8 Replies to ““The fingerpointing came…””

  1. OK . Instead of a BECAUSE OF THE HYPOCRICY thread , que the BECAUSE OF THE IRONY thread .

  2. like the anti-violence protest in Vancouver that turned very violent. professional protesters that protest everything and anything

  3. Too bad they weren’t the Fremont Alliance For A Gun Free Community. Might have got rid of a few of them.

  4. If you check wikipedia, the murder of Gwen Araujo was a very sad incident.
    So why do the devotees of “tolerance” compound it by behaving this way? Why are the most intolerant people in our society usually those demanding “tolerance” of others?
    [at gmail d0t calm]

  5. “the Rev. Garnet McClure grabbed and shook the chair in which Marques was sitting, attendee Sharon Giottonini said.
    McClure, a female pastor at Fremont Congregational Church, reacted after Marques said the 2002 slaying of transgender teen Gwen Araujo might not be a hate crime, several witnesses said. ”
    Too funny! Another preacher from “the church of the presumptuous assumption of the blinding light” LMAO 🙂

  6. I’ve tried to think of something witty to say but they said it all much better than I could have.

  7. mhb :
    The answer is simple. Their bullies with no brains.
    Losers without a lick of sense nor loyalty.
    Bums who think their princes of the realm, thread bare in ingnorance ranting over their lack of elite status.
    The left over coddies of a good dump, sticking to you like liberals do in the crack of their own malice & spitfull nether region.
    Little worms used as bait for the real sharks to weaken them before the slaughter.
