The Sound Of Settled Science

On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.
I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30.
But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.

Update: Forbes has pulled the link (or put it behind a firewall of sorts). Here’s a new link.

58 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

      1. Because they are to a woman/man/or whatever they self identify with… COMMUNISTS….as is BLM, AnitFa, Democrat Party, Liberal Party, Labour party, Green Party anywhere, Feminists etc.

        Period – end of story.

  1. Too little too late comrades I want my money back.
    Every single tax dollar wasted on the hysteria induced by you and yours.
    Weather cycles,hell even the Bible mentions them.
    We knew that cycles are the normal in nature,yet these children extrapolated linear trends out of the rising half of a 60 to 80 year cycle and went full bats shit “Sky is falling crazy” about it..
    Claimed the climate was warming like never before,as the cycle plateaued and then kept bleating on about warming like never before,as the cycle fell into cooling.

    I have been annoyed and robbed enough, the Cult of Calamitous Climate must get what they demanded.
    I want them to suffer.

    1. Not to worry John, they have many more things on tap to suck up what little wealth we may have left. I figure no matter how much or how often truth is told the lie still has at least twenty more years in it, at least for we stupid Canadians. The whoowho flu ought to be good for a trillion or so. God alone knows how much damage the left can do to a people and society, because no one wants to be aware of history anymore.

    2. Using climate change as an excuse to manipulate the unwashed has been going on ever since people started living in permanent locations.

  2. “Don’t beat me up because I ruined your lives based on a fib I helped create. I apologized. What more do you want?”

    Yup. He apologized, so I guess everything’s all right now, isn’t it? Hey, it works for Hollywooders, doesn’t it?

      1. Nah. He just attributes it to his white privilege and, thereby, exonerates himself by virtue of claiming that he didn’t know any better. Ignorance of the law, even if feigned, is always an excuse for him.

    1. If he does his penance and spends at least an equal number of years fixing the hysteria he helped create then I will forgive him. So, “good start Michael, now keep at it for the rest of your life”.

  3. Well, that’s a breath of fresh air. Apology accepted. Influential people are often paralyzed by the enormity of their errors, it takes a big man to say this out loud publically. A good start. Carry on. H

  4. “I feel an obligation to apologise for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.”

    Bit slow on the uptake, aren’t you.
    You didn’t mind the lies when they served your ideological purposes……
    The clue no-one except the green marxists ignored was when Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming morphed into Global Warming, then when our lying eyes dismissed that, into Climate Change, then when all was lost on the credibility front, into Climate Disruption. Public laughter defeated you.

    Piss off.

  5. And for the author, the personal attacks, character assassinations, and professional discrediting start now.

    1. They should but they won’t. After all, he apologized, so that closes the matter, doesn’t it?

    2. Oh yeah. I brought up Schellenberger’s name to a Climate Scarrity-cat friend just last week and she said he’s insane. This was after she told me that the glaciers took “millions of years” to melt.

  6. Hopefully, this guy can influence those he associated with because based on all the non-shocking, known factoids presented, I won’t be buying his book. Kudos for the confession.

  7. Yep, after a lifetime of sowing mayhem in everyone elses children, now it bothers you…

    More likely, after witnessing the utter devastation of the Western economy brought on by covid, of which we’re only now just witnessing the very beginnings of, the little puke realizes that all that research grant money is gone (after all, why fund it when the science is settled, right?), and wants to be first in line to do some corporate speaking engagements and get paid.

    1. He’s needs someone(the reading right) to buy his book.
      The left can’t read anything that:
      a. disagrees with their viewpoint
      b. doesn’t fit on a protest sign

  8. How dare you?
    If only Charles Manson had apologized, everything would have been hunky dory.
    To show you are sincere in your apology, the least you could do is spend the next 20 years working as hard in advocacy against misleading climate activists as you did the previous 20 years as a misleading climate activist.
    That was what Dr. Judith Curry did. She torpedoed her own cushy tenured directorship in an academic research center (which advocated AGW) when she realized where the truth lay.

  9. I will buy his book. I think it is important to support all those who are writing about the climate change scam.

    The alternative? More Justin Trudeau and his carbon tax. More stupid green policies from Joe Biden, or even worse AOC’s green new deal.

    Do we really want lots more windmills and solar panels? Do you want to give up your current cars for electric vehicles? Or have to take public transit?

    1. Joke, what do you have agin us’n windmill people, do you also hate our dikes????

      1. Meh…rather see a few slow turning mollen grinding flour than some BS set of Carbon Fibre Turbine blades whooshing every .6 seconds ad infinatum….all of 600 meters from your own home.
        Stuk fedriet..!! LOL.

