68 Replies to “Rex Murphy on Canada’s Newest Separatist, Justin Trudeau”

  1. Rex tells the neatly coiffured narcissist Justin were to stuff his ” I’m the fairest in the land” mirror.

  2. Brad Pitt eloped with Kate Middleton!!!! What will this mean for Jennifer Aniston? Is a Friends reunion in the works?
    I like Rex Newfie.

  3. He was either channelling is inner Pee-Air, orrrrrrrrr, that reefer the night before has great staying power.

  4. Yep, Harper is worse than separatism…oh please.
    Justin Schettino master of the Liberal Costa Concordia!!
    Vaya a bordo, cazzo!
    Rex on a roll, truly a keeper…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. A man cannot change his inherited stupidity but he can choose not to display it on national TV. Oh wait, that is part of his inherited stupidity.

  6. I hope that Justin Trudeau fades to the back benches of the Liberal party. If ever he has a position of authority within the LPC – beyond his name – he would ensure the final demise of the Liberals and there would be no party left to split the left. On the other hand, if he is going to pursue this seperation idea…where can I donate to the cause?

  7. What Rex Murphy does not understand
    we do not blame him he is English !
    French are already seperatism
    in fact
    they speak their own language
    they have thier own culture
    they have their own food
    they have their own relgion and like or dislike
    in fact french Canadian like aboriginal indian children Canadian and even Muslim Canadian are live with the place they live sperated from English culture
    there is some miniority similarity among above Canadian but they have main majority culture seperated people
    this is like Muslim miniroty who live among christian majority
    I am sure majrity of english like rex murphey can not preten to like french people or like they seperated from english culture
    this man is amazing
    what I dislike here
    as soon as English culture see something they show it with lies spices to show they are inncent and french are always guilty because they choose to not speak english
    give me a break and respect sperated culture because they already are speritsim in century ago from english culture rex murphey still not get it!

  8. There are over 300 MPs. Is it not possible that one of them has something more useful and constructive to say than Mr. Trudeau, and if so, why are the media not clamoring to interview that person instead?
    In short, why does anyone give this buffoon the time of day?

  9. Problems here is
    high salary among all politician
    and crown autorny in Canada
    at least 184,000 to 350,000 plus will make problmes harder than suppose to be
    if we think all politician and all crown seating to so all job to protect public interest
    and all times in jail to proof who is guilty or who is innocent
    if not found criminal then found them mentally ill and if not NCR then find
    new case
    if some subject goes to hande of politician and crown in Canada they are stock for 7 years because in fact they make money out of that person or subject and no way out or not easy solution for main problems can be found them
    we may need more problems solver in quick short term and quick long term solution if we can found solution to problems all problems of politic and criminal court can resolve
    then crown can not help police to made up the way to made small criminal big criminal or made them frustrated or abused criminal to come and say guilty fast or you stay longer in jail
    by human right put people frustrated or make them in corner to listen to ridiculs all the time English culture under their law is ring human right
    make sure do not use any f or b words when you talk law and law maker and public interst in sake of put down minitory of help of majority in all the time and all the condition
    as I conclude just find problems solver and smart people jenetic law is not important who or where and who is your father is
    environment and safty and security make people to trust to politician
    human right are smashed by hand of crown authornity in all the time in case of muslim in CANADA CASE BY ABUSED THE ACCUSED AND INMATE

  10. I’m surprised Rex is still with CBC. He is more SUN material. If Trudeau had any other last name the egotistical little twit who has never worked a day in his life would probably have trouble getting a job at McDonalds.

  11. give me a break and respect sperated culture because they already are speritsim in century ago from english culture rex murphey still not get it!
    I will respect it when Quebec forms its own country and stops trying to force French culture on the rest of Canada.

  12. What are the chances that JT will apologize,I say he will but not very well.
    The shiny pony has likely lived the charmed life for so long that he has never been called down from the pedestal. He’s not doing well in the real world.
    This may be a poor analogy but it reminds me of when Tyson went to prison and quickly found out that he wasn’t the toughest dude around. Justin may also be humbled by life.

  13. Nice slap down of Trudope Jr. However, the continuing myth of Pierre Turdo “fighting against” the Separatists is really getting tiresome… “Trudeau was a real ladies man”… yeah sure… so is Elton John. The only thing Turdo Sr. and the Separatists “fought” about was the size and scope of the french speaking State they were working to impose… Quebec? or all of Canada? IMO, Trudeaus indoctrinated malice towards English speaking Canada was much more ambitious then the Provincial Separatists.

  14. Justin was merely attempting to resurrect his father’s famous “anti” speech that was given late in Trudeau’s last term. I couldn’t stand P. Trudeau but his speech in the House of Commons against Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition was something to hear. He basically portrayed the opposition as being “against” everything and “for” the forces of darkness. The speech covered all the bases; the Frenchification, pacification, and castration of Canada into something in Trudeau’s own image, although he didn’t put it that way. Young Trudeau has learned well; the problem being, he has neither the intellect nor acting ability to properly duplicate a polemical tirade.

