53 Replies to “News Shaping vs. News Reporting”

  1. Yes, the poster says it all. Think about it. The left fawns over open abuse of the taxpayer money, supports corruption, conflict of interest..all, to show they are ‘unbiased’.
    And they loathe, loathe, frothingly loathe, Rob Ford. You should hear and see the leftist councillors at Toronto City Hall; their hatred of Ford moves them into rants, screaming insults. And that includes the Toronto Star, that leftist propaganda rag, which has focused against Harper for the last few years and now, has moved on to almost daily, rant against Ford.
    Why? He works for the taxpayers; he promotes the operational infrastructure of the city and wants to spend money on its development and maintenance..rather than on higher union wages and benefits for the elite city workers.

  2. Why? Because he isn’t one of them. Ford could do the best job of any Mayor in Toronto history,and the MSM wouldn’t acknowledge it.
    Ford,Harper,anyone who IS NOT liberal,is the ENEMY. They will never change their way of thinking.

  3. Modern Journalism: refuge for the incurious; sanctuary for the stupid; a banquet for the gullible and a repose for the lazy.

  4. so Mahatma Ghandis longest fast was 21 days. he was gaunt.
    Jabba the Spence hasnt even lost her fourth chin

  5. Harper should turn the tables and demand that Spence show up for the meeting tomorrow. And be ready to discuss books and numbers.

  6. I don’t think the First Nations Mother Theresa campaign is wearing well with MOST Canadians, especially those who work hard for their money. Rob Ford is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy, who knows the value of a dollar and who is trying to do a good job as Toronto’s mayor. Theresa Spence is faking her way through a ‘starvation diet,’ egged on by people with axes to grind, something to gain, and ensconced in CUSHY jobs.

  7. Same old thing from the media–The prime minsters dog walks on water so it is reported the dog can’t swim.

  8. Just proves to me what I’ve known all along. The left is corrupt and criminal and should be removed from any and all access to money, power, and “responsibility”.

  9. Fantastic, Robert.
    Could you please send this poster to Clayton Ruby et al.?
    My husband remarked on the juxtaposition an hour ago. There’s just no comparison to the misdemeanors and, yet, Mayor Ford could be thrown out of office, whereas Teepee Theresa is waiting to be crowned Queen of the Sob Sisters.
    It’s clear that Leftism is a mental disease. This juxtaposition succinctly makes the point.

  10. Why dump on Mayor Ford and PM Harper?
    If these guys stay in office, bye, bye Gravy Train.
    The demons are screaming. They’re apoplectic.

  11. Has anyone mentioned how swell an “Order of Canada” would look for Theresa Spence?
    I’m sure I’m not the first one to look at the Title’s Registry of Florida to see where those millions have gone.

  12. The Ontario Municipal ‘conflict of interest’ law is a necessary tool but sadly Rob Ford should feel the full effect of that law.
    It is a necessary tool to keep wobbly elected officials, from all too easy self serving at the public trough!
    Too bad for Rob Ford!

  13. I THINK I have noticed in recent photos that any rings Porchohauntus is is wearing are so tight that they are “fat locked” onto her chubby little fingers. Did anyone else notice that or am I getting high on all the sweet grass wafting off the CBC?

  14. Hey, they could both sign up to the “Canadian Forces Weight Loss Clinic” aka Boot Camp and engage in one of the all time favorite exercises:
    Burpees with gas masks on.
    That will be sure to improve the old cardio-vascular stimulation followed up by a few lengths in the pool doing the butterfly.
    How else would you relieve the systems of “Ate-a-Whopper-Scam”?
    Sure to lighten the government load on taxpayers everywhere; as they will have less reason to visit the cardio-vascular specialists in the healthcare system.
    an amended Matthew 11:30
    “For my joke is easy and my tax burden is light.”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  15. Give Toronto and Quebec to the Liberal Left and the Aboriginals – Then build some BIG walls with sentry towers and landmines separating them from Canada.
    Aside from the billions in cost savings, I doubt we’d lack armed volunteers to patrol as a bonus.
    We will get along great on our side of the fence to be sure.

