27 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Ya gotta wonder how if Wacko Jacko’s pimple-faced Quebec MP’s will try planking in Parliament.

  2. Ha, Ha, I just posted this video on Facebook. As I said there, I love my Aussie friends dearly but there are just some things I don’t understand about them.
    P.S. Be sure to watch the video to the very end … it’s very funny!

  3. I don’t know, Aussie beer usually makes me horizontal but I can’t say it makes me stiff as a plank. Double entendre not intended. Honest!

  4. The only cure for it would be a mass planking on the railroad tracks. And I thought people who bought a pet rock were dumb.

  5. When worlds collide –
    Mommy: You’re the mostest specialest little darling in the history of mankind.
    Boss: You’re fired.

  6. Oh don’t be such a killjoy. As if we don’t have our own share of dangerously stupid rites of passage here. The differences are now the kids have facebook and it’s easier to bust them, and there’s crowds of social workers queueing up to give these kids “life coaching”. I’ll take reckless youthful abandon over prescribed and approved conduct any day.
    Speaking of railroad tracks, I knew some guys who played a “game” with trains, where they would roll from one side of the track to the other – beneath a moving train and between the wheels. Apparently one kid lost an arm and a leg doing playing this game. Planking? Pfffffttt…

  7. It’s just another harmless fad. Remember “streaking” way back in the 70’s? Then a few years ago, there were the mass nude photo-sessions? Then “flash mobs”. All silly but harmless fads, IMO.

  8. When I think of the sorts of things I and my mates got up to as children, teenagers, and young adults – they were easily as dangerous and stupid.
    Yet the qualitative difference, I think, is that the things we did were often attempts to do things we weren’t really qualified for – like “camping” in the woods complete with firepit at the age of ten, or reassembling a Volkswagen around a light pole ten feet off the ground in university.
    So many of the current generation’s pranks just seem pointless and boring.

  9. I recall a favourite prank was to unload a load of hay bales from a wagon…disassemble the wagon and reassemble the wagon and reload it on the peak of a barn roof.
    I demurred because it too closely resembled work….the obvious potential for a serious/fatal fall didn’t occur to anybody….or the possible structural failure of the barn in question.

  10. At that age I was Just as stupid.
    To be a big shot we used to monkey bar across train or pipe bridges like monkeys. Usually they where 5 to 10 stories high.
    People that young really don’t think they can die.

  11. Yeah, it’s all just youthful hijinks, until somebody is injured at work doing it, and makes a Workers’ Compensation claim.
    The employers have no choice, they HAVE TO fire those caught doing it, or predatory lawyers will use the tacit tolerance of the act as a rationale for making the employers pay damages when one of the yutes gets injured.

  12. Nothing new to SDA readers. Kate’s gopher was planking before FB even existed.

  13. Thank Christ they discovered planking before they watched ‘The Program’.
    Where I come from, if you thought it was a good idea to ‘plank’ over a meat grinder, then there is a good chance the boss was already looking for a reason to fire your useless @ss.

  14. I was the 70s/80s version. Wheelies, rock climbing, racing Porches on the Gardiner Expressway, beating them… at rush hour…
    I’d be planking at work but for the arthritis. But then, I’m self employed! Bwaha!

  15. Some of you older types might remember that during the 60s planking had a different meaning. It was no doubt more fun than this modern form.

  16. Bizzaro world.
    So they do stupid, dangerous things on top of meat grinders (among other things) and when the employer fires them — presumably so they won’t plank themselves into a pile of ground pork — they get upset.
    But you here all KNOW that if little Johnny planked and, say, lost an arm in the meat grinder a swarm of lawyers would prepare the paperwork to have him sue his employer.
    God help me, I’m only 28 but I already frickin’ fear for the future because younger generations suck.

  17. On the bright side on the children front. I just attended the graduation of my daughter from the University of Vermont, and despite the best attempts from multiple speakers, from the governor to professors receiving “honors” giving speeches, the mention of Obama’s name drew not a single clap. Not one. Also, I discovered at that institution for higher learning that our recent hard cold winters have been due to global warming, that’s right. And the fact that the lake is as high as its been since records have been kept. That is a loong time in geologic terms, a loooooong time. Couple hundred years, that’s global warming too.

  18. maybe it’s not too late…maybe they can be taught…then again, all you have to do is remember that a new Conservative is very often a liebral that had to start paying taxes…
    from http://www.ihatethemedia.com
    Oh, how they worshipped Obama in 2008. How they believed in his message of Hope and Change. How they swooned at his speeches. How they knelt before the Chicago Jesus.
    Yeah, well those days are over. Now that the classes of 2009 and 2010 are out in the real world and have seen that Hope and Change is really smoke and mirrors and can’t get jobs, they’ve made a u-turn back to reality.
    HotAir.com has the story of their conversion:
    A recent informal survey of 500 post-grads primarily between the ages of 22 and 28 — 83 percent of whom voted for President Barack Obama in 2008 — found just 27 percent of Obama’s previous youth supporters plan to vote for him again, The Daily Caller reports. That’s a drop of almost 60 points.
    In contrast, of those who voted for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, a vast majority — 80 percent — said they would vote GOP again. An 80 percent majority of those newly disillusioned by Obama said they would consider voting for a Republican in 2012, too.
    George Bernard Shaw said, “Youth is wasted on the young.”
    So are political campaigns.

  19. When I was in high school, I voted for Jimmy Carter, after voting for Teddy Kennedy in the primary, in college, I voted for Jimmy and cried in my beer when Reagan go elected. I did, I watched the results in a bar.
    So I figure it can turn around for these kids too. I am not so much a “Reagan Democrat” as a “Carter Republican.”

  20. Tim, I still think you’ll cry when you see the lack of education these young kids have.
    They are our future, but if 35 year olds aren’t growing up right now, rather play role playing video games like Call of Duty or something, then sadly reality won’t come overnight.
