42 Replies to “The Libranos: WE Win”

  1. Thanks to valiant efforts of Libranos and Dhimicrats, Mexico is now the least corrupt country in North America.

  2. And yet no outrage in the bought and paid for media. But then it has nothing to do with Trump.

    1. Just another one of the reasons I notified Post Media to terminate my Sun and NP subscriptions.

  3. It is infuriating that the liberals continue to get away with corruption. Why isn’t the media not in an uproar about this? Am I missing something?

    1. I can’t wait for the day to see his face when President Trump is back in office!
      Love the look of shock, like the media had the first time Trump won…Priceless!

    2. A lot of people are missing the same point, IMHO. The “news” media is still considered by too many to be for information, freedom of the press and all that. The MSM is doing their job, it just isn’t what people are told it is. They are professional liars paid to keep their bosses in power and being true professionals they are very good at it.

    3. Canuk, yes you are missing something, it’s the level of libtard voter’s stupidity. Talking to my brother, who I used to consider reasonably smart, I discovered just how stupid they are.

    4. Canuckguy, are you kidding? What am I foucking missing? We have no foucking media that is interested in speaking truth. They could not uncover their own asses without help. It’s been a long day all … sorry for the implosion if in fact this post was satirical.

      If it were not for independant bloggers (donate to Kate) we would not know what really is happening


    5. Nope, the media is paid by the government. they work for the government and with the government.

    1. Voters rectums in Eastern Canada need to be analyzed to determine how their owners can breathe with their heads shoved so far up them.

    2. How about the election before that — when Harper lost. The globslists had already stated their need to get rid of Harper before their plans could proceed. Of course that was before Trump – an even bigger boulder in their way.

      1. George S’s group came to Can to make sure Harper lost. The tactics they used had already changed the Australian leadership (I think if was abt the same time). The globalists will win. Praying for Trump’s battle against the forces of evil.

  4. Trudeau has already been classed as a habitual ethics violator…He’ll do it again.
    Must be nice to be above the laws he creates and we low life are bound by them.

  5. So what ? Nothing was going to happen with this scandal anyhow. Liberals do as they please, every dictatorship behaves this way why should the Post Nation State be any different then Venezuela or Iran. Complain all you want about this scandal and the cover up, it doesn’t matter… the gangsters are in charge and they can do as they please, get used to it. maybe they can blame Chuck Geetay or whtever that assholes name was. This country is beyond redemption.

    1. Ah, yes.

      I remember it well. The little tyrant laying in a heap outside the city limits.

      Back in the days when even Leftist media covered things in the world.

  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. We live in a third world country now and no hot weather to grow the bananas. Canadians are sooooooooooo stupid and passive.

  7. Now to be renamed the “Sleeping Committee on Unethical Fantastical FRAUD”


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  8. Oh, boy….. wait until Erin “Pinko” O’Toole hears about this…..

    Prinz Dummkopf ‘s definition of a “transparent government” is that we can all see the corruption in action.

  9. And of course the NDP and all the trained seals of the Liberal backbench,including the ones claiming to be “Conservatives”, will not lose any confidence in this minority government.
    Quite the spectacle when the Members of Parliament have weaker ethics than your local drug dealer,con artist and small time thief.

    The Liberals have such faith in their buddies at Elections Canada and the magnificent voting machines,that they are actively seeking to provoke an election.

    1. John,,, I just can’t understand how or why the NDP haven’t taken this opportunity to kick the Liberals in the back of the knee and bring them all crashing down.
      The only way for the NDP to win back their supporters from the Liberals,,, is to expose Liberal criminality. Yet the cowards won’t do it for themselves, or for the good of the country!!!

  10. From the comments: “This is criminal. Get the RCMP involved.” and “No surprise. Time for the police.”

    God I wish I was that naive again. God bless their hearts.

    I’m afraid we’ve conditioned our “superiors” that they can do with us as they will with no ramifications. Our bad. In fact, why do I get the feeling that all the western countries are having a contest to see who has the biggest cucks. Surely Canada is winning.

    1. Calling in the police is only biting the hand that feeds you, like wages and pensions and promotions…hasn’t happened before and still won’t happen now.

