34 Replies to “America at a Crossroads”

  1. Not to worry Tucker, all is going according to plan. We may not like the plan but there is a plan.

  2. Tucker is the only one not afraid to tell it like it is. He speaks for me.

  3. I really hope the Americans are dumb enough to elect the demented Joe Biden in November. It will be a pleasure to see the USA fall back into the disaster that it was during the Obama years, 50 million on food stamps, 20% unemployment in the black communities and no hope of recovery

    1. I honestly am no longer certain there should be an election in November anymore. The Dems have put everyone on notice: they will not accept a second Trump presidency, and they will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens. This civil war happened too late for them to stop the first Trump term.

      Time to arrest the MSM, Andrew Pelosi inc. What, you think this stops? Ever? Until they seize power and do the exact same thing to Conservatives?

      America as we knew it is over. Something new will arise out of it. But it will not be the America you knew.

      1. Couldn’t agree more.

        There is no point holding elections anywhere in the western world until the left and collaborationist right are crushed, and strict limits placed on the franchise to make sure liberal, socialist and globalist parties are never able to hijack elections again.

        That includes:

        —property and/or income qualifications. Some alleycat with six black babies by six thugs living in one rented room shouldn’t be voting. Her long-suffering landlord should have voting power in line with his net worth, to make sure he can turn out the trollop turning tricks on his property at will.

        —tough literacy and/or IQ tests. Some people are simply too stupid to be trusted with anything important.

        —abolition of the easily rigged secret ballot, in favour of a return to public voting by voice in front of one’s community, who will be placed in a position to shun (or worse) anybody daring to vote for a socialist or communist candidate.

      1. Maybe not. I don’t think we can get much lower than we are under Dear Leader.

  4. I remember a long time ago, we used to go out and shoot and skin coyotes, and the government would pay us a bounty for each pelt.

    I’d like government to consider a similar program today for Antifa . . .

  5. For one, I was very disappointed in Carlson last night. Did he get new marching orders from his now left leaning bosses? Will he come out for Biden next? Stay tuned. I felt like I was watching “Network”.

  6. Filthy dirty low-IQ Democrat welfare-loving N-words and their useful idiot freedom-hating Communists. We will enjoy exercising our Second Amendment Rights by gunning them down where they stand!

  7. I know this is unrelated, but I have been visiting this site for over fifteen years, and it is quite interesting, somewhat quirky, and offers a Canadian take on things. The one drawback I continually see is lack of content. Kate, you need to expand the team and allow more material, or eventually this site will wither to the pixel equivalent of four old men on a porch, whittling and discussin’ politics.

    You got a good sense of humor, please don’t take the criticism too negatively, I only wish to see you thrive.

    1. IJ there is more than adequate content here. Reading it is all that is required.

    2. This suggestion of yours — to devote more time to building wider content and an expanded team.

      Can you finish that thought. What’s in it for me?

      1. Why Kate, you would get to enjoy DDS attacks from progressives, threatening letters from lawyers, headaches from having to change service providers when enough snowflakes have hissy fits, and eventually being doxed and having your personal life disrupted, and all for little or no more money. How do you resist?

    3. “or eventually this site will wither etc. etc. etc.”
      You’re a visitor from the US and, personally, I’m sorry Americans discovered this wonderful Canadian blog.
      Up to Kate what she does and we love her.
      The last sentence “you got a good sense of humour” is so condescendingly American.

      (My apologies to Kate for sticking in my ancient nose.)

    4. This is clearly fake and should not be treated any differently than that. Nobody continues to come to a website for “15 years”(yeah right) if they had such criticism. UNLESS………..

      Could this be an alias of the famous and fatuous UNME.
      Sure sounds like him/her/it!!!!!

  8. The worst part is there is a model that works. Minnesota.

    Look at Minneapolis Minnesota. Three nights of peace and quiet after four nights of a complete sh–show. Last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Minneapolis and Saint Paul had riots with looting and arson throughout the city. They even attacked a police precinct and burnt the police precinct down. Local news ran 20-24 hours a day showing the looting and fires at night, the aftermath in the morning, and protests in the afternoon for six straight days. All day, every day was RIOT, smoldering ruins, and protests.

    Saturday Night it all changed. How?

    Governor Walz called up the ENTIRE NATIONAL GUARD and put 4000 troops and over 1500 police on the streets. On Sunday night they added another 7000 troops to the total. The riots stopped. The protests continued, but they were peaceful. Really peaceful. They made speeches, and people actually came together. By Sunday night at 11:30 pm, it was so quiet, they went back to the normal schedule of infomercials and reruns.

    For more details on what happened all last week in Minnesota, see my coment here.