  16. ‘Why dump on Mayor Ford and PM Harper?
    If these guys stay in office, bye, bye Gravy Train.
    The demons are screaming. They’re apoplectic.’
    Posted by: batb replied to comment from ET
    Absolutely batb!! The fear of losing the ‘indian business’ spin off perks is not exclusive to the feudal dictators (chiefs and pals) of the Canadian Indian people – it extends to many, many bureaucrats, lieyers, treaty rights advocates, msm scum, etc who ‘work’ for those who control the money funneled to Treaty Indians. The ‘show’ on cbc with the Ivan Sullivan hack was laugh out loud funny today – he (Ivan) backtracked, sidetracked went to commercial waaay too often… In one segment Sullivan came on with stringent preacher type support for the chiefs in their demand that the GG and the PM meet with the former at a political meeting together. The three leftos were all set to jump in with ivan but were saved from red faced cut to commercial shame by Tom Flannigan who pointed out that our Constitution, via Turdo, makes such a meeting unconstitutional! The four stooges on the ‘show’ with Tom spat and sputtered and wriggled in their chairs and then changed their positions. Tom was laughing out loud – so was I! It was real entertainment.
    Ol’ Red Al is in deep do do in Alberta for a serious conflict of interest charges and the msm is attempting to ‘allow’ Rob Ford a victory over his ‘not really’ conflict of interest to save ol’ Red Al, IMO. Then there is dumb Dalton out there challanging his political pals the teachers!! What a day it has been. The Spense woman was just a bi-line because she has shown herself to be useless to the msm, she is a greedy, selfish, fraud and she has proven to lack the ‘skills’ to be a successful racketeer. The msm will drop her on her ample hindquarters.
    The leftards are apoplectic, batb; what a great word and what a nice ‘nutshell’ summation of the situation you made in your brief, powerful, colorful comment. Thank-you very much – you made my day.

  17. I watched CBC’s Power and Politics today, totally devoted to the #IdleNoMore gongshow. It brought tears of laughter and despair to my eyes…reporters trying desperately to spin Theresa Spence as reasonable…Gerry Caplan disavowing himself of Spence…Tom Mulcair not inviting Spence to Stornaway…Manitoba Chiefs demanding a meeting at the sacred Delta Hotel, Tom Flanigan grinning like the Chesire cat and Evan Solomen trying to spin it all as serious. The Fourth Estate is Flucked…

  18. I’d agree with you Joe if both sides followed the law. The left loves lots of legislation. That way you can find a rule to attack your opponent. The left pretty much ignores rules for themselves. Compare Clinton, Bush and Obama. Ford should stay; sometimes the law is an ass.

  19. syncrodox >
    “Tom Mulcair not inviting Spence to Stornaway”
    Ah com’n now If Tom Mulcair had a daughter “she’d look like Teresa Spence” & Justin would have a sista.

  20. Jema54, nice, thank you. What with all the not so veiled threats of terrorism today, it has been a sobering day. I began considering defensive positions around the yard.
    Syncrodox @ 7:44, that was also a great summation. I might watch Power and Politics, but I have to watch my blood pressure a bit.

  21. An apt comparison ruined only by Kate’s ongoing mendacity regarding the root of Ford’s conflict of interest. He was not ruled against for using city letterhead to fundraise for kids except in parralel conservative-victim universe. He was in COI for voting on a motion involving himself. That’s a no no!

