Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. It’s not every day that the fourth of July is a Saturday (actually, it averages out to be about 14.287 days out of every 100 years, when the fourth of July is a Saturday), so tonight, for your delectation and without further ado, here are Chicago performing Saturday in the Park, live at the Arie Crown Theater, in Chicago, in 1972 (3:51).

Meanwhile, tonight’s SDA LNR cheese selection is Appleby’s Cheshire, and I must say, it really is quite good. I mean, I like pulling on the cheese snobs’ chains as much as you do, yet this Appleby’s product really does stand above the other Cheshires I’ve measured. Ask for it by name at your local cheese monger’s shop, I say; you won’t be disappointed.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Department of “I told you so”
    Two years ago, when Alberta was booming, and Ontario was doing OK, I said here repeatedly that there was trouble brewing. And I was roundly and repeatedly vilified and insulted. Well, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics said yesterday that every job that has been created since the tech collapse in 2000 has now been lost. Is that hard enough for you?
    I said it before, and I’ll say it again “It’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall”. And I don’t see any sunshine in our near future either.

  2. That’s because that’s your nature, Kevin. Ten per cent of the people are broke from overspending; you don’t care about the 90% who aren’t. Ten per cent of the people are dead from a once in a lifetime plague; you don’t care about the 90% who aren’t. You will do well, my son, there’s good money in fear mongering. On the other hand, I can’t forget the words of Indira Gandhi, who said, “There are two kinds of people, those who take the credit, and those who do the work. Try to be in the latter group: there’s less competition.”

  3. Vit
    I didn’t know that Kelso played the sax…thanks for that.
    Despite what you purportedly said…make the best of it pal.

  4. Sarah Palin resigning as Governor of Alaska will alter the MSM theme……if you thought the Dems panicked before—hang on to your hats and fasten your seatbelts….
    My suspicion is that Sarah smells blood and is going to draw some…..
    But then I thought Thompson was a shoo-in…until he choked,,,,,,,,

  5. Delice de Bourgogne…Delice de Bourgogne..Delice…
    I remain steadfast and faithful to Delice de Bourgogne..
    As for Palin, my bet is that she’s not going for the 2012 presidential but the 2016. She’s going for a Senate seat in 2010. That’s why she has to quit now; if she left it to next June, she would have no time to campaign. And to leave it to the 2012 Senate race would give her no time to make her mark as a Senator before she had to campaign for the 2016 presidential race. She has to be on committees and in the Washington network or she’ll always be treated as an outsider. I suspect that’s the agenda.
    Now, back to my Delice…

  6. Gates of Vienna is making note of another pending happy day for the head choppers:
    Rumours of something big on Saturday in the USA. Let’s hope the DHS has not been gutted by Barry O and redirected to look for unicorns.

  7. I’m skeptical about a US terrorist attack on July 4th. Hard to believe the islamofascists would attack America and lose a valuable ally in obama.
    at gmail d0t calm

  8. Fresh from her resignation and malignment by Jonathon Kay in the National Post, Sarah Palin is on the Hour tonight.
    I know, it’s CBC, but still might be worth a look for that 5 minutes.

  9. Time for another of Kates juxtapositions or whatever it is, over at Bourque is one, if I ever saw it, beauty and the green weiner, check it out. Sarah and Lizzy on the same page.

  10. Well, I think that Sarah P will be undergoing extensive learning in the next few years – world leaders, geopolitics, finer points of debating, etc etc – and I don’t mean that in a condescending manner

  11. marc in calgary – I read that too – and think it’s a terrible tag line – that phrase was originally an acknowledgment of failure, with a built in excuse. Not smart politics. Time for the education to begin
    It reminds me of the advertisement for a French WWII rifle in the classifieds – “Never used, dropped once”
    (I know there were many gallant French soldiers, it’s just a joke)

  12. Soccermom – sort of agree – the problem is they are in general stupid. They make fun of “God and guns” people, but their “God and guns” is government, that which they adore and rely upon

  13. Sigh – a while ago, someone posted videos from Yuri Bezmenov – that was before Obama got elected – even more resonant now. The ideological destruction of a nation

  14. ulianov – interesting – that prima facie seems like a better explanation compared to the bolt out of the blue training for the next GOP head.
    In any case, it’s sad if politicians can be bought for so little.
    I still would have loved to see McCain as president, rather than Obama. O has little clue about anything – he views himself IMHO as a guy to appoint “the best in their field” to run the country – so he can go golfing and just hang out in the white house.