    1. Antifa was in Minneapolis. On Saturday and Sunday nights the police finally had time to find and chase down their “work cars.” They were easy to find, because they had no license plates. The police would find them, chase them, and the Antifa soldiers would bail out. The police caught a few. The cars would have things like bats, hand weapons, and demolition tools, rocks and bricks, or wood and flammables inside them.

      Antifa would go from site to site and cause havoc. Bust open doors and windows, peel off the plywood coverings, create opportunities for others to loot, or just start fires. Antifa would provide brick and stone projectiles for others to throw at police. Using a car, Antifa could hit 4,5,6 different scenes in one night, leaving a nights work for authorities to clean up the looting and fire at each site. That is called an Antifa force multiplier.

      You can even see videos of Antifa PAYING people to do criminal acts.

      1. That kind of sounds like a Rico crime there. I would think some good work by the DOJ might be able to put a few of these enablers away for a very long time. George Soros might find himself in Gitmo yet. Maybe in a cell beside Trudope and Freeland.

      2. Governor Walz is a moron….What do you expect from a Democrat that “IS” ANTIFA…. The followers of Communist “WHITE” upper class provocateur’s…..They don’t give a shit about Black issues, it just gives them the opportunity for the same society control as the Dixiecrat’s……The Klan is alive and imbedded in Democrat culture……The Normal Black Americans have followed the Flim-Flam artists that attach themselves and Champion themselves above everything….The Communist elitist class needs a cause

        Black Slavery in America was minuscule compared to the Slavery of all races during the Sailing Ship ERA…The number of humans sold and bound as Labor was several orders of Magnitude (10X,10X) greater than the Plantations of the Southern States… For 300 years there has been an Opportunity Class who attached themselves to Black Americans & it was them that have always got the dollars & benefits….When you lose the Hyphen (African) it becomes easier to identify the pretenders

        Nicki Haley has shown her Color…. She is the worst kind of manipulating POS….She has zero respect for
        American fact or history….The snake in the grass…. She and her kind have no solutions for America and would lead to a civil war….


    2. Cowards and bullies never attack the strong, they seek the weak, to isolate them from the strong.
      That is our present political reality and frankly the only way to deal with a bully is to kick the shit out of them.
      All they know is the language of violence, that is why their communities are in turmoil, besides negligent leadership.

    3. rd, thank you so much for this comprehensive summary. Might you be able to post links to videos of the clampdown?

    4. rd: If the Police got off their A$$ and started using rubber bullet or real ONES would even be better it would stop this rampage and the Police Station would still be there. The thugs need to know their place in society you don’t kill, destroy people and their property without paying for it. The same way they are trying to take it away from you…WHERE IS THE WORD FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS…shoot the thugs!!

      1. The whole problem is treating black rioters as if they were peaceful protesters. They are shooting police, shoot back.

      2. The problem is that the police were told to stand down by the mayor. Same thing happened last year in Portland.

  9. Another night another fake protest.
    The reelection of Trump ,guaranteed by Democrat Operatives.
    Democrat Politicians want cities to burn.
    Actions always speak truer than words,especially the twisted words of our progressive comrades.
    Funny how every one of these Black Saints,become deified after death,by Racist Democrats ,White Suprematists who would not have given the ,now dead,the time of day,when they breathed.
    I wonder how many of the “Victimhood” can see how malicious these Progressives are?
    You only have value when you are dead.
    And only have the “protection of the party” if you stay on the reserve.

    Akmed the dead Terrorist seems to be based on the Democrat Party,for their message to their peons,”Silence I kill you”,sure sounds familiar.

  10. In all of this, the church has remained conveniently silent. This is what “liberation theology” that it preached and advocated 40 years ago has mutated into. I’m sure many clergy are pleased at the “social justice” that is on display.

  11. Well, for those interested in some similar insight, with a longer view, may I recommend “Ominous Parallels” by Leonard Peikoff.

    What they said couldn’t happen here, has happened here.

  12. I mentioned this in a comment last night, the appalling scene at the 4:40 mark is an example of the need to self protect. The 2nd. Amendment was put in place in the American Constitution before the advent of a police force in every neighbourhood. With the abandonment of major sections of American cities by the area police forces it has come to the point that self protection is now at the forefront of these ‘peaceful’ demonstrations. When the social contract that most of us believe and adhere to is fractured to the extent that we see in these news casts then it is time to self defend and if that means we all have to conceal carry then that outcome can be placed at the feet of the very people that desire to unarm us.

  13. Another thought on these protests is that they very much resemble the protest in Libya that ended with the torching of the (CIA?) compound and the deaths of four Americans. Interesting thoughts anyone?

  14. RD, can you give me a source for your comments about Antifa agitators?
