
“Somehow humans figured out how to keep 7 billion people alive at the same time with a Rube Goldberg machine that would have taken me forever to build. And trust me I know about forever…respect that big system that works so well, it feeds almost everyone and keeps them warm and entertained and educated.” Read on…

9 Replies to “Reincarnation”

  1. “The Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment” (1:53)

    When you achieve nirvana, you stop accumulating bad karma because you’ve transcended it. Once you have fully escaped the karmic cycle, you achieve parinirvana — final nirvana — in the afterlife. Souls that have achieved parinirvana are free of the cycle of reincarnation.


    Have a great weekend everyone!

    1. “accumulating bad karma”
      I’m not trying to be argumentative or negative but take for example a disease like Alzheimer or any dementia where the personality is gradually taken from its victim. How will they be able to complete or achieve parinirvana?

      1. Nold,

        Checking the encyclopedia of Reincarnation and Karma, from what I understand, the Alzheimer’s soul gets to be reincarnated. Because as humans we are fallible we must realize that we may have many many lifetimes to complete our work.

        Check out the very last paragraph of the enclosed page from the encyclopedia:

        Perhaps I was your wife in a past life.
        Maybe I will be your wife in the next life.
        Perhaps this soul searching exchange sets it in stone.


  2. We do not need 5 of those 7. They are either our enemies, hell bent on slaughtering us, or incompetent freeloaders who cannot even survive without us. Give your head a shake! The continued existence of those extra 5 facilitates the perpetual funneling of our wealth to Africa by the scumbags in the LPC, Labour, and Democratic parties. You cant have it both ways: be against the left, and wish for the 7 billion to live on the Earth.

    1. Well said.

      Mankind has learned to feed most of the population. A Communist Government does nothing but ‘feed’ itself and tries to destroy everything that mankind built.
      They, the Communists, will eventually destroy themselves.

      “Right Acton: — work for the good of others.”
       h/ t The Eightfold Path to Enlightenment.

      “Respect that big system that works so well, it feeds almost everyone and keeps them warm and entertained and educated.”
      h/ t: Terry Etam
