have bedtime stories read to them. Adults read for themselves.
    The death of television news cannot come soon enough.

  10. Sorry, I should have been clearer. When I said “pimping the reigning celebrities” I was referring to the media “celebrities” themselves. You know, the stars to whom everyone else at the network and in the country is supposed to bow. The ones who say “we’ll tell you the news and what it means”.
