A Surefire Way to Make Liberal Heads Explode

I purchased Mark Levin’s latest book at a Costco in Seattle earlier this week:
The looks I received from the pair of hipsters working at the checkout was less than positive when they saw it. So I got to thinking, now that I’m back in Vancouver, what reaction would I get carrying that book wearing my red Canada mittens through the more Lefty infested stomping grounds of Vancouver? I might even opt to read it outside at a Starbucks with the cover prominently shown! 🙂

56 Replies to “A Surefire Way to Make Liberal Heads Explode”

  1. Four sentences long, and six uses of the word “I”. In other words, this is an entire blog post all about you.

  2. This happened to me in a Barnes & Noble a few years ago. I asked the rather swishy clerk where they kept copies of the Reagan Diaries. He sneered at me, minced to the back of the store and promptly tossed the book to me. ( Threw like a girl too.)
    I left with a smile on my face knowing that I had pissed-off a Leftie.
    More recently I attended a local independent bookstore because I had won a gift certificate for it. I asked the earth mother owner if they had a copy of Ann Coulter’s Demonic. She said that the title was “unsettling”. I replied “only if you’re a left-wing socialist.
    Pissing-off Lefties is becoming a hobby with me.

  3. Well, pick your location carefully. I’d look for something on David or Commercial. If it wasn’t so trendy I would find a should holster or something similar.

  4. I got that crap from some flunky in a newspaper shop when I bought the National Post, I’ve even gotten attitude from a middle aged dufus in a food court when I was reading it.
    Odd, really, I couldn’t care less when somebody’s reading the Star, but lefties are compelled to worry about what someone else might be thinking.
    Fortunately they’re usually fat, bearded losers who can be silenced with a glance. (I wonder if one of them was Davenport?)

  5. The reaction outside Starbucks will be like the reaction I got while reading Steyn’s America Alone in Muskoka Lake country: Horror, and bewilderment that I could possibly be chuckling from time to time at something that everybody “knew” was the ultimate in sinister hate mongering (despite nobody having read it, of course).

  6. Davenport
    Note that the main difference between the postings/comments of lefties versus conservatives….is simple…
    Lefties Always use the FIRST PERSON PLURAL while the conservatives correctly use the FIRST PERSON SINGULAR….
    Sort of a friedian givaway…..doncha-know…..

  7. As the old saying goes… piss of a Liberal by buying a gun… or in my case proudly announcing that I have 4 unregistered weapons buried in my back yard. I really don’t but the looks I get are priceless! Or better yet pull into downtown Edmonton as I did a few years back with an Elk in my half ton, with the cover removed (something I did just outside the city) Again the looks aroun the gas bar by UofA… Priceless!

  8. “Four sentences long, and six uses of the word “I”. In other words, this is an entire blog post all about you.
    Posted by: Davenport at February 16, 2012 4:27 PM ”
    Small Couch. I can’t see where it is all about Robert. 6 uses of “I” in 4 sentences? That’s about 18 less then McSquinty or the Zero(or any leftard,now I think about it)
    Clean up in aisle @4:27

  9. I had fun freaking out a fellow air traveller on a Westjet flight with the book I was reading. I was sitting next to a leftie who complained about the airline having the “ultra right wing fascist National Post” newspaper on the plane. I mentioned that they also had the Toronto Star as an option but in his mind I’m sure he thought that no one should have a choice to read anything else except for what he wants to read. Typical Toronto socialist douche nozzle.
    I was done talking to him after only a few minutes. I really just wanted to wind up and give him a full face slap for being such a bitch. I tried to drown him out by reading my book, On Killing by David Grossman. This is a book about the psychology of police and soldiers who have to occasionally pull a trigger on another human being. A fascinating read written by an ex army Ranger.
    Even though he could see I was trying to read he kept talking like I actually cared that he was a vegetarian and packed his own lunch made up of organic whatever. So I laid the book down and went to the restroom to piss and get away from him for a minute. When I came back I could see that the book was moved. I guess he had picked it up to read the back cover.
    He was silent most of the rest of the flight. I could see he was a little disturbed sitting next to me. Every now and then I would spontaneously giggle like I had just read something funny. It really unnerved him. And then to really screw with his head I would turn my head and stare at him. When he looked over I didn’t break eye contact. He would look away. I did this quite a few times until he just half turned away from me and tried to watch TV.
    Then I switched tactics and kept getting up every few minutes to go to the washroom. I made sure I put my ass really close to his face when I passed.
    This was the most fun I have ever had on a flight. This guy had no idea what to do. He managed to piss of the wrong guy and I made the flight a nightmare for him. It was awesome.

  10. Totally O/T,but good grief,check Wpg Sun for column re Chief of Roseau River reserve here in Man (Terry Nelson) looking to IRAN for help! This is one seriously messed up fool.

