This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

The ideological cousins of HSUS – via SF Gate;

In an e-mail sent to the media Monday, the North American Animal Liberation Press Office said it had received an anonymous message from someone with specific details about the fire at the Coalinga ranch, one of the largest farming operations in the San Joaquin Valley.
“Containers of accelerant were placed beneath a row of 14 trucks with four digital timers used to light four of the containers and kerosene soaked rope carrying the fire to the other 10,” the e-mail said.
“We were extremely pleased to see all 14 trucks ‘were a total loss,’ ” the message said.

7 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. HSUS would probably kill more puppies and kitties if they abandoned their campaign to end agriculture.

  2. grok
    Who knows? These days the police are more likely to sympathize with the arsonists. Most likely they will fine the victims as per usual. Kind of like forcing raped Women to Marry their assaulter’s in Islamist Nations. Thats now the level of policing in North America.
    The Police here have become the lefts tools for oppression.

  3. Some day these marxist dogs are going to face an irate and armed owner of an operation they are attacking.
    Hopefully none escape.
    I, for one, will not weep for their bloody corpses.

  4. Seen this before… Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan…. blowing up trucks with home made bombs and then taking credit for it. Now I wonder if we have the nuts to respond to it the same way we did last year in Kandahar?
    Seems to me Predator gun ship sorties work for the leadership of terrorist cells over there… why not here?

  5. Bush prosecuted a prominent eco-terrorist. I eagerly await news of the FBI opening a broad investigation into this arson, followed by prosecution of all involved.
    They can start with thorough interrogation of the ” North American Animal Liberation Office”.

  6. A terrorist is still a terrorist….no matter if the like animals or not…or normal people for that matter….///