  15. Rex has nailed this pip-squeak in a devestating critique – the analysis is Rex-perfect. Trudeau, the golden boy is as “dumb as a post”. Wood has more sense. lol Cheers.

  16. Shaken at 12:54 AM: “Justin would make a perfect leader of the LPC.”
    Yes! Yes! Please!! With sugar on it! And tiny ponies.

  17. He’s got his Mom’s crazy, but is he as friendly to rock stars? Liberals say it’s not gay if you only do it ‘for the experience’….

  18. Have any of you read the comments on the CBC page? They’re essentially all anti-Rex and pro-TURDeau. Frightening stuff!

  19. Sadly, young Turdeau will not even have the capacity to understand what operation Rex has performed here. Rex is a kind of Canadian Thomas Sowell and idiots like Turdeau should read and take to heart his subtle recommendations. but like his father and the rest of the CBC that installed that misdirected commie Peeair for 16 long years of Obama-nization or Turdeau-ization whatever you wish, they are the enlightened intelliduncia of Canada, and us rubes no nothing, or mean nothing, to them. As long as the loser media breathlessly report every bodily function of this twit, no doubt this twit will keep verbally farting.

  20. Have any of you read the comments on the CBC page? They’re essentially all anti-Rex and pro-TURDeau. Frightening stuff!

  21. Awesome. Absolutely awesome. Rex has something that liberals and progressives despise – common sense.

  22. I am sure Shiny Pony is delighted that Friday has arrived. This has not been a good week for the Dauphin … mocked and ridiculed across the land.
    What a week for Ezra, though. Justin is the gift that just keeps on giving and if that wasn’t enough, there waiting in the wings with fresh fodder for Ezra, was the arrogant Hubert Lacroix, head of the CBC. Ezra had a grand time with his whiny letter about some rough handling the state broadcaster received from Sun News over its porn videos.

  23. I hold no brief for Shiny Poney, but I think that certain things are so important to the health of a county and its culture that, absent them (as the lawyers say), separation would be in order.
    My Canada includes neither Justine, nor the rest of the whingeing Frenchies, nor the Liebrals, nor Lizzy May, nor the CBC, nor socialized medicine, nor Sec. 13, nor public sector unions, nor an education system imbued with cultural Marxism, nor the gun registry (Yippee!), …, nor “ok dopey”, for that matter. I’m in favor of the West cutting the rest loose.
    Is that wrong?

  24. What in the dickens is the person going by the handle ok trying to say,as it wasn’t any language I’ve ever heard.I totally agree with Seam M,Nold,and Bartinky.Rex should go to the Sun.I want to see and hear him everyday,so I can keep my sanity.

  25. What a pompous little ass. C’mon Liberals, vet your candidates a little better.Name recognition only goes so far.

  26. …Justin will be lucky if he can hook up with The Boy Scouts.
    Posted by: syncrodox at February 17, 2012 12:47 AM
    Are you kidding? This infantile population would (will) acclaim him as the new Messiah.
    The same ones who wet their knickers when his old man preened and postured will stain their depends for his pup.

  27. “I hope that Justin Trudeau fades to the back benches of the Liberal party.”
    It should be every Canadian c/Conservative’s fondest dream that Justin Trudeau becomes the leader of the Liberal Party.

  28. Yes,I love it when Rex lambastes the pretentious dick du jour,and Trudeau deserves it more than anybody.
    BUT, you have to wonder at the mentality of the voters in Trudeau’s Riding that would vote for an upper class twit like Justin.
    Are the voters in his Riding all 12 year old girls deluded into believing he has something to offer because they think he’s “cute”?
    Or are they star-struck adults who think that he’s the reincarnation of his Dear Daddy?
    I can’t figure it out. Maybe it’s a Quebec thing.

  29. Getting rid of this Turdeau jerk and his whiney provincial socialists is easy,just convince Alberta to stop sending them their “child Support”AKA equalization payments.These payments are the epitome of socialist doctrine which calls for the redistribution of wealth and right now Alberta is laying the golden eggs to support the lifestyle Quebec demands as its entitlement.

  30. It was tough enough putting up with a huge ego like Pierre’s. But putting up with a huge ego for which there is such scant excuse for makes me retch.

  31. The comparison of the royal hoser, and his eccentric facial hair stylings, to Captain Jack Sparrow – comically sashbuckling his way through a parliamentary scrum, was just too fuggin’ funny, and apropos.
    Rex Murphy – the only reason to watch CBC news

  32. Although I do agree with Justin, Quebec should separate!
    Then we build a great Israeli style border wall around it keeping them out of Canada. They can get food and other aid from their Palestinian, ME and North African friends that they support so much with our money today.

  33. As unpleasant, annoying and mind-bogglingly (is that a word?) stupid as Trudeau is, the fawning media is just as bad, if not worse.
    If not for the media fools hanging on Trudeau’s every word, his whiny little pronouncements would go completely unnoticed and he would fade into obscurity where he truly belongs. For whatever reason, the MSM has a fixation on providing a spotlight for irrelevant losers of Trudeau’s ilk. Elizabeth May is a prime example as was the late Jack Layton.