        Dikes is good – Climate dykes on the other hand…..

  10. Sometime around 2006 I downloaded Donna Laframboise’s book “The Delinquent Teenager” and was awakened to a world of fraud packaged as “expert” analysis. Also around this time the East Anglia University CRU scandal was brewing, followed by Manns lawsuit against Mark Steyn.
    Scepticism should be taught in school.
    Sick of the whole mess…….

  11. Shameless opportunist. Pretty much a surfer dipping out before the ridden wave crashes onto the beach. He’ll ride again.
    He continues to pontificate. This is just an adjustment to the narative guised as refutation.
    U N. Agenda 21
    The tide has yet to change.

  12. The considered long term assessment of “Climate Disruption” activists ( ie. Disastrous Catastrophic Warming for teenagers) is ……. it’s a Daddy issue.
    Reconcile with your Daddy authority figure, kiddies, and your climate disaster will disappear like dust in the wind.
    The kiddies have no great causes left, WW2 is won, you have a standard of living and health that kings 200 years ago could only fantasise about, your arse is essentially subsidised to the fiscal limit by other taxpayers, you have universal laws that cover everyone.
    What more, exactly, of my assets and income do you want that I gift you?

    Piss off.

  13. Well, I’ll take it on one condition: that he works fulltime, non-stop for the rest of his life in an attempt to undo the damage his ovine stupidity created.

  14. Ow. Some are not accepting his apology. I do, because it’s a start. Yes he made a living lieing and bamboozling but let’s leave the excoriation to his erstewhile allies 🙂 Forgiveness is the Christian thing he has repented; now clear up the mess.

    1. It is a bit difficult to swallow the apology when the last half of the article is flogging his latest book. Forgiveness, by all means. Trust, not as easy – that has to be earned and it isn’t quite as believable in the middle of a sales pitch.

      1. He should be giving the book away for free and paying the costs himself. That wouldn’t pay me back for all that it has cost me, but it’d be a start. On the other hand, when something is free it is deemed to be worthless, although I’d give copies away to all my green family members.

  15. Cancel comes in 3, 2, …
    You will hear calls for putting him in jail soon.
    But I am still hopeful about my fraudulently collected climate tax refunds. HRH PMJT’s slush fund should be used for that first, and then all other slush funds padded with climate fraud $$$ over the past few decades.


    He’s got a damning article on Governor Jerry Brown.

    As mentioned above, the green fascists just attack everyone who disagrees with them telling you about “the science” when they know squat about it themselves.
    Its easy to shit on people who admit to mistakes but he wasn’t forced to do so like so many we see now doing everyday to try stay loved by people full of hate.
    I’ll give him credit for that because he has been enduring an onslaught from the greentards.

    The sun is the boss.

    1. Buddy

      “…The sun is the boss..”

      As it ever was. Once you throw that out there amongst the Climatista’s…they have no come back – ZERO – NONE.
      It’s all CO2 1000%.

      I then ask them, just “Sooooo, Gee how long do ya’ll think this CO2 will keep us warm should the SUN simply stop radiating ANY energy to Earth…??”
      6 hours.? – 12..? 24…? a cpl days.?
      “Come on, tell me..!!” If its Science and its TOTALLY SETTLED, then you should have an answer to that question.
      To a person, they have no come back.

      But that’s just the climatards, the useful idiots – the LEADERS on the other hand will actually admit its got fk all to do with climate and everything to do with killing Capitalism. Just ask Christina Figueres or Ottmar Edenhoffer…they’ll tell ya for the asking.

      So, like BLM Everywhere – AntiFa Everywhere – MSM Everywhere – Liberals Everywhere – Democrats Everywhere – Socialists Everywhere – Green party EVERYWHERE – Feminists EVERYWHERE:
      COMMUNISTS – the LOT..

      The Climate clown turns 180…and then starts immediately to market his book – all in one sitting. I wouldn’t wipe my (_i_) with it.

  17. He lied before – to save his own skin in the court of public opinion. And now, he wants meto buy his new book in which he debunks all of the lies that he previously told. So why should I believe him now after years of self acknowledged mendacity? Perhaps he is just trying to profit by beating the rest of the climate change herd to the punch. Sorry, but he is not getting a dime from me.

  18. The guy is saying what every “environmentalist” and gangreen knows.

    The thing is, they are so invested in the lie, they cannot admit to it. It eats them. There is no cure.

    To stop the nonsense they have to come clean, which thing is the hardest thing to do.