  11. Small Couch- love it. Should have seen the curling lips when I bought W’s “Decision Points”. I looked for it and asked a clerk where it was as I couldn’t find it amongst Heather’s Picks.
    Anyway laughter is the best way to get are point across. Laugh, piss them off and buy the books they don’t like. I love the earlier commenter’s idea of going to an ‘independent’ book store to buy your latest Steyn, Coulter etc. They stock them. They can’t afford not too.

  12. haha, my son has been known to read the book “Arguing With Idiots” by Glenn Beck while taking transit on the way to university….I think he’s looking for an argument…he hasn’t gotten one yet, though. Maybe they are afraid of him? HAHAHAHA!

  13. I have a selection of books that I display prominently just to try and make people crazy. Three of my favs are Alien Nation, The Bell Curve and The Satanic Verses. They offer a good offensive offense for a start.

  14. OK, here goes:
    I’ve worn pro-George Bush t-shirts AND custom Keds with Sarah Palin’s face on them in downtown Toronto. At the same time.
    And a Ronald Reagan t-shirt into CBC headquarters to do an interview with Michael Enright.
    Your move.
    I’ll be wearing my DUKE LACROSSE jersey on Coren’s show tomorrow. Hey, it’s Black History Month, right?

  15. Imagine what a fit lefties would have if they saw someone reading Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue” in public? HMMMM, that gives me an idea….

  16. Well, Robert, totally un-self consciouslessly, I once dragged Alan Dershowitz’s The Case for Israel around Carson City Nevada for a couple days while waiting for a motorcycle repair.
    At a car rental place, I was accosted by a woman who was a great fan of Noam Chomsky and his hate-mongering acolyte, Finkelstein, two self-loathing Jews.
    Nothing nasty or anything but she invited me to her mother’s house that evening for a cuppa tea and a chat [read: re-education session] which offer I kindly rejected upon the quick manufacture of a plausible excuse. However, a bit later I ended up in a nice chat with a worker at a convenience store who was thrilled to see me with the book — a young man from Israel.
    I think you’re safe in Vancouver with Levin’s book. But I’m not so sure I’d walk around with Dershowitz’s book NOW.

  17. Robert, at least you can read outside at a Starbucks; we have to actually go inside at this time of year. Ameritopia looks like a good read.
    Robert L, on the same vein, the book “Time To Kill” by Paul Addison and Angus Calder, studies soldiers and killing through the ages.
    I also enjoy not hiding the books I am reading when I am in public.

  18. Hi my older brother was the best at p*ssing off socialists and women’s libbers. His favourite line to women libbers especially the radical kind at parties after baiting them a bit to set the hook. Was “Women should be seen and not heard, six paces to the rear and two to the left. And when you are not bare foot and pregnant, you should be bent over a hot stove cooking my supper” And then you should have heard the great hiss as the Space Shuttle Launched. He would then open another beer and proceed to laugh fiendishly right in their face. They always left in huff for some reason…

  19. Thanks to your article Robert, I just phoned my local hippy-dippy bookstore (The Bookkeeper) and asked the earth mother if she had Ameritopia in stock. The answer was no, but it will be ordered and delivered sometime next week.
    It appears dogma is trumped by the need to make a living.

  20. I bought Ann’s “Demonic” and the lefty earth-momma at the check out counter couldn’t restrain herself from panning it with something about “hate-filled blah, blah, blah”. Guessing it was coming I rejoined with, “only to humorless lefties”. She looked pretty sour.
    One of my lefty colleagues looked at my copy of the National Post. It was priceless. He looked at it as though it were a primed hand grenade that could turn him into card-carrying Conservative if he got too close to it. I jokingly dared him to touch it, even pick it up and open the pages. I wish I’d had a camera for the look of sheer Alfred Hitchcock terror on his face.

  21. OMG one of SDA’s most infamous trolls, Davenport, has returned … only to post probably the single most stupid comment in the history of SDA. How dare one ever use the word “I” in a sentence. Am I now going to be charged by the Human Rights Commission for being insufficiently fair?!?
    P.S. I guess my posting had the desired intent described in the title!

  22. The response I’ve gotten from reading Ameritopia on Calgary public transit have been non existent. Not a raised eyebrow, not one. Same for Liberty and Tyranny, and America Alone / Steyn
    I ordered it for first day available delivery to Indigo, it was 5 days late.
    … gonna have to get a Reagan shirt, maybe a Gadsden flag on a T-shirt too.

  23. Robert, the looks were probably due to your small dead, slack-jawed, vacant drooling demeanor. I mean. who knows, much less cares, who Mark Levin is?

  24. I bought a copy of Ameritopia on my way from YVR to Orlando, then had it signed by Newt & Callista Gingrich and Michael Reagan at a rally there. I’m gonna love showing that to my buds here in Richmond!
    By the way: EVERYONE WHO CAN READ should read Ameritopia. EVERYONE!

