20 Replies to “Dra-mah”

  1. I guess Katz grew up in a strict Islamic country. Of course nothing has changed over there but since he has moved to the West where we never killed gays he thinks things have improved. Silly him.

  2. I dunno, I don’t care about gay people. Many of them look silly and act silly, but want to be taken seriously. The more I think about gay people the more nauseous I become. Something to do with the distortions around what a sphincter is used for.
    They have pretty much achieved what they wanted … a fear of offending them similar to the fear of being called racist … So they should just Shut the F&%k up and be happy they have found lucrative homes in government offices and teacher’s unions. Maybe stop agitating other people’s sensibilities.

  3. Once again the left mouth hatefilled phrases and then points the finger at the right and accuse us of saying what they just opined and in the end we said absolutely nothing to offend the most simpering whining special interest groups in my lifetime.

  4. Right=Wrong:Wrong=Right
    Moral relativism at it’s finest! The Homosexual Creed and lifeline.

  5. O yes,but the promised land for gays will be here when Sharia law is proclaimed in Ontario, if not in Canada.They will have freedom of action and assembly that is,if there are any left.You watch,they will see the error in their ways and denounce their former lifestyle and will insist that there were no gays or lesbians in Canada,like all Sharia law countries.

  6. In a true hands across the world moment, there’ll be a Muslim Brotherhood float in this year’s Toronto (gay) Pride Parade.

  7. the most disturbing thing I read in that peice is “government funding”
    why is the gov’t funding any “art” of any sort?????

  8. Persecution of high functioning autistics is one thing, protesting bizarre lifestyles, as a natural option for youth is quite another.
    ‘Mo groups can’t, or more to the point… WONT see the subtle difference.

  9. We have progressed alot in the last 50yrs…..but as progression comes, so does over doing it.
    Take Political Correctness, it’s intent was to bring us out of the ‘Archie Bunker era’ and allow tollerance. go from ‘Beat the Fag’ to let him live his life….. but that wasn’t good enough for them, noooo. we as straight people must have offended them & oppressed them, and now we must pay…now we have to have it flaunted in our faces, our children must be exposed to it. I was much happier knowing they existed in their closet lifestyle and not affected by it …Don’t ask don’t tell.

  10. Have not yet figured out to which country Katz is referring, but it sure as heck was not Canada. It sounds like Saudi Arabia.

  11. As I recall it sure was hectic in them days, what with the lynchins, and Nirvana, and the toothless hillbillies makin’ tourists squeal like pigs, and Monica Lewinsky, and all those witch burnins, and the Friends marathons, and Irish-bashin’ Thursday, last of every month; good times, good times….
    I guess things surely did change in downtown Washington, and people barely even noticed, it bein’ so gradual like.
    Say, just out of curiosity, how out of touch with reality would Jonathan Katz need to prove himself to be to get committed? Evaluated, say? I mean, he’s admitted to paranoid tendencies…

  12. I was in the JAG Corps of the Army in the late 1980s. Of all the administrative separations we processed, homosexuality was the fewest of them. Most were for unsatisfactory performance, serious misconduct, and overweight.
    In fact, we discharged six times as many people for being overweight than for being homosexual. I recall only about seven cases of Chapter 15s in two and a half years, and for obvious reasons they often came in pairs. In at least two of the cases, we believe the soldiers falsely claimed to be homosexual just to get out.
    So either gays were doing an outstanding job of hiding their sexuality or nobody really cared. Oh, I should mention we had a gay guy in our legal office. We all knew and he never said anything.
    We prosecuted very few cases for assault in general, and I don’t know of a single case in three years where anyone in those two brigades was assaulted by a heterosexual because they were gay.
    In one case, a private and a staff sergeant’s relationship was outed when the private reported he had been raped. The evidence suggested consent. The staff sergeant admitted the incident, but a parade of senior officers vouched for him and he was retained in the service. The private, who had had other disciplinary problems, was kicked out. But nobody in their unit assaulted either of them after their affair became common knowledge.
    Indeed, the only assault cases against homosexuals were alleged by THEIR PARTNERS, and assault charges were never filed for lack of evidence.
    Oh, that barbaric age we lived in!

  13. Has the flounce become a de rigueur of gayness? Is there a code that states you have to leak the report and flounce while being arrested in Ottawa? Pull the escape ramp, take a beer, resign and slide into the sunset only to ask for your job back? Leak to Wiki? Work for Al Gore? An ovation of sorts.
    You made a statement…we ignored it or forgot it.
    I have nothing against gays. I amuse myself by guessing the demands they will make any time there is service involved. Just don’t see why I would care.

  14. Agree with GYM about the perversity of government funding “art”. The material described as “art” in the article is simply crap. What is also mysterious is that only Christian symbols are attacked and, given the hanging of homosexuals in islamic countries, one would expect there would be some exhibits of a koran in a toilet or similar reactions to the homophobic tendencies exhibited by this deranged death cult.
    I personally don’t care what people do in private and worked with many homosexuals in Vancouver who had kept their sexual proclivities out of the workplace. Everyone knew who they were just as people knew what extramarital affairs were happening among heterosexual couples but no-one said anything as long as it was kept discrete. There is a minority of homosexuals who feel the need to flaunt their homosexuality and they shouldn’t be surprised when it gets them into trouble. Even in the almost exclusively heterosexual place where I now live people don’t really care what homosexuals do in private.
    The dirty secret behind “gay-bashing” is that most attacks on homosexuals are carried out by other homosexuals as, in male homosexuals, promiscuity is a way of life. Laws permitting marriage between male homosexuals were primarily an income generating program for underworked lawyers.

  15. I hardly realized that the gay community was still active. Didn’t they already get everything they could possibly ask for and more? C’mon gay folks, get with the program. We’ve moved on to Islam as a problem now and so should you. Really. So should you if you know what’s good for you.

  16. Just checked the Bureau of Justice Statistics website.
    In the most recent data available, there were 31,500 violent crimes committed based on sexual orientation. 95% of these crimes were considered hate-crimes by virtue of words reported heard by the victims. Obviously, some of the victims lied to bring greater punishment to the perps.
    Among intimate domestic partners, there were 30,640 incidents of violence between same-sex persons. Obviously, many incidents were unreported, so this number is underestimated.
    So in the US, about as many homosexuals are the victims of violence from their homosexual partners than by other persons (presumably not homosexual themselves) who hate homosexuals.
    The more you look at crime statistics, the more you become aware that the most dangerous people to you are those who are most similar to you.
