A Brief History of Mississauga’s Palestine House

Feb 15, 2012: The Toronto Star’s Haroon Siddiqui refers to Jason Kenney’s decision to cut $1 Million of annual subsidies to Mississauga’s Palestine House as “scandalous”.

Jul 22, 2006: Elias Hazineh, a member of the board of directors of Palestine House, speaks at an anti-Israel rally in Toronto. The photos captured at that event are most interesting.
Jan 11, 2009: Nabil Nassar, a member of the board of directors of Palestine House, is interviewed by CTV News at an anti-Israel rally in Toronto, where this video was shot.
Feb 1, 2010: A 3-year investigation by the RCMP revealed that of 1,800 people who had submitted fraudulent immigrations applications to Canada 300 of them claimed the address of Palestine House as where they were living.
Apr 2, 2010: A young man related to Palestine House screams out “You need another Holocaust”.
Nov 16, 2010: Sobhi Salhia, the President of Palestine House, travels with his daughter, Yasmene, to the West Bank. In her blog entry about this trip, she posts a photo of her father and refers to the founding of Israel as “the catastrophe”.
Feb 16, 2012: Michael Coren & Brian Lilley disagree with the aforementioned Mr. Siddiqui.
Many thanks & praise are owed to Blazing Cat Fur & Mississauga Matt for their tremendous writing & videos over the years on this file.

15 Replies to “A Brief History of Mississauga’s Palestine House”

  1. The Feds are about to strip 80 people of their citizenship, more than have previously had this done since Confederation.
    I had no idea Canada was that lax in it’s duties to the citizens who play by the rules. As Brian Lilley says, no ethnic organization needs taxpayer money to help them “integrate”. Raise your money the old fashioned way,as so many ethnic communities have done for a hundred years.
    Taxpayer’s money going to the Palestine House,a center for radicalism and fraud, is an obscenity.
    Good work Jason Kenney. Keep looking at all these organizations who don’t need or deserve our money,and cut ’em off!

  2. There is something very wrong and sick within our society to have allowed things to get to this point.
    Where does anyone really think it goes from here? Seriously, is it really going to improve life in Canada for the Canadians that built a great nation to continue on the path of multiculturalism and it’s appeasement of Islam and it’s encroachment on our society?

  3. Robert, when you post a link to a video, can you please make a practice of putting (video) after the link? Not all of us are always on a high-speed connection, you know.
    And even when I can view a video, sometimes the sound is hard to make out. I’d often prefer to read a transcript. If transcripts are available, please post a link.
    Not all of us are gifted with a short attention span. /

  4. I can’t imagine that the federal government pays money to organizations that discourage integration. I think it’s fine that organizations maintain people’s culture but why on my dime? I suspect if I were to start a club limited to Christian blue eyed blonds I would be accused of racism.

  5. In her blog entry about this trip, she posts a photo of her father and refers to the founding of Israel as “the catastrophe”.
    Most Arabs refer to the establishing of Israel as “catastrophe” (al Nakba), only they usually do not use that name when speaking other languages. It is even the official name for that day in some Muslim countries.
    She was just more open.

  6. Cut off their funding?
    Is that all? Drag their racist, skanky butts into our kangaroo human rights courts and put them through that legal grinder.
    It is truly pathetic that these idiots can claim Canadian citizenship.
    Didn’t know we gave passports to pigs.

  7. If the Palestine House needs money then they should open a falafel stand and EARN the money. But better yet, they should just close their doors and GTFO of Canada! Why this place has not been burned to the ground already is beyond me.

  8. I get the point — but it’s not much of a “juxtaposition.”
    Posted by: MJ at February 17, 2012 12:26 PM
    It’s not meant to be, is it?

  9. I suspect that the Toronto Star would prefer that the Palestine House could continue to bring in illegals.

  10. What the Hell are my tax dollars doing supporting this seditious behaviour.What ever Liberal swine authorized this should be dragged from his bed in the middle of winter in the nude and left tied to a parking meter outside the nearest gay bar.A sign with large lettering should be placed closely nearby reading ” I oppose gay mariage “.

  11. Siddiqui: “The federal money is not for the centre per se. Rather it is for English language training and immigrant settlement services, including skills development and daycare, for about 1,100 newcomers a year.”
    Then it is “for the centre per se”. If these services are so valuable, let them find ways to come up with the money without tax dollars. I would not be surprised if the “immigrant settlement services” included indoctrination sessions. Time to ax the tax support.
    This is the widows-and-orphans trick: A terrorist group will claim that such-and-such a donation isn’t for terrorism, it’s for charity. But you can’t divvy up the take like that. If the group engages in terror or crime, then all donations of any kind help its cause and are equally evil.