  25. Kathy,
    I bought a ‘W’ pin back in the ‘dark’ days of the Bush administration. It was discreet and fellow travellers knew what it was. When asked I would reply it was for George W. Bush. While they swallowed back the immediate acid reflux that followed, I would remind them that I can be for anyone- that is what free speech is all about. My children would answer- cause Daddy’s first name is William. To steal one of their loathsome phrases… be loud and proud. I guess Davenport has got tired of being re-stuffed.

  26. I’d read it at Starbucks too, if only they’d let me drink my Xtra large double single there.

  27. Oh and Phil- Chill. Why do you folks have to get insulting rather than make your point? Just saying.

  28. If I thought anyone in Vancouver actually knew who Mark Levin was, I’d despair a little less 🙂
    Shame on us, but he isn’t a household name up here, unless your household is “right wing.”
    Liberty and Tyranny was excellent.

  29. We have become so illiterate, that unfortunately, most people you encounter daily wouldn’t understand the difference between a Chomsky and a Levin book much less bother to read either one. Many do know about the National Post though and its purchase still amounts to a political statement in many parts of this country.

  30. Pissing off lefties is not worth being associated with Levin, who got fired from a radio gig just recently for smearing Ron Paul and others.

  31. I am about half way through Ameritopia now. It is an excellent book, just for how he demonstrates the inspiration for the American government. For further reading on the ideas around our modern troubles, and teh historic roots, I would recommend reading Robert Bork’s books.

  32. I borrowed Going Rogue (with Palin on the cover) from the Toronto public library – the City Hall branch. The librarian checking me out made a snarky comment about how she’d rather read something by Levi.
    Later I was reading it in the subway, and some guy came up to me and mocked Palin. Sadly, it was at my stop, I suspect he only came to me at that point because he saw me getting ready to get off.
    I was thinking that one problem with e-books is that no one will be able to see what you are reading, which may be good or bad.
    Most of the books I read do come from the library, which consists of a steady stream of conservative books and comics – err- graphic novels. One librarian always chats with me about the latest news in the Marvel Universe, but has never mentioned my conservative reading.

  33. Seems the checkout folks can’t simply do their job. That is not very respectful of their customer, who provides their job.

  34. At dinner parties in Kitsilano back in the eighties when things got boring I would announce the pending arrival of hunting season.. Always livened things up.

  35. LAS @ 10.10pm:
    Mark Levin talked about that tonight in hour 3 of his program. Toledo, Ohio station manager told Mark that if he didn’t back off on his Ron Paul attacks, he’d replace his syndication with another program more in line with the station manager’s (and Lew Rockwell’s) political ideals.
    Mark quit the station, apparently those that TELL others what to think already have enough air time.

  36. Robert W:
    Davenport was right. You should have used the Editorial, or the Imperial, or the Multiple Personality Disorder “We”.
    At least, We think so.

  37. After Mark Levin’s guest appearance on Sean Hannity’s show, I ordered “Ameritopia” from Amazon – my first online book purchase. The next day “Ameritopia” was number one on the booksellers’ list. According to Hannity, Levin has to be begged to do TV appearances; he doesn’t like TV.
    NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY, has talked to Chris Christie like Levin did from his perch as a radio host. Christie has turned out to be a bit of a loud mouth puffball in his quest to BE SOMEBODY. Because he’s a big, gruff former prosecutor, he thinks he can twist facts with impunity while attacking Gingrich and covering Mitt Romney’s back. Not with Mark Levin around…Levin is brilliant.

  38. Robert L., 5:51 P.M…..ROFLOL!
    There are two males in my family who can relate to your ‘tactics.’ The silent staring makes people QUITE uneasy.:)

  39. Very few Vancouver hipsters have ever heard of Mark Levin. The only American talk radio star they could name is Rush Limbaugh. Also, Starbucks isn’t the exclusive province of hipsters — in fact, Commercial Drive types would regard going to Starbucks as selling out to corporate fascism. Vancouver Starbucks are likely to have police and EMTs inside, and suburban Starbucks have a cross-section of the population, including a lot of high school kids. Not many of them have ever heard of Mark Levin either.

  40. I’ve lived in Vancouver. I don’t share your political views (generally), but I couldn’t give two sh!ts what read. Whatever floats your boat.

  41. Levin is heavily syndicated across America by one of the big radio corporations. I’m glad he (and they) reacted magnanimously to that one station manager. It’s just one station, and the manager will likely be pressured by upper mngmt to re-up Levin’s show.
    Meanwhile Levin’s show will continue to air on hundreds of other stations.
    PS: his timeslot is usually 7-10pm ET. Nothing beats tuning in on a night when Obama has a major address televised in prime time. It plays live on Levin’s stations, with him yelling, “SHUT UP You DUMMY!” at regular intervals.
    good times.

  42. I guess there must be truth to that old saying that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul”….
    I have provocatively read obvious anti-left literature in public…..so far no-one has had the termerity to venture beyond an inquiry as to the author…my X called it “the look.” But then it is reasonable to dismiss her as not an neutral observer……….