  19. I’ll get excited when I get a refund for my carbon tax scam. If you had taken a basic stats course in university instead of women’s issues or diversity challenges and maybe you wouldn’t have been fooled in the first place.

  20. Let the witch hunt begin. There is no greater anathema than the lapsed true believer.

  21. What happens if conservatives start mimicking left wing tactics? Maybe he sees the writing on the wall. Self preservation.

  22. He’d better sell a lot of books because his cancellation is already in the works. Removal of the article by Forbes is only the beginning.

  23. “Climate change is real because the experts say so”


    “All those bad things the experts say are caused by climate change are actually lies. Don’t believe the experts”


    “You really should believe me because I’m one of those liars”


    “Buy my book”

  24. The Media in Canada has to pivot and get back to Climate Change… The Virus falsehoods are not working after all the Canadian Airlines went back to full seating.. The fact that 2/3 of the deaths (as determined) took place in Locked Down Nursing Homes…..That means that rioting & looting is not a serious risk of the death by Virus…..The general public have the odds on their side….

    We calculate infective diseases by how quickly they spread in society…..Compare the spread of “Sexually Transmitted Infection (SDI) and if we tested all those that died from a Stroke/Cancer/old age for the existence of an SDI and that was used to determine that cause of death… Yep they all died from Clapp…

    The greater the Number of positive tested members in Society …The lower the risk of Death by the Virus, even if the Death rates are manipulated for economic reasons.. You divide the number of infections into the Number of Deaths = Risk factor (math is not that hard)

    The media needs to report the “absolute” confirmed Death in Hospitals VS. the spread of the Virus in society
    The math doesn’t add up to a “Deadly” Pandemic… Some PLL are just Stupid…

    1. SShot

      +++++ Upvote on that.

      At no time have we seen a breakdown of:
      WHO – How Old – Where.
      For the following time period and diagnosis. Jan 01 to June 30 2020
      Heart Attack – Car Crash – Suicide – Murder – Cancer. Smoking – Alcohol etc.

      Nor have I seen a chart showing how many Tested – Positive and out of those how many were hospitalized and out of those how many died PURELY OF COVID ONLY …. Also with GENDER AGE LOCATION info added.

      All I hear is XXX number of new Daily Cases which to me means jack. And that NUMBER appears to be what Determines all the FASCIST BS around us. Lockdowns – Social Distancing etc. and the increasing calls from Mayors and other Assorted Political Assholes wanting MANDATORY Mask Wearing in Public……never mind mandatory Vaccines.

  25. Mr Shellenberger should make friends with Patrick Moore. Patrick was one of the founders of Green Peace and he saw the light just as Mr Shellenberger has now done.

    1. David Suzuki
      hmmm, I don’t often wish someone ill……

      But WHEN I DO, may his demise come courtesy of a windmill powered electric Sleigh.

      For the disgusting cretin that told kids SANTA’s postal code H0H 0H0 no longer worked cause he moved from the North Pole….that would be poetic Justice.

  26. The untold story of ENRON & California selling (CONTRACTED) all that Electrical power to Enron… The Renewables didn’t Produce anything and California had to buy back their own POWER… They were losing Billions every day…..Clinton couldn’t break the Contract and California was near insolvent (Bankrupt)… The Democrat Governor resigned & the (Kennedy connected) Republican (Humping Maids) took over… GW Bush sent in a group of bean Counters (trained by same group as Susan Rice) that magically found Shareholder deception (numbered Accounts which had transferred DEBT off the books)

    What happened.. The FBI went in and the company assets disappeared into Bankruptcy Court… The California debt also disappeared… The Executives that were convicted were found not guilty on Appeal….Money all gone, Company gone & FBI Comey & his mentor happy as clams..

    Nobody remembers California’s Alternative Energy Failure… That was Enron

    1. Take a drive through old Palm Springs….Literally THousands of tons of Californias’s Alternative Energy FAILURE…sitting idle on the surrounding hills.

  27. If I open the Forbes link using Firefox under Linux, I get “This page is no longer active. We regret any inconvenience.”
    If I then go ->Print and check the “Simplify Page” box, Behold – the text reappears.
    Doh – Forbes can’t even “Memory Hole” it properly.
    Prats. Lying prats.

  28. Michael Shellenberger knew he was lieing now he has a post with IPCC and set for life is feeling guilty ! He confesses because he doesn’t want his 14 year old daughter to be lied to! An example of what the LEFT call science!
    And they want great scientist like Dr. Patrick Moore and Dr. Tim Ball band —–wow!

    1. let’s try banned—- my early morning coffee hadn’t settled in! Thanks Kate for this !