  22. From Elizabeth May’s newsletter. (why am i getting these again?)
    “The release of the audit of Attawapiskat band finances is heralded by some as evidence of – what exactly? – that the housing crisis in First Nations communities is the fault of their leadership? The audit is not evidence of fraud, but shows an unacceptable level of expenditures for which proper documentation was not provided. It does not suggest the money was spent improperly. We simply do not know. Finger pointing and attacks will not help build a relationship based on respect for treaty and inherent indigenous rights.”
    So, in translation, no fraud just unacceptable levels of expenditures. No malice, just, hmmmmm what’s da word? stupidity? can’t blame the leaders eh? that somehow is Harper’s fault. Doesn’t matter, cuz, “just as the Idle No More movement was not an off-shoot of Chief Spence’s hunger strike, neither is the audit of Attawapiskat’s finances a relevant response to the litany of undeniable and shameful neglect of the treaty obligations of the nation of Canada to the people on whose land we live and whose resources make us wealthy.”
    In other words. Irrelevant information. Don’t look at this mismanagement, look at Harper. He’s mean doncha know!
    Also, from May’s newsletter – “Ford is a big fat dumb meany. And I don’t like him. He must be silenced!”
    Maybe I made that up…how on earth is she an elected MP?

  23. SDA points out the facts.
    The facts tell us that Idle 4ever is winning.
    Chief Attawhatascam is atrocious but do you hear any of the other Chiefs criticizing. No, Harper concedes and the other Chiefs look moderate.
    This looks like the radical/moderate muslamb scam. No matter how evil the radicals are the moderates don’t speak against them. It’s a model that has proven it can win appeasement from useful idiots.
    Idle forever is winning!

  24. LAS your back!
    I thought you hung yourself with sex toys or something akin for the Mayan end of the world thing.
    What happened, cheap leather straps snapped, or batteries failed in rectum bomb perhaps?
    Anyways goody, if there was a bright side we love the platforms you provide. Fresh troll meat although a dime a dozen these days is actually tougher to break in.

  25. This is all well and good, but Rob Ford isn’t any more my kind of politician than Theresa Spence is — the crisis is one thing, but the steady staying power is everything to me.
    Forgetting the inanity of the last two days — she’s not going to attend, she’s going to attend, she’s not going to attend, His Excellency is not attending, now he’s hosting a get together afterward, she might attend, blah, blah, blah…
    At this point, who really cares? It’s not a NASCAR race, so let’s get on with it.
    Overall, I’m liking the sort of proposals that John Ivison is advocating — my god, a journalist with some constructive ideas. I’m hoping that Stephen’s silence (now being emulated by the opposition) is indicative of progress to follow. Revenue sharing, thereby substantially eliminating AANDC as an expense, naturally in the context of financial accountability — that could work very well for all of us.

  26. That video of Ezra’s was very interesting to me! The Manitoba Chief who’s threatening to disrupt the economy of Canada unless HE gets his way, if from the Pine Creek Rez, my old stompin’ grounds.Thought I recognized that family name!
    Pine Creek rez had a Chief and four Band Councillors in the old days,but when some activists in the late 1960’s travelled to Cuba,they came back with all these radical ideas,which quickly spread.
    They formed their own government,consisting of 24 MP’s and a PM,and the demands for MORE have never ceased since.
    The AFN Chiefs are scared sh**less that if Spence is investigated,their turn will come. They rightly fear what might happen if some of the Rez Indians find out how badly they’ve been ripped off.
    And they know that all that would happen would be a sentencing circle.

  27. It used to have that effect on me but now I watch expecting the slant…today’s episode was epic if you have an eye for pretzel making…

  28. The MSM and the Natives are misinforming us; the MSM reports tell us that the natives want to deal with Canada as ‘one sovereign territory to another’.
    But the treaties ceded ‘their’ territory! The natives have no claim to any sovereignty. None. None.
    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 merely orders that the British do not simply ‘run the natives off the land’, but, make treaties. So, that was done. Again, Canadian natives cannot, legally, declare themselves as ‘sovereign’ because the many treaties ceded the land.
    What they got was a Reserve, which is NOT their sovereign territory. It belongs to the federal Canada, set aside for their use. It is public land, and that is a key problem because the natives can’t start up a private business. Therefore, they can’t engage in any economy on the reserve.
    And what are some other demands? Heh, well, they declare themselves sovereign, but, ah, they still expect Canada to fund them. Completely. And they want inflation to be taken into account.
    Oh, and they want this ‘Indian funding’ to be given, tax free as it is, to any native whether on or off the reserve. Forever. And ever. Funded by the Canadian taxpayer. Just because your ancestors were here, while if you came from England back in the 17th c, hey, you’re on your own.
    Harper wants the nature of the Reserves changed so that the natives can set up private businesses and get an economy. And even, share some of the resource extraction.
    The old guard natives, who’ve been living, corruptly (Spence is an example) off the Canadian taxpayer, don’t want these changes.
    Meanwhile, the academic and media left, filled with images of smoke and drums, and anti-Harper (why, why, why?)…follow them. Insane. The left are actually promoting the continued impoverishment of the natives. Harper is trying to change this.