  15. Pure evil is right. I can’t blame Governor Palin for quitting. I’m wondering if the rape joke by David Letterman was the last straw. Unfortunately, I’ve lost some respect for McCain; I don’t remember hearing him speak out in Sarah’s defence.

  16. Evidently she beat 15 — fifteen — bogus ethics complaints at a cost of $2 million to the state and a personal debt of about $500K. As with our HRCs, the complainants have no costs.
    This is pure Alinsky. The Huffington Post is celebrating the event with retard jokes. To quote Vitruvius, “sick”.
    I’ve always prided myself on being a decent judge of character and will therefore go out on a limb and doubt that there’s a impending scandal such as our communist poster Ulianov suggests.
    While I’m a fan, I was embarrassed at her excuse that she doesn’t want to be a “lame duck” governor. All elected officials become lame ducks.

  17. Leave it to left wing jerk off artists to pick on the most vulnerable in our society.
    But then, when Obamarama makes jokes about “retards” bowling, I guess it makes it ok for his idiotic followers to do the same.
    I thought the days of having to defend my down’s brother were behind me……I guess not….fking cowards….
    Pity the poor fool who demeans mentally handicapped people in my company….

  18. …the problem is [the lefties] are in general stupid… ~ Erik Larsen
    Surely Erik realizes his statement is a gross generalization. We all know lefties that are neither stupid nor evil. Instead, there is much empirical evidence to support the
    Evan Sayet
    model. He asserts that there is a kind of leftie-derangement-syndrome primarily caused by our educational system inculcating Kindergarten values and logic beyond reason. One of the symptoms of the leftie-derangement-syndrome is overdeveloped emotional reaction which retards the capacity for rational thought.

  19. I’m with you Kingstonlad. I’ve worked with Downs Syndrome people and they were a joy to be around. Anyone who demeans one of these precious people in my presence will be taking a ride in an ambulance.
    Liberals are evil. This latest crop of liberals are particularily evil. We are living in perilous times.
    ulianov…give your head a shake. Your lefty drivel is becoming very tiring.

  20. If Sarah were to win, I’d miss the “look left, look right, gaze away” teleprompter moments.

  21. My suspicion is that Palin isn’t trying for the 2012 presidency but the 2016 or even 2020. What she’s going after now, is a Senate seat in the 2010 election.
    This will put her in Washington, as an ‘insider’ to that isolate world. She’ll be able to network, be on committees, have people get to know her, and vice versa. She’ll have four years to strengthen this network and her knowledge of the ‘system’. Then, in 2014, she can begin her presidential campaign.
    To try for the 2012 presidential election, and drop out one year early from her governorship, leaves her tainted as ‘a drop-out’ and also, as ‘greedy’. Both are unfair descriptions but they’d be used.
    BUT, to leave the governorship now, at the end of the fiscal year, for a Senate 2010 seat, makes sense. IF she had waited until June of next year, 2010, to announce her candidacy and campaign, it would have been too late. And she couldn’t announce and campaign while Governor.
    So, my guess is that she’s not after the 2012 presidency but the 2016 one. She’s after Moving to Washington now. With a Senate seat.

  22. Soccermom, kingstonlad
    they are very small Ignorant minds that sink to those levels of so called reporting
    I wonder if the Shrivers or Kennedy’s have seen that, Iam sure they would have a comment or two.

  23. I see on Drudge that Kim Jong Ill wussed out today and launched a few SCUDs into the ocean, instead of doing his threatened ICBM test on Hawaii.
    I like it when Kimmy wusses out. Smells like… victory!

