14 Replies to “Sensitivity test”

  1. So Al, what you’re saying is it’s all about RACE. Or have I misunderstood what you were trying to say?

  2. Made it to about 20 seconds,then had to suppress the urge to shoot my monitor.
    As a born again atheist,I hope I’m wrong so that people like Al Sharpton can burn for eternity in an especially warm corner of Hell.

  3. At first I thought he was just excited about tomorrow’s Daytona 500 RACE. Boy! am I disappointed…

  4. And as Al would say, “And RESIST IT WE MUCH!”
    (How does one say ‘blowhard’ in SharpTongue?)

  5. Al has been race baiter for ever he hs just stepped it up a notch – they get a black president and of course Al sees racism behind every rock and shadow – seems obvious he’s bucking age dementia while he’s on his one man race baiting trip.
    Anyone else detect “microagression” in that clip?