  29. I want to see the results of a DNA test done on that sow Teresa Spends,she is about as aboriginal as the man in the moon.That slimey boyfriend of hers is slurping up $850.00 a day tax free,which is equivalent to about $1200.00 for us taxpayers and they think they have a right to complain?These bas*&**&ds should try living on what an old age pensioner who has paid taxes all their lives gets every month.First Nations my A$$ first in line on payday is alot closer to the truth!

  30. All true and what I don’t understand is why the Indian affairs minister does not hold a news meeting and simply state that. Instead, they all cower in the dark while the Indians pile the bullshit higher and higher.

  31. Much as I have always agreed, as you well know, with what you say, ET, I’d be curious, as a matter of historical record, whether or not Attawpiskat falls within the lands covered by the Letters Patent of 1763 (otherwise known as the Royal Proclamation of that year — proclamation, as you would also know, implies a grant, rather than, you know, a Treaty), or whether the lands in question were not included in the Charter of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1649.
    In which case, mightn’t Ms. Spence’s claim better be lodged with the current Lord Thomson, rather than with HMQ (a private, rather than a public, matter)? I’d say that we need to go through it, don’t you?

  32. We could bring all this bullshit to an end in a few generations.
    Make an offer to all Indians who graduate high school: a one time non-taxable payment of $250,000 on the condition that the recipient forfeits his Indian status forever.

  33. Silly question…Do any of you learned folk know of any NGO or Government social program that ever disbanded because they met their stated objective?

  34. No, syncro, but are we are hankerin’ for a bit of a change.
    P.S. Anybody that knows the word “lear-ned” is definitely “lear-ned”.

  35. David Southam, the Royal Proclamation, made after the British won Canada (and other parts of N America) from the French, was not a grant of land, but a ‘legal outline’ on how to define land ownership and use and treat the existing natives and the Americans and incoming settlers.
    “And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to Our Interest and the Security of Our Colonies, that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians, with whom We are connected, and who live under Our Protection, should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are reserved to them or any of them as their Hunting Grounds,”
    “and We do hereby strictly forbid, on Pain of Our Displeasure, all Our loving Subjects from making any Purchases or Settlements whatever, or taking Possession of any of the Lands above reserved, without Our especial Leave and Licence for that Purpose first obtained.”
    The point is, the Crown is acknowledging that the land has been used by the natives, the nation and its governance and land has been conquered by England, and its usage must be ‘ceded’ by treaty. You can’t just move in and take it. Furthermore, no individual can purchase the land from a native; it has to be the Crown. That was obviously done to prevent widespread abuse of the natives.
    Various parts of the land was ‘reserved’ for the use of the natives. Note that term ‘reserved’. It wasn’t considered their sovereign territory. This is vital. They couldn’t sell it to anyone but the Crown; they couldn’t sell it to a private individual or to another nation.
    BUT, the lands which were left to the natives, BEFORE any treaties were made to cede the land, was NOT sovereign! If someone was charged with a crime and fled to the ‘native land’, the Crown said that their agents could enter and apprehend that person. Thus, the native territories, even before being ceded by treaty, were NOT SOVEREIGN LANDS!!!
    And that’s precisely what was done. The lands of Canada were ceded by various treaties. Attawapiskat is covered by Treaty 9 and is, itself, a Reserve 91, set aside for them. It is thus not sovereign land, by virtue both of the Royal Proclamation which gives all sovereignty to England, and by Treaty 9 which cedes the land to the Crown.