  24. Vit – It’s not my nature. It’s reality. And when the real unemployment rate is counted (which includes people in part time jobs who want full time ones, and people who are so discouraged they’ve given up looking) the BLS says it’s 16%, and probably going to go higher. When nearly one in five person who wants a full time job can’t find one, I think that’s a tragedy. So, to flip your argument, you care about the 85% who have a job, and don’t care about the 15% who don’t?
    And I actually never said that I care especially about either group; that’s something you invented, my friend. I was just, like Cassandra, trying to provide a little objective reality in the midst of all the happy talk that was going on here. I thought I provided some pretty good advice on how to protect yourself financially by suggesting people buy gold and T-bills.
    Then, you suggest that 10% of people are broke from overspending – I don’t have any stats to disprove that, so I’ll go along with you. But what about all the people whose pension funds are broke because the people they trusted to shepherd their funds bought a bill of goods from Wall St.? They didn’t think they were going to retire in luxury, but they thought they would be comfortable. Now it looks like they’re going to live on the less than $700/month Social Security provides. Are you suggesting that they don’t deserve a shred of our sympathy?
    Finally, you suggested that I engaged in fear-mongering. Um, when things turned out exactly as I said, how is that fear-mongering? And if you go back to my posts (maybe you figure out this search engine – it doesn’t work for me), I actually said that I expected things to improve in late 2009, but that was before Bambam started his, uh, interventions. Now, I don’t think we are going to see a substantial growth in jobs for several years, and there are a lot of respected economists who agree with me. I’d be happy to see things turn out differently; I just don’t think they will. If it does turn out better, you can all laugh at me and it won’t bother me; I’d be glad to see the economy growing with unemployment falling.

  25. O’railroaded*: USA = USSR.
    *”Prisoners built road.”
    “US Hopes to Build Russia Ties on Equal Basis: Obama
    The United States hopes to build relations with Russia on the basis of equality, U.S. President Barack Obama told Russian media ahead of his visit to Moscow ……/53s498781.htm – 23 hours ago”
    *”Lost railway in Siberia
    In 1949 the Soviet leadership accepted the solution of building of polar railroad Igarka – Salekhard.
    Prisoners built road.
    In general what was planned was a long road – it is 1263 km long and it lies 200 kilometers inside the Arctic circle. The problems of building were abutted not only against climatic and geographical problems – permafrost and ten month winter…”

  26. Richer in Chains.
    The natural end result of socialism: railroaded*.
    “Prisoners built road.”
    *Lost railway in Siberia
    In 1949 the Soviet leadership accepted the solution of building of polar railroad Igarka – Salekhard. Prisoners built road. In general what was planned was a long road – it is 1263 km long and it lies 200 kilometers inside the Arctic circle. The problems of building were abutted not only against climatic and geographical problems – permafrost and ten month winter…”
    “Kelly McParland: Toronto, the workers’ paradise where nothing works
    Toronto at the moment is a shining example of a major city operating along leftwing principles. Nothing works.
    It’s a workers’ paradise, paradise in this case being a place where you no longer have to do your job. The services that two million people have paid for aren’t being delivered, because two city unions can’t get what they want and are on strike. The interests of the majority are subverted to the demands of a small, privileged minority. It’s the Family Compact in reverse. The unions, ultra-conservative in their left-wing zeal, resist change at all costs. They want a world that remains forever unchanging, if change requires acceptance of fewer personal privileges. The state, according to the striking city workers, is them. The rest of us are supplicants.
    Toronto has ceased functioning. The daycares aren’t open. The community centres are closed. The pools don’t operate. City-run camps are shut. Parks aren’t maintained.
    Families that counted on services to help amuse the kids over the summer are out of luck. Working families — the sort the left is supposed to care about, more than hard-hearted right-wingers — are on their own, forced to juggle jobs, in a recession, with unexpected and unnecessary childcare complications. Small businesses, the kind that fuel the economy and employ the sort of people unions champion, are suffering. The normally left-friendly Toronto Star reported on Sam Sinnthurai, a restaurant owner who spent $7,000 adding an outdoor patio for customers, but now can’t open it because he can’t get fire and safety approvals from the city. (Why you’d need a fire or safety inspection for a concrete slab surrounded my a metal fence is another issue). “I’m a hardworking man and we’re losing business,” he complains.
    Do the city unions care? Nope. Because unions, despite their rhetoric, care only about themselves, public sector unions in particular.” (NP)
