More Pavilions At Folkfest

“Democracy, Immigration, Multiculturalism — Pick Any Two”

A new law will come into effect in Sweden after Christmas 2014, that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politician’s unwillingness to tackle the issue. The Constitutional Committee’s report has been voted for in parliament, seen in a letter from the Parliamentary Offices. Member of Parliament Andrew Norlén, member of the Constitutional Committee, has been pushing the issue and he says it will rapidly become a deterrent. “I do not think it takes very many prosecutions before a signal is transmitted in the community that the internet is not a lawless country, the sheriff is back in town” Norlén said during a one-sided ‘debate’ on the issue in Swedish parliament.

h/t Me No Dhimmi

11 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Barbara Lerner Spectre’s dream finally realized! Oy vey.
    And it’s “Democracy, Freedom, Multiculturalism: pick any two.” You can’t “assimilate” 75 IQ Africans into a 1st world culture. And the real question is, even if you could, why would anyone want to? Hmmm. That’s a hard one.
    Africa for the Africans
    Asia for the Asians
    Israel for the Jews
    White countries for EVERYONE

  2. I meant “Democracy, Peace, Multiculturalism… etc.”
    But the mistake is close to being true as well.

  3. The UK must have something similar to kill free speech as a desperate and futile gesture of dhimmitude. Look for something similar here if the Spawn is anointed PM.

  4. All the Swedish LSM can babble on about is hunting a ‘suspected’ Russian sub somewhere in their waters. No pictures, no evidence but their looking real hard while the other hand takes away free speech from individuals.
    Sweden is now the rape and child sexual abuse leader in Scandinavia – so BIG BAD RUSSIANS with a side order of Jew and Christian bashing.

  5. True enough, John. What one government repealed, Section 13, another can as easily restore. The HRCs were bad enough with S13, but putting it back with teeth similar to the insanit Sweden is committing would be far, far worse.

  6. I am really looking forward to the Swedes screwing up and trying to “force” a Russian sub to the surface, followed by Putin unleashing several Guards Tank Armies on the Swedish 57th Bisexual Immigrant pseudo-infantry Division.
    Sweden is playing chicken with a psychotic 1000 pound grizzly on the one hand, and with a pack of rabid dogs on the other! Good times, this is going to be awesome.

  7. Swedish directors always exploited the national obsession with suicide , this just seems to be the political counterpart making it official

  8. It turns out it is a myth that lemmings commit mass suicide but it is no myth that the white race is committing mass suicide.
    It is happening somewhat slowly but it is still a suicide.
    If you want Western Civilization to be replaced, if you want the white race to be replaced, vote for any leftist party, any one will do, anything on the left is anti-white.
    Immigration, multiculturalism, diversity and all things supported and imposed on us by the left contribute to the destruction of the white race and this great civilization.
    It has reached a point where they – the left who are the establishment now and are in charge of pretty much everything – demand we celebrate our own demise… and criticizing the ones responsible for our demise is a becoming a crime.
    This will not end well.
    I will not take part in this, I am too old, my health is not so good, and I certainly am not a violent man, but this will not end well. It will all end in violence.
    This will end violence, I can not see how else it can end. I am not saying I want it to end in violence, I am saying I simply can not imagine how this oppression of whites can end in anything but violence.

  9. Great, well the upside is that we will all get to meet in jail if the Spawn comes to power. Although in my case the chances are probably far greater of meeting on the other side of the great divide.

  10. This is the scenario I talked about in another thread where the cops are on the same side as the terrorists. This is what you get when you keep voting Commie. You get Communism.
