EU Food Fight

Petulant rascals those Spaniards … aren’t they:

“Spain isn’t any old country that will allow itself to be humiliated by the German Chancellor,” he writes – as loosely translated by Ambrose. “The behaviour of the European Commission towards Spain over recent days has been infamous and exceeds their treaty powers … these Eurocrats think they are the owners and masters of Spain”.
“Spain”, he continues, “and other nations in the EU are sick and tired of Chancellor Merkel’s meddling and Germany’s usurpation – with the help of Sarkozy’s France and their pretended ‘executive presidency’ that does not in fact exist in EU treaties”.

Cjunk has some thoughts (no, that’s not an oxymoron:) … something to do with selling BMWs to people who can’t afford them.

26 Replies to “EU Food Fight”

  1. Merkle: “Message received..we’re OUT! By the way, Bass Pro has a great sale on life-jackets.”

  2. Typical of the left: gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. How dare you set conditions! Just hand over your cash and we’ll tell YOU what to do.

  3. You live by the Master, you die by the Master.
    Welcome to the Liberal Progressive Masters world, you freaking lazy, self loathing, dependant, Nanny State clowns.

  4. Darn knight99…beat me(and all the trolls,of course) to it.Wonder if the Spaniards will try some conquistadorian(word?)again when they screw their own country up totally?? I here Iran/Syria are looking for some saviours.

  5. time for the Germans to break out some old army marching band uniforms and scare the crap out of the rest of euroland.
    Because they all fear the German Army and they know we won’t come back over for a third time to bail their sorry asses out of the fire.
    Because they are not worth it.

  6. Well,Fred,a good old fashioned war would certainly improve the situation in Europe,lots of jobs for everyone,and a place for all those surplus unemployed youth that love to parade so much.
    We,of course,are on the “outs” with the EU, tar sands and seal pelts and all, so they can flail away to their hearts content without US.

  7. We wouldn’t be able to help them out.
    No warm fur lined uniforms allowed and we couldn’t power our tanks and fighters with dreadful ‘tar’ sands oil.
    Can Chiquita bananas be used as jet fuel?

  8. The more debt you have, the more others run your life for you.
    Many governments don’t seem to understand this obvious fact. They treat debt as some kind of abstract accounting entry with little relation to the real world.
    But reality has a way of imposing itself, pretty much by definition (reality: that which imposes itself no matter how hard you try to deny it.)

  9. While I can see the point about Spain being deep in hock and not having a decent bargaining position, I do think that some of the undemocratic moves made by the Germans and their “minions” in the EU do stink.
    There has to be a more diplomatic way of doing this.
    Just think how Canadians would feel if our “friends”, the Americans, started talking to us that way.
    We’d be somewhat P****d off, too!

  10. No need for scare quotes around “friends,” Mike. We are your friends. (Not the clown in the White House–he isn’t even our friend, much less yours.)

  11. Yes, we are friends with our northern neighbors.
    Just ignore the inept Obamanation in the WH, and our funked up government in general.

  12. This is Spain in tight purple capri pants with a really high waist and silk slippers clenching their ass in a really gay and arched defiant pose waving a cape.

  13. Gee, who could’ve seen this coming? Calling this “Merkel’s Europe” is a bit rich. Uber-centralization Eurocratic socialists in Germany (and France and Spain) demanding their countries’ participation in the great collectivity lending money to pie-in-the-sky socialists in Greece and Spain promising everything for nothing and now when someone realizes all that money disappeared down the rabbit hole and wants it paid back, the Eurocratic socialists are at each others’ throats for either demanding that the money be paid back, or for not doing so! Break out the popcorn.

  14. Mike:
    “I do think that some of the undemocratic moves made by the Germans and their “minions” in the EU do stink.”
    It’s not the Germans but excessive debt which is undemocratic, for it robs a nation of self-determination.

  15. “Merkel and the Commission should think hard before putting their hand into the sovereignty of this country – or any other – because it will be burned and the citizens are not going to consent”.
    Hmm not really!… Canadians love the money & advice from the foreign freaks that run Canadian Industry…Germany (EU) just have to send the WWF & Green lice in to soften up the Spanish stance….

  16. Texas, the question is how much more damage is Obama going to do to Canada-US relations if he gets a second term. And some things, once done, cannot be undone. It takes truly remarkable political skill for the United States to drive its closest ally into greater economic contact with China. John Foster Dulles would be truly amazed. And now that the Dems have dug themselves into such a hole, no one here really believes that Obama will let Keystone go ahead in his second term.
    So for me the question is, when are the Republicans going to unite behind a candidate?

  17. He who has paid the piper calls the tune.
    DrD, exactly.
    Their little socialist paradise is collapsing and it looks good on all of them.

  18. Merkel likely reminds these “Iberian nobility” of their first gainful employment
    – working as apprentice gigolos servicing the German tourist trade.
    Painful memories plus present downmarket reality as repulsive vote whores.

  19. Ken remember the old saying. When you owe the bank thousands, the bank owns you. When you owe the bank billions, you own the bank. Spain will get much more favourable terms than Greece got. Make no mistake, Greece doesn’t matter. But Spain, a Spanish default breaks the Euro. And the EU is petrified with that outcome. All kinds of breakable and not-meant-to-be-broken things are going to shatter in Brussels.

  20. The Eurocrats think they are the owners and masters of almost every other country on the continent, including many that are doing a hell of a lot better than Spain. Why wouldn’t they think they own Spain?