  11. Ballots should be unique and a one off, similar to charity lottery tickets, with bar codes
    identifying State, City County postal code etc.

    1. Back to paper ballots marked with a 2H pencil in person. When done voting dip thumb in purple dye. No mail in voting. No on-line voting. It’s not rocket science.


  12. They’ve taken full advantage of the “seven year rule” which says that all such information (with accompanying documentation such as receipts, invoices, etc.) has to be kept for seven years for tax purposes. A lot of firms, faced with the costs of storing historical documents which will never be looked at again, use this rule to purge the files; I’ve done that myself to remove outdated information from long-ago clients.

    That being said, I’m certain there are computer files which would have the relevant information; they just might not be easily accessible. Have had occasion for a couple of clients to have to go back many years to the beginnings of my engagement with them as had to check out some asset purchases. It took some time, and diving through various versions of my accounting programs (and several old computers, archived for just this reason), but I was able to find the relevant data. If this company’s accounting program includes anything to do with asset acquisition, they’ll have something stored away. Just not wishing to provide same.

  13. The institutional left, the media being their dirty tricks department, exists to keep conservatives from power. Nothing else matters. Defending a thoroughly corrupt regime to them is no different than breaking eggs to make an omelet. There used to be some NDP supporters who would be offended by the Spawn’s antics but the Spawn is advised by big tent leftists who have no qualms with stealing Green policy and NDP policies to stay in power and the NDP no longer has any qualms with anything as trivial as ethics. The Liberals have always stolen NDP policies and implemented them because they had no other reason to exist besides doing anything to remain in power. Mindless Canadians took them to be moderates and some were but no more. Harper’s years galvanized the left to vote and act strategically.

    1. True!!! Great comment John !!!!
      If you haven’t read Dinesh D’ Souza book “The Big Lie” take the time too! The left feel they are inherently right and feel no remorse for cheating and fraud because ——–They know better than us mere mortals!

      I was blown away by Victor Davis Hanson’s analysis of our situation! The West must separate to escape this !

  14. three things you’ll never find in heaven, a politician, a lawyer, or a preacher, and all for the same reason!!

    1. Used to be, politicians, ambulance chasing lawyers, and used car salesmen were the slimiest of the slime,,, now it’s media people and crack dealers!

      1. Now, now, crack dealers are honest business people, both customer and retailer know full well what the product is and how unhealthy and dangerous it is going in, so exactly opposite of the media.

  15. Save your venom, guys – nothing is going to change, this is CANADA. Canada is liberal/Liberal. Nothing will change.
    Had a chat with a nice lady fundraising for the CPC today. Told her that I was finished with Canada and have been for a while. I tried the Reform thing, you know, the ‘West wants In!’ thing. I thought it could work some years back. I was at the the time an optimist. Nope!
    Now I say Fuck it all! There is no future for Alberta within the confines of confederation! None! Alberta is being starved and it is only going to get worse with what is going on down south. Pipelines? Get serious. None east or west to markets or to existing points where our product can get to international markets.
    South? What has biden said in the past? There was a chance for the Alaska route. A railway to deliver product to the Pacific and move goods to the land-locked central provinces. However, our best chance has had the election stolen.
    So here we are! We must be nice to the SOB in Ottawa so that the alligator eats us tomorrow.
    The WE thing? to be continued. These Bastards will resurface with a new venture and the liberals/Liberal will swallow. Again.
    Wait for it!

    1. May I suggest you read material that teaches you to live in the moment you’re in. I had a sh*t day today as well. Three feet of snow on the ground didn’t help, especially the portion that fell in my driveway. Then I hired a guy with a loader to clean it up, he dumped it on the boulevard across the street, now my neighbour is p’ed off.

      I remember selling wheat for 50 cents a bushel and being told that the end of agriculture had arrived. That was 1970. Guess what! Farmers still harvest grain every year. Oil will sell again. Just as soon as we find out that the windmill and battery thing were a hoax. Or better yet, we find a way of cleaning up the emissions caused by combustion. Things will get better!!


      Old man.
